IN LIMBA ROMANA Bun venit - Poezie Romaneasca
ENGLISH VERSIONWelcome - Romanian Poems
! pentru moment in lucru !
! working area for the moment !
Multumesc pentru intelegere !
Thank you for understanding !

Simplu Poem adolescent

Gaf-Deac Ioan Jr.
I'm sorry but my poems are for the moment avaible only in Romanian

In curind :
Very Soon :

Mihai Eminescu Tudor Arghezi Lucian Blaga Alexandru Macedonski
( 1850 - 1889 ) (1880-1967) (1895-1961) (1854-1920)
Mihai EminescuTudor argheziLucian Blaga  Alexandru Macedonski


Aceasta pagina a fost gindita si realizata de Gaf-Deac Ioan Jr.. Copyright © 1997/1998 GDI

This page was concepted and builted by Gaf-Deac Ioan Jr.. Copyright © 1997/1998 GDI