Disclaimer: I do not own the 'Dawson's Creek' charaters mentioned in this fan~fic, although there are quite a few creations of my own in here. The whole story is fiction and if anything mentioned in my story happens in the show it is completely a coincidence. But that would be pretty weird huh.....also any names that might belong to someone else is also merely a coincidence. (All except Joshua Ryan which is the name of a friend.) The places are real, and some characters are based on real people. Friends...family...etc. Anyhoo...This story is my baby so if you don't like it please keep all comments to yourself. BUT if you do have any ideas or considerably nice comments then PLEASE e-mail me. I'll love you forever. hehehe anyhoo.....on to the story!

~*~Theres no summery because I love surprises...and this ones full of them. I hope you have fun finding out what's happened to everyone 'through the years.'~*~

Through the Years
Part 4

Dawson clasped his hands over his head and stretched. "So Pacey, you stayin'?"

"I don't know. Might as well right? But wait...there's a kid in your bed."

He laughed "What are we gonna do about that?"

"Well, you go in there and uhh, join Andie." Dawson stood and started to walk into the kitchen. "You know I have to work on my newest sprit some...then maybe I'll crash on the couch or something."

"Dawson I don't want to make you sleep on the couch in your own house."

"Never stopped ya before old friend." They both shared a laugh before Pacey walked into the guest room. As he opened the door and quietly entered he hung his head feeling mysteriously guilty. It took him a while before he realized his storybook relationship with Andie was almost mocking Dawson. In the meantime Dawson was back at his desk realizing for the first time that he was jealous of his very best friend in the world.

Dawson stood first in line next to Pacey. John Witter had died and Dawson felt it was his duty more then anything to show how proud he was of his friend. He couldn't hold back his grin any longer as he focused his eyes from Pacey to the women standing across from him. Andie had never looked so happy, as her smile lit up her face. Her hands were clasped tightly within Pacey's and there was no doubt in Dawson's mind that she was holding back a tear. Has she looked up and her eyes met Pacey's, Dawson's theory was proved as a single tear of happiness ran down her cheek and Pacey smiled.

And then they said 'I do.'

Dawson shook his head to rid his mind of these thoughts. He had no idea then that what Pacey had with Andie could never be duplicated, although Dawson had tried to find his own 'Andie' ever since that day. He had watched as Pacey had fallen in love, he had witnessed his friend turn his life around. And all because of a women, a women who thought the world of him. Deep inside Dawson were feelings he didn't want to own up to. He cared so much for Pacey and would always think of him as his best friend. He admired his strong will and love for his family, but Dawson couldn't help but hate the fact that Pacey had what Dawson wanted. He feared being alone and was afraid to think he may never find that 'special someone.'

Dawson shut his locker and ran his fingers through his hair with a sigh. He then adjusted his backpack on his shoulders and walked down the hallway of his high school clutching and trying to hold on to two books, a binder, and his homework assignment. On his way to his third period class he met up with Pacey who was heading the same way, to the same class. Like always Pacey was without his homework. Perhaps it was because he 'forgot,' or was it because he was 'too busy,' maybe he didn't have the time because he was being punished for 'borrowing' his father's car. Whatever the reason he was calm and cool. The teachers of Capeside High didn't scare Pacey, at times Dawson thought no one could.

Then Andie came into the picture and everything changed. Pacey was more interested in Andie then Dawson's 'Joey' problems or 'movie night.' All of a sudden his homework was always on time and he seemed to be walking on air always smiling or humming. And Dawson was happy for his friend, he really was.

But, everyday he passed the two love birds on his way to class, they'd be whispering in each others ear or kissing. Sometimes he'd listen or watch out of the corner of his eye as the two laughed and Andie playfully hit her boyfriend's shoulder. Dawson had someone to love all right...but she didn't love him back.

It wasn't fair! The fact was Dawson had worked all his life to be the best person he could be, as close to perfect as possible. Whereas Pacey had barely made it. He always did the least he could and never anything more then he was told. Well, until Andie came along. So what was it that attracted Andie to him in the first place?

Pacey laid down next to his wife, she was turned on her side facing the opposite direction. She instantly woke up and turned to meet him. "Is everything all right?"

"Ummm I think so. But, don't let it worry you. Go on, go back to sleep." She smiled and lightly kissed him before barring her head in his chest and closing her eyes. Pacey lay still until her breathing pattern became slow and steady, a sign that she was asleep. He starred up at the ceiling running his fingers through her hair and thinking about Dawson and his problems until sleep finally overcame him and he surrendered.

"Yes, that's right. And how much did you say that would be? Uh-huh. So what do you charge for children to fly? Okay." Dawson finished up his phone call as Andie walked into the kitchen. She waved and he nodded in her direction. "Okay well thanks again." He pushed the power button, turning off the phone.

"Good morning Mr. Leery. And may I ask who that was?"

"You may, it was the airline. I'm trying to get estimates on plane tickets to New York."

"Mmm." Andie was half way through a sip of coffee when she finally connected New York and plane tickets in her mind. "Oh Jen's wedding!"

"Mm-hmm." Dawson said not looking up from his lap top.

"So? Is it reasonable?"

"Well, for short notice I suppose. But it wouldn't be a problem for you anyway now would it?"

"I'm sensing your sarcasm Dawson..."

Dawson just laughed.

By Jackie

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