Disclaimer: I do not own the 'Dawson's Creek' charaters mentioned in this fan~fic, although there are quite a few creations of my own in here. The whole story is fiction and if anything mentioned in my story happens in the show it is completely a coincidence. But that would be pretty weird huh.....also any names that might belong to someone else is also merely a coincidence. (All except Joshua Ryan which is the name of a friend.) The places are real, and some characters are based on real people. Friends...family...etc. Anyhoo...This story is my baby so if you don't like it please keep all comments to yourself. BUT if you do have any ideas or considerably nice comments then PLEASE e-mail me. I'll love you forever. hehehe anyhoo.....on to the story!

~*~Theres no summery because I love surprises...and this ones full of them. I hope you have fun finding out what's happened to everyone 'through the years.'~*~

And now without further ado.....

Through the Years
Chapter 2
By Jackie

The car finally came to a stop, pulling up to a two story home. It was a beautiful home, well taken car of. The lawn in the front yard was long, reaching far out to the sidewalk, the lights along the brick path made the water that clung to the grass glisten and shine. Although the house was two stories it was rather small. A bedroom, a guest room, two bathrooms, a kitchen/dining room, a family room, and practically no backyard. Which was a good thing because Dawson barely had enough time to keep his front yard looking presentable, he didn't want to have to worry about the back. Dawson Leery was sitting, hunched over at his desk downstairs listening to the news and looking over his newest script. The glow of the television, mixed with the glow of his desk lamp and lap top kept the room fairly bright. He was just about to make a slight change in dialogue when he heard the car approach. He stood up smiling and walked out to greet his visitors. Andie was just taking Timothy out of his car seat when she first spotted Dawson. Pacey opened the opposite door letting the rest of the kids out and laughed as they fought to reach 'Uncle' Dawson first. Andy had won and practically sat on Dawson's foot and clung to his leg. Dawson greeted each of the kids with a hug and a smile. "Alright Andy...," Andie said loving, "That's enough of that. Let Uncle Dawson walk."

Dawson laughed and picked up Andy, placing him back on his feet. Andie smiled, walked over to Dawson and gave him a one handed hug. Tim giggled hitting Dawson lightly on the shoulder repeatedly. "Nice to see you too," Dawson said to Tim shaking the toddler's hand. Pacey then joined them and shook Dawson's hand before making their way into the house. "So Mr. Witter," Dawson started, "How long HAS it been since we saw each other? A week? 2?" "Thank god we live close." Andie mentioned "I don't know what I'd do if we didn't a have a close friend nearby."

Pacey took off his wife's coat and then his own, while Dawson helped with the children's. "Would you like something to drink Pacey? Andie?"

Dawson got wine from the kitchen and they sat on the couch talking while the children entertained themselves in front of the television set and played with some of Dawson's movie memorabilia. The oldest was dressed up as some villian from Start Wars, Andy and found a cowboy hat and empty water gun. The belt which held the gun was too big and it hung off one hip for that oh so child-ish look. Emily laughed at the boys and wore a silver crown, crooked on the top of her head and pretended Andy was saving her.

"So Witter...how's the car?"

"She's never been better." Pacey stated while glancing over at Andie. Andie smiled and dangled a rattling toy of Tim you was more interested in getting down and crawling around. He had just learned to walk and was still unsure of the new-found skill. 'The car' was how everyone referred to Pacey's red Viper. It had been a surprise anniversary gift from Andie to Pacey a little over a year back.


Andie never got real big during her pregnancies until the last few weeks. She wabbled out to the front yard and waited for Pacey to come out and get the newspaper. The sun was barely starting to rise and it was freezing out. The rain from the night before had left the sky a strange purple-grey color and the ground damp. Andie rubbed her arms and wondered when her husband would be out. She smiled as she looked over the driveway. She had, had the car cleaned and waxed at a nearby carwash. She would have done it herself.....glancing down at her stomach the idea was obviously out of the question. Andie had taken care placing a white sheet over the car and soothing out any folds. The car had cost a pretty penny, but imagining the look on Pacey's face......she could tell it was worth it.


It was almost 9 now. Emily was long fell asleep and Pacey had carried her into the guestroom and laid her down on the bed. Both Pacey and Andy remained downstairs in front of the TV. Their eyes had grown tired, but the two boys would never admit it.

"So Dawson, I forgot to ask last time we were here. Have you heard from Joey?"

Dawson, spoke out from behind his glass and paused to swallow before answering. "Not recently, about 2 maybe three months back she sent a letter." He stood and walked into the kitchen. He returned and sat down holding a folded piece of paper that he had removed from his refrigerator. He cleared his throat lightly and read the letter aloud:

'Dear Dawson,
My flight to Canada has been delayed. I'm going through customs and don't think I'll be catching my plane any time soon. I pulled out a piece of paper and decided to write to you while I wait.
I left Italy a few weeks back. I've been in Spain for only a couple days, but it was still an unmarked country on my list. I don't really speak the language. I can only say, "Hello, How are you?", "It is very hot,", and "Can you direct me towards the nearest restroom." I miss France and would like to return, but I want to visit Bessie and Alexander and check up on the town. I'm going to hit Canada on the way down. Maybe I'll even drop by and visit you and the Witters' while in the United States.
My last few weeks in France I got a lot done along the lines of art. I finished two paintings which as you know from past letters is very uncommon in such a relatively short period of time. I've taken a short break from landscapes. My latest pictures have been of animals and a hand full of portraits. I sold one to a young couple only because I wasn't that proud of it and they offered a good price. The other I'm expecting a couple thousand for, so I'm bringing it back to the states. No offense, but the people there will buy anything that came from Europe...even if I didn't. Oh, their starting to call names. Maybe they'll give me an idea of how long the wait will be. If its over 2 hours I'm afraid I'll have to find a new flight. I promised Bessie I'd be in my next Friday and I don't want to be rushing my self in Canada. Give my love to Pacey, Andie, and the children and tell the kids Aunt Joey's got them a surprise. If I don't make it to California I'll send it from my next destination, which will probably be Hawaii. I want to stay away from winter if at all possible.
With Love,
J. Potter'

Andie took the letter from Dawson and looked it over. She chuckled lightly to herself as she read the names of each country. "Well, she always said she'd get out of Capeside."

Dawson sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. "Oh when is she gonna come back and settle down. She can't say her art is preventing her anymore. She's already accomplished that."

And it was true. Shortly after Dawson and the couples exit from Capeside Joey had followed their example and pursued her dream to travel the world. She lived aboard and studied art history for 4 years in France. She then returned after that numerous times each year and would settle there for weeks sometimes months at a time painting and taking art classes. Joey made money where she could. She'd teach classes for fun, but most of her income came from selling paintings and art work. Both Dawson and the Witters' had bought paintings. One hung over Dawson's mantle, the other over Pacey and Andie's bed and the rest in various parts of their house. Beautiful paintings of coasts and beaches, mountains and valleys, and mooncovered lakes. Joey herself hadn't changed much. Her long to travel had been quenched, but physically she was still the same. Her playful eyes and wide smile had stayed the same, she wore her hair pulled up in a messy bun, and always tapped the end of her paintbrush on her chin during a pause in her work. The rest of the four friends hadn't changed much. There were a few obvious changes in appearance, but besides that they remained the same. Andie's once shoulder length hair was kept layered under her ears. Her body hadn't suffered from the birth of her children. She remained quite thin and her pale skin glowed like the day she was married. Pacey had grown from an attractive boy to a handsome man. For two to three years now, he carried a mustache which Andie loved. She had talked him into it, as she had so many other things. His eyes had remained their bright shade of blue and his hair still deep brown. Dawson too had taken up facial hair. He had a light '5 0'clock shadow' thing going on which complemented him nicely. Due to his light colored hair having a slight beard made him appear older, which was his intent. He had always been the straggly boy down the creek who seemed more of the 'student of the month' or 'president of the chess club' type kid then anything else.

Andie glanced over at her husband, focusing in on his sparkling eyes as he laughed at a sports comment made by Dawson. Andie adored Pacey. She hung on his every word as he spoke. The two fought, but they were the kind of spars two playful puppies would have. The fights between two flirting lovebirds. Dawson had aged nicely...but Andie only had eyes for her husband.

"Mmm...," Andie broke the silence, mid way during a sip of wine. "Thats right. I forgot to mention that I heard from Jennifer."

Dawson looked up suddenly interested. "Is that right? How's she doing?"

Andie slightly nodded. "Good, good. She says things are going well."

Jen had stayed in Capeside after everyone had left. For about a year she studying business management, but grew tired of North Carolina and what it had to offer. It was a beautiful place. Snowy winters, beautiful, calm springs, warm summers, and cool falls. Capeside got every season in its glory....yet the group of outcasts had always longed for more; and coming from New York Jen did possibly more then the rest. She grew up at a high pace and lost a lot of energy when she was contained to the sleepy town of Capeside. After that year in North Carolina she returned to New York. For months she lived in a small apartment. It had one large room and resembled more of a motel room, then an apartment. The room contained a bed, nightstand, and dresser in one corner. In the opposite corner was a small kitchen. There was a closet and window on one wall, and a door that led to a restroom.

She worked for those months as a waitress in a sleazy bar on a poorly lit corner down an alley. Nothing bad happened- an accessional bawl, but nothing more. It was mostly accompanied by drunks, poor souls who came to the bar looking to drown their sorrow and the fact that their wife has been sleeping with the tall, dark, man in a gray coat and hat that was occasionally seen driving out of the neighborhood when he got home from a long day in the office. Jen supplied the little comfort she could, as well as, as many rounds as she could without making the men pass out.

It paid fairly well, and the tips were could. But the company and surrounding were not to her standards and she longed to sit behind a desk and be paid for what she was worth. And that day came. After studying hard in a design and business school during the days, working at night, studying at every opportunity, and sleeping when she could...that day finally came. She applied and was openly accepted to a clothing design firm where she worked as a receptionist, a few short months later she was helping to create drawings and sketches for new fashions, and within the year was co-managing the company. En learned fast and her brains, determination, and ability to work with others had gotten her a high paying job, out of her hole in the wall apartment, and a worthy suiter. After weeks of working with the men and women in the firm her looks and personality had caught the attention of many men, but one young man in preticular. The two started dating and before long became in separable.

"In fact--," Andie started with a smile, "She told me to inform you with some very good news." The men both looked at her with blank expressions. Andie made a sour face, "What no guesses? Oh come on...you both know Jennifer and Blake have been engaged for well over a year now..."

Dawson and Pacey seemed to gasp as though embarssed they didn't know sooner. It was true, Blake Farson had proposed to Jen over a year ago, in fact it was coming up on two. Her friends had disscused the relationahip many a time, and Pacey and Dawson had even made a bet of wheather or not the two would last to set a date.

"Pay up buddy." Pacey said with a smrick.

"Aww, c'mon Pace...you don't want my money."

Pacey concidered the statment, looking cincer. He finally looked up at his friend. "Sure I do."

Dawson sighed, "Lemme re-phrase that....you don't NEED my money."

"True....but I want it." He held out his left hand and rubbed his thumb and idex finger together.

"Alright, alright, alright....IOU okay?"

Pacey nodded with a smile, feelign very pleased of himself and took another sip of wine. Andie left after this to put the baby down in the crib. Emily's crib had beenmoved to Dawson's house after she grew out of it, for just this accasion. The crib was a light cherry wood, unlike the other crib which was a dark, brown wood. The 'boys' crib was at the Witter's house and it had been used for all the boys.

"So when the wedding?" Dawson asked as Andie turned the handle to the door of the spare room. It was located downstairs besides the kitchen. The bedroom was upstairs. As mentioned before the house was small and the only rooms upstairs was the small bedroom with contecting bathroom. It made so the second story did not cover the whole house, and sat like a box on top of the house.

"It's in early May if memory serves." The men nodded. "Maybe all of us will finally get togather again," She laughed, "And MAYBE we'll even be able to hold Joey's attention long enough to get her here."

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