Andie: "Thank you."
Pacey: "Thank you."
Andie: "No, thank you."
Pacey: "No really thank you."
Andie: "No really thank you."
Pacey: "I insist, thank you."
Andie: "Thank you."

[hot kiss]
Pacey: "You know, we probably shouldn't do this here."
Andie: "I'm sorry, I just have a major lust issue where you're concerned."

Andie: "Oh, what's that?"
Pacey: "Uh, it's nothing. Just my history quiz."
Andie: "Oh what'd you get?"
Pacey: "Huh, never you mind."
Andie: "No, really. What'd you get?"
Pacey: "It's really none of your business."

Andie: "Yeah but more importantly I don't want you turning into some stereotypical guy that shuts down the minute a relationship starts to progress."

Andie: "It's interesting that I get the cold, shut-down Pacey but the rest of Capeside gets a taste of the old Pacey Witter, under acheiving town lothario."

Andie: "The other night it was prsonal and the fact that there's some warped revisionists version of it wafting all over the hallways make me think that osmeone's been talking. And it makes me really not want to talk to you right now."
Pacey: "Okay, if that's what you think I guess we really don't have anything to talk about."

Andie: "You sleep with me and you don't want me?......You disgust me."

Andie: "Get out."
Pacey: "We're not done."
Andie: "Oh yes we are."

Pacey: "I don't know where to start."
Andie: "You can start by getting out of the car."

Pacey: "I'm just--I'm afraid-that--"
Andie: "What?"
Pacey: "I'm afraid becuase you're the single most important being to grace my existense. Andie. I am falling hopelessly in love with you.

Pacey: "Are you going to say anything becuase I did just kinda cut it open and lay it out for you."
Andie: "Yeah, that was pretty scary."
Pacey: "That's it? That's all you have to say?
Andie: "No. I'll say that I share your fear. Your exact fear."