Pacey: "Hey lady!"
[swings Andie around and kisses her]
Andie: "Mm, what was that for?
Pacey "Mm, just 'cause."
Joey [to Jack]: "Don't even think about it."
Jack: "What? We can't have a 'just 'cause'?"
Joey: "Sure, in private, but massive suck face embraces are better left for bedrooms and private sunsets. [to Pacey and Andie] No offense.
Pacey and Andie: "None taken."

Pacey: "Boy you were a bit frosty."

Pacey: "Hypothetically speaking, if Jack were gay, how would that make you feel?"
Andie: "I guess I'd be disappointed."
Pacey: "Disappointed? Geez Andie."
Andie: "You asked me how I'd feel. I don't need this okay? I don't need to be attacked over some hypothetical feelings about a hypothetical situation that is completley and totally unfathomable."
Pacey: "Well, for his sake I hope you're right."

Andie: "You're going to apologize right?"
Pacey: "No, I'm going to take the suspension."
Andie: "What? Why would you do that?"
Pacey: "Becuase after what that man did? I'm not going to apologize to him. He doesn't deserve it."
Andie: "No, it doesn't matter what he did Pacey, you spit in his face."
Pacey: "I was there thank you."

Andie: "It'll destroy all the hard work you've done and you'll be right back at square one."
Pacey: "An academic loser?"
Andie: "That's not what I said."
Pacey: "But it's what you felt."

Pacey: "Why'd you bother coming down here?"
Andie: "Becuase I care about you."
Pacey: "Do you?"
Andie: "What kind of a question is that?"
Pacey: "A reasonable one Andie. Do you have any idea what I went through today? How much I needed your support?"
Andie: "Pacey, I can't support everything you do. I never will--."
Pacey: "I don't want you to agree with every decision I ever make. The world would be a boring place if you did. But what I am asking for is to know that someway, somehow, I'll know you're there for me."
Andie: "How dare you? I challenge one action of yours and you throw it back in my face like it's some sort of weakness?"
Pacey: "It's not just me. You weren't there for your brother, Jack, either!"
Andie: "Oh yes I was. I apologized to him and I came to apologize to you too but for some reason I was struggling with it all the way down here."

Pacey: "What would you have me do? Just stand there and let Peterson do that to him? When I knew the whole time--."
Andie: "There are other ways of handling--."
[yelling]Pacey: "--that it was my fault Andie! It was my fault. Peterson knew that he couldn't get the best of me so he went after your brother. If I hadn't instigated him that one day none of this would have ever happened. That's why I had to stop it. However I could-I just-I had to stop it."
Andie: "Why didn't you tell me that you felt responsible?"
Pacey: "Becuase didn't want to hear about it. You just wanted me to clean up the mess. And there's some messes that you just have to live with."

Pacey: "I'm gonna go home now."
Andie: "Do you want me to come with you?"
Pacey: "No, not tonight."