Pacey to Dawson: "Bingo! Which puts me about 7.4 on the Screwed Richter.
[sees Andie]
"Or make that a 7.8. The phase of mass destruction."

Andie: "You haven't called."
Pacey: "Last time I checked my phone had an incoming line."

Andie: "I should call and say what?"
Pacey: "For starters 'I'm sorry'."
Andie: "You'e right. 'I'm sorry' would be nice to hear."

Pacey: "Well, I just saw you sitting over here and I thought I'd come over and say hello. Any progress beyond that I hadn't really considered."
Andie: "Well consider this. 'Hello' is typically followed by one thing. 'Goodbye'."

Andie: "I've been looking for you."
Pacey: "No, actually I came to talk to you Andie."
Andie: "No, no, no. Before you say a word Pacey I need to say something. I want to apologize."
Pacey: "I came to apologize."
Andie: "No, no. I should be the one. I treated you so unfairly--."
Pacey: "I hurt you with my little crusade okay? I didn't stop to think about how it would affect you. I got obsessed."
Andie: "Okay wait a minute. Why do you get to be the only one who apologizes?"
Pacey: "Why are you arguing with me about it?"
Andie: "Becuase I failed you."
Pacey: "But I was self-righteous to the point of alienating everything that I care about."
Andie: "But I forced you to try and live up to these unreachable expectation--."
Pacey: "Okay Andie--please. Just shut up and let me apologize okay? This last week without you has been a living hell. And I don't want to have to go through another moment like that. I'm sorry McPhee."
Andie: "You're forgiven Pacey."
Pacey: *sigh of relief*
[looks exchanged]
Pacey: "Your turn now."

Andie: "I realize that I don't need a knight in shining armor. What I need is a partner. Someone who I can be proud to love and who's proud to love me back in spite of all my faults. And...that's you. You're the one Pacey. And I'm really sorry."
Pacey: "How come your apology was so much better than mine? I always lose to you Andie."
Andie: "Hmm."
Pacey: "Mmm. I take that back. I definitley the winner here."