Pacey: "You really shouldn't be taking this that hard Andie."
Andie: "Don't tell me how I should be feeling. I mean, if I'm upset, then I'm upset. If I feel guilty, I feel guilty. I think that those are perfectly valid feelings."
Pacey: "You're right. I'm sorry. I just don't like seeing you like this okay?"

[walking into Abby's house]
Pacey: "Okay...this is morbid. Explain to me again what this is going to accomplish, besides just making you even more freaked out."

Pacey: "What is Abby's mother saw us come in here together? She probably thinks I'm trying to get lucky in the middle of her daughter's memorial."

Pacey: "This is really creepy Andie. Can we go? Pleeeease????"
[hopping up and down]

Andie: "'Dear Diary. That new girl, Andie, is such a...psycho?! How many ways can you tell a person you don't like them?' What? 'She just won't take a hint. God, and that boyfriend of hers is such a--'.
[Pacey grabs diary]

Andie: "It's only a few hours until the funeral and I have no idea what I'm going to say."
Pacey: "Make up something. Tell them that Abby was a wonderful person, and that she'll be deeply missed and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah."
Andie: "Lie? You want me to lie?"
Pacey: "Well you could tell them the truth. That She was a hideous abomination and the world was better off without her."
Andie: "Right. And watch her mother have a heart attack and collapse in the aisle."

Andie: "God Pacey, what am I going to do?"
Pacey: "I'll give the speech."
Andie: "You would do that for me?"
Pacey: "Andie, I would do anything to keep you from having a nervous breakdown."
Andie: "I am not about to have a nervous breakdown."
Pacey: "But I'm about to have a nervous breakdown by living vicariously through you so..."

Andie: "Pacey, I'm going to do this if it kills me."
Pacey: "Well I guess we could just slip you in the coffin with Abby."
[dirty look from Andie]
Pacey: "It was a joke. I'm kidding!"