Pacey: “McPhee, I didn’t know you were a closet movie freak. I just kind of thought you were a freak in general. Ghost, The Way We Were, pardon me while I gag. Oh my god, Dumbo!”
Andie: “Okay. So I have a grade shool menatality when it comes to movies. Get off my back.”
Pacey: “No, no. I love Dumbo.”
Andie: “You love Dumbo?”

Andie: “This is really strange.”
Pacey: “What is?”
Andie: “Well, just when I’d written you off for good you drop this whole Dumbo thing on me.”

Andie: “Yeah right what’s the joke?”
Pacey: “No joke. I got no plans. And believe it or not I’d rather spend the afternoon exchanging barbs with a brat like yourself then flying solo. So pinch yourself it’s your lucky day.”

Andie: “You’re not going to throw me in front of a bus or anyting are you?”
Pacey: “That’s an interesting idea. I hadn’t thought tof that.”

Andie: “Yes it’s true. I had a brief flash of maybe feeling I didn’t possibly hate you. Hmm. But it will pass so there’s no need to get a big head or anyting.”
Pacey: “So you think it’ll pass?”
Andie: “It may pass. It most likely will pass. Unless…no. It will definitly pass. In fact I think it just did. Yep. Hmm. There it went. It’s gone.”
Pacey: “You like me. You really like me.”
Andie: “Pacey please stop torturing me.”
Pacey: “I want to but I can’t. There’s just somehting about you McPhee. You bring out the sadist in me.”