Pacey: "60 bucks for you, 60 bucks for me equals 120 dollars."
Andie: "Hmph, do you have an abacus in your pocket or did you just add that in your head?"

Pacey: "Too sentimental for you? The girl who was just yesterday was drawn to tears by a Nike commercial?"

Pacey: "I think I'm getting goosebumps. How about you?"
Andie: "Yeah, don't push me. I've got a cake knife in my hand Pacey."

Andie: "I'm not watching the ceremony."
Pacey: "Sure you are are. You're gonna watch it from my lap."Andie" "Ah-ha! Yeah right! In your dreams!

Pacey: "You're just a regular Pollyanna today aren't ya? Go easy on the sunshine sister."

Andie: "If their marriage breaks up it will be our fault."
Pacey: "Our fault? I think you mean your fault. It was your wild gesticulations that sent this baby flying in the first place."

Pacey: "You must just be disgusted right now with all this sentiment and bogus symbolism."
Andie: "Shut up Pacey"

Andie: "But I think that when we get married, we should do it in Venice. becuase it is the city of romance. What do you think?"
Pacey: "I think by the time we're 30 that city will have already have sunk into the sea so...