Andie: "I looked up to our safety mascot when I was a kid."
Pacey: "And you wonder why they call you Andie McGeek on the playground."

Andie: "And if you do the Capt. Skippy booth then we can...
[whispers something in his ear]
[Pacey thinks for a second]
Pacey: [in Capt. Skippy voice] "'Allo boys and girls. It's your old friend Capt. Skippy here!"

[Pacey doing the Capt. Skippy voice]
Pacey: "So remember what Capt. Skippy say. If you are going to have the sex then protect yourself. Do it where you can't get caught you know?"

Pacey: "I think that you should save you money blondie. The all powerful Pacey-dini will predict your futrue. I see...a tall, dark and handsome man who is occasionally brilliant and often self-effacing coming into your life and sweeping you off your feet."
Andie: "Well good, then I have something to look forward to."
Pacey: "That's funny. That's very funny. Have I ever told you how funny you are?"
[picks Andie up and swings her around]

Kid: "Hey, Capt. Skippy. You're a great big, smelly jerk!"
Pacey: [in Capt. Skippy voice] "I know you are but what am I?"
Kid: "I know you are but what am I?"
Pacey: [in normal voice] "I know you are but what am I?! ... [in Capt. Skippy voice] Capt. Skippy take break now. Bye, bye.

Pacey: "Your future is going to be so bright and so magnificent that it's off the scale. There's no measure for how wonderful your life is going to turn out."
Andie: "I wish I could believe that."
Pacey: "Well you know what? You don't have to 'cause I'll believe it for you." [kisses her hand]

This is from Dawson's Creek Headlines, so they get all the credit for it. It's the lost Pacey and Andie scene.

Pacey and Andie, arms wrapped around each other, walk home in silence.

PACEY I can't make you believe that you have a wonderful future ahead of you, Andie. I know that some people think that their lives are predetermined. (he stops and looks at her) But, I think that's crap. The future isn't already mapped out like a blueprint for what "will be" It's a wide open space-a great big blank sheet of paper with endless possibilities just waiting to be colored in.

Andie's clouded face brightens.

ANDIE You think?

PACEY Absofrigginlutely

They come to a guy on a ladder taking down some lights and stop.

PACEY (cont'd) It's just a ladder

ANDIE Do you want to take that chance?

PACEY No way.

As they circumvent the ladder, their mood has clearly lightened.

ANDIE I haven't forgotten my promise to you that we could.... (whispers something in his ear) reward for your portrayal of Captain Skippy.

PACEY Good, 'cause Captain Skippy's getting restless.

ANDIE Oh, so that's what we're calling 'it"?


ANDIE You know-"it" Don't people usually name "it"?

PACEY You mean, "it" it?


PACEY How about something a little more dignified, like, say-Thunder Mountain or Big Ben or The Rock of Gilbraltar?

Andie thinks for a minute

ANDIE No. I kinda like Captain Skippy.

The two continue their good natured banter....