Disclaimer: I don't own Dawson's Creek--thank you very much!
Author's Note: This takes place the day of high school graduation. ENJOY!

Blast From the Past
Chapter 1
By Julianna

It was only about one hour after graduation. Pacey Witter had absollutly no idea what he wanted to do with his life. All he knew was he wanted to be with Andie McPhee, the love of his life.

Pacey suddenly had the best idea that he had ever had. He went to his desk drawer and pulled out the 1200 dollars he had been saving for years. Then he got in his car and went to the jewelers.

Andie couldn't sleep that night. There was just so much to think about . Andie heard something outside her window. She went over and opened the window.

"Pacey! You're its nearly midnight and you're gonna kill yourself!"--Andie

"Well you'll have to help me, cause we wouldn't want that to happen now would we?"Pacey.

Andie took his hand and pulled him into her room.

"Why are you here Pacey?"--Andie

"Because for the past 24 hours all I could think about is you Andie. I don't ever want to leave my one and only love for anything. And I love you so much...Miss McPhee, will you marry me?"-Pacey.

Andie looked shoked as Pacey held up a beautiful ring with her favorite stone, amythest in it.

"I'd love to Pacey"--Andie.

Pacey swept Andie up in his arms and the two shared a wonderful romantic kiss.

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