Disclaimer: I don't own Dawson's Creek or any of the characters.

Livin La Vida Loca
Part 1
By Julianna

"This one?" Joey held up a light yellow dress.

"Nah. I look awful in yellow. It makes me look like a duck," said Jen.

Andie, Jen, and Joey were shopping for bridesmaids dresses. Andie's cousin,Lara, from Rhode Island was also with them. She was going to be a bridesmaid also.

"What does your dress look like, andie?" Lara asked her.

"There has been so much to do. I haven't had anytime to even look at dresses for myslef. There are so many "little things" to plan for weddings. I haven't even been able to pick out a dress," Andie yawned.

"Are you okay? You seem awfully tired lately," said Joey.

"Joey. I'm planning a wedding, looking for a house, working as a waitress and I'm pregnante. Is it any wonder I'm tired?" Andie laughed and yawned again.

"Andie, you really should get some rest," Jen said.

"I know, but theres so much to do. So, shall we find bridesmaids dresses for you three?" Andie asked.

"I think a pale blue would look nice," said Lara.

"How about this?" Joey asked, as she held up a long pale blue dress. "I like it. Do you, Andie?" Lara sad.

"Its great. You should all try it on," Andie told them, and they went to the dressing rooms.

The dresses like that looked great on all of them, and they all agreed to the pale blue dress. By the time Andie got back to her house, she was exhausted. She fell down onto the couch just as the phone rang.

"Hello?" she answered the phone.

"Hey, honey. How was shopping?" Pacey asked.

"Tiring. I can not do all this. I am so tired," Andie said.

"Well I got great news," Pacey said.

"Wht?" andie asked.

"There is a nice, small house on Emerson Court. Its for sale. Its very nice, and I'm sure you would lik it. Would you like to come with me to look at it tommorow?" Pacey asked.

"Sure. Maybe it will be the perfect house. Whattime are you going?" andie aksed.

"Umm, I can pick you up to go about 2:00, okay?" Pacey asked.

"Great. I'll see you tommorow Pacey. Bye," andie said.

"Bye" Pacey said, and they both hung up.

It only took Andie 3 minutes to fall asleep, and she was still on the couch.

The next day, at 2:00, Pacey rang Andie's doorbell. Andie opened the door. She had on a bathrobe, and looked frazzeled.

"Oh, god, Pacey. Come in. I am so sorry. I was just so tired and I woke up an hour ago. and now I'm trying to get ready. I'm sorry, Pacey,"Andie said.

"Its okay. I'll just wait for few," Pacey said.

"Thanks alot. I promise I won't be long," Andie kissed him and went upstairs. 15 minutes later, Pacey and Andie were driving to see the house on Emerson Court.

Pacey pulled up, to a small, yet lovely house.

"Oh my god, Pacey! Its beautiful," Andie said.

"From the utside. Shall we look inside of it?" Pacey asked.

2 hours later, Andie and Pacey were at Starbucks. They were celebrating. The house they had seen was a perfect size, and a great price. They had decided to buy it and were moving there at the end of the summer. Pacey and Andie had both wanted to go to college, but with a new house, marriage, and a baby, they didn't have the time or money for it. Hopefully, someday they would get to attend college.

Even though they had a house, they was still so much to be planned.

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