Disclaimer: I don't own DC or their characters.

Graduation Day
Part 2
By Danna

After Pacey, and Andie’s little break up trauma talk, they decided to both go home, and get ready for their evening plans, where Pacey would break the big news WhilePacey was driving home he was thinking of ways to tell Andie, so he started saying them out loud,

”ummm Andie I didn’t get into FL state”

Nah he thought it can not be that straight out. Then he thought

“ well Andie you know how I applied to FL state with you,well I dunno why, but...” he paused and thought Nah, and then he decided to to just go with the flow and however it comes out it does. While he was doing this Andie was on the phone with Joey telling her what had happened and she had no clue what to do. Andie told her it couldn’t be thatbad becauseif he wasn’t breaking up with her it couldn’t be anything horrible. At 6:59pm Pacey pulled into Andie’s driveway. He knocked on her door, andshe answered wearing a beautiful short black spaghetti strap dress with big dark purple flowers on it. She also had a suitcase for the bed, and breakfast as long as she was not TOO mad at Pacey. They walked into Pacey’s car, and got in, and drove to the restaurant. They said pretty much nothing the whole entire ride. The onlyaction they showed the whole ride was Andie leaning on Pacey, for they were both scared of what was about to happen. When they got to the restaurant they went in, got a table and sat down. they were looking at the menu’s, and all of a sudden Andie slammed the menu on the table and said, “I can not take this anymore” before she could finish Pacey interrupted.

“What can’t you take? me?”

“Just tell me please, what is it?”

“Calm down, and wait, I’ll tell you tonight, but I just do not want to say it straight forward.”

“See I have no clue what it is. You said you are not breaking up with me,yet that is the only thing I can think of”

“ Andie we already went over this, and that is Not it! I promise you will know before our night is over, the minute we get into the bed and breakfast, I promise!”

“ OK” , Andie manages to sit without crying. She holds back the tears, but it does not work so Pacey takes a hold of her hand, but after about 1 minute she jerked away.

“What is wrong Andie”

“I dunno I’m just scared that’s all. can we got to the bed, and breakfast after this,so you can tell me, and then after it if it is nothing that would make us mad at each other about we will then go to the movie?”

“OK well I guess” Then they got their dinner, and ate in silence. About 20 minutes later Pacey asked Andie if she was ready, she sad yes they paid and left. They drove once again in silence. When they got there they both got out of the car, and went in. Pacey got the key, and they went up into the room. Pacey sat down,and he told Andie to sit next to him. He put his arm around her, and began totalk.

“OK, well I did not know how you’d react, but I guess I have no choice now,doI?”

“Not really Pacey, I mean you know thing like is driving me nuts.”

“OK, OK, well you know ummmmmmm how we uhhhhh planed on spending the rest of our lives together, and hopefully sharing a dorm at collage, and stuff, well there has been a change.”

“so are you are saying you do not want to live with me but you still like me?”

“No, will u please let me finish and not interrupt.”

“Sorry” , Andie takes Pacey’s hand off from around her neck.

“ Well you also know how we were going to go to Florida state university together for collage, well...” he pauses and takes something out of his pocket appearing to be some kind of paper, and hands it to Andie.

”I didn’t make it” Andie opens the paper,and he continues

” so I have decided to go to Ohio state where I got it. I amsoooooooo sorry Andie.”

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