Andie: "I am so excited about the homecoming dance next weekend."
Pacey: "The homecoming dance? My god, we're hanging out with Marcia Brady."

Andie: "I'm saying dancing could possibly lead to really great foreplay."
Pacey: "I love the way you think!"

Andie: "What do you mean you don't dance?"
Pacey: "Well it's simple. I don't like it and I'm really not any good at it."
Andie: "You don't dance? You are beyond immature."
Pacey: "You're overbearing."
Andie: "Boring."
Pacey: "Hypersensitive."
Andie: "Vulgar."
Pacey: "Pick you up at 7?"
Andie: "Great."

Andie:The light was clearly red, Pacey."
Pacey:"Oh no, it was turning red, there's a difference. I agree with you, red means stop, but a light that's turning red, that's like an invitation to hit the gas."

Andie: "She's cute. He's cute..."
Pacey: "She's cute. He's cute. They've never met before. They're complete opposites. And it's going to get ugly in ooh, 20 minutes."

Pacey: "I told you McPhee. I don't dance."
Andie: "I don't believe you. I think that you're holding out on me in some power move to keep control on this relationship."
Pacey: "What relationship?"
Andie: "hmm..."

Andie: "Fine. If you don't want to dance with me I'll just find somebody who will."
Pacey: "Don't hurt the poor guy will you?"

Andie: "But then we don't owe any explanations to each other do we? We're just sparring partners right? We don't mean anymore to each other than that."
Pacey: "That's not true."

Andie: "You're funny, and you're kind, and you don't judge people. You make me feel good about myself. I mean, you didn't run screaming from my house the other day when you met my crazy old mother. And you're smart. You know, I don't know where you get this whole loser complex Pacey becuase you are so smart. And you spar better with me than anyone. And you're sharp, and you're witty, and you're brillant. And this is more than you deserve right now."

Pacey: "Sharp, witty, and brilliant huh? Anything you care to add to that?"
Andie: "If you think I find this charming Pacey, you're majorly deluded."
Pacey: "Of course. How could you? I'm a witless bore."
Andie: "Oafish clad."
Pacey: "Major cad. Kiss me?"
Andie: "Thought you'd never ask."