Pacey: "Dawson, my only accomplishment this year was to find an inspiration like Andie."

Pacey: "Ever since me and Andie, well, I mean, literally collided, she mistook me for someone else and she gave me someone to be and now that she needs my help there's not a damn thing that I can do for her. I'm failing her Dawson."

Pacey: "Andie, what is it that you want to do?"
Andie: "What do I want to do? Pacey, I want to stay here! Get help here...I...I wanna be with you. The thought of us not being together..."

Mr. McPhee: "Not fair? To whom. To my daughter or to you? Because you're just too selfish to let her go!"
Pacey: "You're absolutley right. I'm not just here on Andie's behalf, becuase if she left me I don't know what I'd do. So I guess I'm begging you for both of us sir. Please. Let Andie stay."

Pacey: "I'd like to get the hell out of here if we could."
Andie: "Where are we going?"
Pacey: "Well, Andie McPhee, I'd like to take you on a date. One where I can come over and pick you up and take you out to dinner, maybe a movie, a little romance. Believe me, this is exactly what you and I need."

Pacey: "We'll deal with tomorrow tomorrow. But tonight...tonight will be magical!"

Andie: "Do you know where we are?"
Pacey: "By the water?"
Andie: "You don't remember?"
Pacey: "Umm...of course I remember. This is where we first danced."
Andie: "And our first kiss. I remember my knees were shaking like crazy."
Pacey: "I know. My was like, boom-boom-boom-boom-boom-boom!"
Andie: "I was deliriously happy."
Pacey: "And I died and went to heaven that day. That was a long, long time ago."
Andie: "Seems like yesterday."
Pacey: "What was I back then?"
Andie: "A slacker."
Pacey: "That is what you thought isn't it?"
Andie: "And you thought I was a spoiled princess."
Pacey: "And you didn't let me get away with anything back then."
Andie: "Yeah and your favorite pastime was making me miserable."
Pacey: "Oh boy, I hated you!"
Andie: "No, I hated you more!"
Pacey: Oh Andie, I don't think that's possible."
Andie: "It's been a wild ride."
Pacey: "And it's only just begun. May I have this dance Miss. McPhee?"
Andie: "Yes Mr. Witter. You may."

Andie: "Pacey, we said no goodbyes."
Pacey: "I don't want to say goodbye. I just want to look at you. I wish I had some eloquent parting words for you but all I could think of was this: thank you. Thank you for everything you've done for me. Thank you for forcing me to be the man you made me. Just thank you. I am so grateful to you Andie."
Andie: "Oh, I don't want to let you go Pacey!"
Pacey: "Just remember your promise okay? You and me. Together again. Happy. Healthy. And more in love than ever."
Andie: "I'll remember."
Pacey: "You'll get better McPhee. And then you hurry back to me."
Andie: "Pacey...kiss me!"
[kissing as one single tear falls down Andie's cheek]
Andie: "My knees are shaking."
Pacey: "My heart..boom-boom, boom-boom."