I’m having a really mellow morning. I haven’t had any car accidents, I haven’t been diagnosed with any terminal defects and I’d really just like to keep a low pro so, buh-bye!”
Andie: “I’m sure there are a dozen dimwits with highlights and c-cups you’d rather be talking to but you’re the only person I know in Econ, so here’s the deal…”

Andie: "What if Mr. Maddox calls on me in class?"
Pacey: "Then you do what I always do, you just say 'pass'."
Andie: "Pacey, I don't say 'pass'. 'Pass' is not in my vocabulary."

Pacey: “Andie, you’re rich. Rich peoples don’t end up on the street, they end up in Florida.”

Pacey: “You know, not everybody gets to grow up like you. A fairy princess.”
Andie: “I want a divorce.”
Pacey: “Granted. You know what? We split the cash. You keep the kids, I get the car.”

Andie: “I’m sorry I’m not the biggest slacker on the planet.”
Pacey: “After all this you still think I’m lazy?”
Andie: “No, Pacey. There’s lazy and then there’s you.”

Pacey: “No, of course not. You were too busy getting into character. ‘Oh I’m just a sales clerk. A poor little sales clerk, looking for an apartment.’ You want to know the reason why this assignment is so important to you? In reality, you’ve never had a problem in your entire life. You drive around in your Saab, you buy your new clothes, you basically just throw your money away. The idea that people have to budget their monthly income is like some fascinating novelty to you. You’re rich and you’re spoiled, and that’s what it comes down to.”

Andie: “So what I want to know is, did we get the Viper?”
Pacey: “Come on. After all we’ve been through could I really get the Viper? Okay, I had to. It’s such an awesome car!”
Andie: “But that means that all our kids are stuffed into a 2-bedroom apartment.”
Pacey: “Ahh, actually it’s a 1-bedroom apartment, but you know the family that lays together, stays together."

Pacey: Let's get one thing straight. You don't know me.

Andie: Well enlighten me. My econ. grade depends on it.

Pacey: Okay, you want the broken record? Here it is. Since before the dawn of time, I have been designated the black sheep of my family. This label is permanent. I can't erase it, and I can't trade it in for a new one. I could bring home an 'A' in econ. or an 'F'. I could bring home the Nobel Peace Prize and it wouldn't make the slightest bit of difference. So Miss Perky you try growing up in a family atmosphere like that and see if you can stay motivated.