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Bible Surprises

This page will deal with things that I have found in the Bible that isn't always taught in the various denominations. I must warn you, however, that if you read this and are made aware of what the Bible says, God will no longer "Wink" his eye at ignorance. Once you are aware of the Biblical truths and choose to not follow them then you are in danger. Danger of what? Danger of losing your soul. That's what the Bible says, not me. Most of what you will read on this page comes from the Bible. So, if you proclaim to be a Christian then you may be in for a surprise at what you will read here. No, I'm not a theologian, nor am I a fanatic but I am concerned with what I found in the Bible and what is not taught to us by our clergy. Buckle up your "Christian Seat Belt" and get ready for what may be a bumpy ride for you. By the way, you might also be in danger of losing some of your friends who will look at you like you're a "Jesus Freak", or worse yet, if you start to live by some of the concepts found in the Bible, changes will take place in your life that you didn't expect.

I will include chapter and verse where it is appropriate and if you want more information than I have room for here, please contact me at either one of my two e-mail address: or Juno does not accept attachments that's one of the reasons I have the address.

Just recently, a few days ago, I found out that a friend of mine had died. His wife had died of cancer last year and he stopped taking his cancer medication because he didn't want to live anylonger without his wife. That was his choice. This made me think of what the Bible says happens after you die. If you study the Bible on this topic you will find that the Bible says that when you die, you go to the grave. You do not go to heaven, you do not go to hell. You go to "sleep", as it were, until Jesus comes back to Earth. Nothing is said about your soul going anywhere. It would be nice if Wally was now in Heaven with his wife, but it just "ain't" going to happen according to what the Bible says. The clergy who tells the bereaved parents that their child is now in Heaven with Jesus, is not telling it like it is, according to the Bible. Folk, if you believe in the Bible, and I think that most Christians do believe in the Bible as the Word of God, perhaps you had better examine it for what it says on the subjects that interest you the most. I will soon tell you how to study a subject in the Bible.

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