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My pic's

This is...the one...the only...ME!! =)

This is a pic of me, my brothers and sisters! order on the pic it's Erik, Kristine, Karisa, me, and then last but not least Stefan!

This is my dog, Joy (who thinks she's a 10 pound puppy!) ...she doesn't normally wear a scarf...that's just special for the pic =) and then next to her is my kitty, Amber!

Isn't this the coolest picture u have ever seen! haha we had a shaving cream fight one night and after we were all covered in the shaving cream we did each others hair...cute huh? starting from the left it's Tiffany, Amy, me, Becka (or we called her's her nickname her niece gave her...), and then Rebecca.

Well, now u can see us all cleaned up! it's Rebecca, Amy, Ducky, me, and Tiffany...

These are some of my friends...we are standing in front of taco bell - our Sunday night hang out after church =).

"Until you make peace with who you are, you'll never be content with what you have." - Doris Mortman
