Steps for deliverance from demonic possesion
We wage war on satan and his demons! Eph 6:12


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Steps for Deliverance

into the Living Water!

satan is a defeated foe! But he is not dead, not even sickly!

  1. Victim must be willing to be rid of the demons.
    Lk 5.12,27; 1Jn 3.3
  2. Victim must be saved.
    1Jn 2.27
  3. Make a list of all known personal sin CONFESS and RENOUNCE each sin: e.g. lies, stealing, adultery, porno, anger, pride, hate, etc.. Psalms 51.6 Behold, thou desirest truth in the inward parts:Psalms 139.23,24 Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts: And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting. Prov 28.13
  4. Victim must change their environment. Remove all sinful material: books, videos, music etc..
    Duet 13.7; Duet 7.26; Josh 6.18; Josh 7.13; Acts 19.19; Prov 28.13 Go to Seven Doors that satan uses to Enter
  5. Victim must know who they are in Christ. Study all verses that say: IN CHRIST, IN HIM. There is a link to the Advanced Bible Browser under Support Links or preferably down load the free bible.
  6. You must CONFESS and RENOUNCE in faith the known sins and the unknown sins of you're family line. Go to Generational Curses
  7. Make a list of all the people who hurt you or hurt the ones you love(d), and the ones you have resentments against. In faith before the Lord forgive them for EACH THING and ask the Lord to forgive them. (This is a choice your feelings have nothing to do with it). The demons WILL try EVERY trick to convince you otherwise! This is three separate lists!
  8. Ask the Lord to forgive you for not forgiving them.
  9. CONFESS and RENOUNCE what they have done to you.
  10. Confess to satan and the demons that they have NO LEGAL RIGHTS or place in you're life or home!
  11. Abide in Christ: STUDY His Word! Don't just read.
Call upon the Angels of God to help you to: smite the demons, enforce Gods will and His Word. Do NOT dialog/talk with the demons! When praying do so specficly: Father, I confess my sin of Witch craft, lieing, pornography etc.. I ask you to forgive me. In faith I receive you're forgivness and I renounce the sin of murder, lieing, etc.. IN JESUS' NAME. Lord, I cover each sin, each confession, and each renounceation with the BLOOD OF JESUS and seal them with THE HOLY SPIRIT! Then ask that the Holy Spirit fill any place that any demon has left or moved, In JESUS' NAME, Amen.
I personally prefer each sin, each confession, and each item of forgivness for others to be done indiviually but this not required.
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