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Frequently Asked Ram Questions

Courting Rams

Since the recent addition of a message board this is going to be a quick way to check what people have been asking several times. Or if you prefer please feel free to still e-mail the questions to me.I will update it as I see a question being asked frequently. Here are some of the ones that people have e-mailed me.

Q-1) What is the smallest number of rams a person may keep?
A:You can keep as few as one but a pair would be the best.

Q-2) What is a reasonable tank size for rams and a few other fish?
A: Anywhere from a ten gallon up would be good for them.

Q-3) Can you keep Khuli Loaches with Rams?
A: Since Khuli Loaches stay at the very bottom and do not come out very often they are fine with Rams.

Q-4) Since Rams are Cichlids why don't they need slightly alkaline water like some of the others?
A: They need acidic water because that is what they have in their natural habitat. Like Angelfish they are South American Cichlids, and need acidic water to survive.
