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Breeding Rams

The first thing you need to do is set up a tank to isolate your male and female, although mine have bred in the community aquarium it is less stressful on the parents. I would suggest putting them in a ten gallon aquarium. Before anything else is done you need to obtain a pH of at the most 6.5.(5.5 is ideal) To do this I use SeaChem's Acid Buffer which is about 5 dollars at Pet Warehouse. Click here for Pet Warehouse This seems to be the thing that worked the best for my aquarium. Next, get the temperature to about 80 degrees. After that have the aquarium heavily planted with a variety of plants. I predominatley use Amazon sword in the tank as it is a natural thing a Ram would find in the wild. Use very fine gravel so they can dig the pit to lay the eggs. I put three Swords around a corner of the aquarium to make it very secluded. After feeding them their usual fish food and maybe some blood worms they begin to dig the gravel away. After the pit is finished you can see the female begin to dip down and touch the bottom. After a while the female leaves and the male does the same thing to fertilize the eggs. After I see the pair laying eggs I always gently try to get some of the eggs separated from the parents because mine never really tend to the eggs very well. They seem to love cavior. The female will lay anywhere from 100 to 400 eggs, which look like a grain of sand(Day 1), that will hatch in about 36 to 48 hours. When they first hatch they look like the egg with a tail moving very fast. Kind of like, for a lack of a better term, sperm(Day 3). On about the third day if you haven't already I would begin the hatching process for the brine shrimp as it usually takes 24 to 36 hours. That all depends on temperature too. They will become free swimming in 4 days at which you should feed them the newly hatched brine shrimp(Day 4). The chart below shows how the fry look in the first stages of birth. Here is an interesting experiment about pH and the hatch rate of Rams