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DS9 Cast Images and comments

Captain Benjamin Sisko/Avery Brooks

Sisko is the Captain of DS9. He used to be its commander but was promoted when the original captain died. He had a wife named Jennifer who died during a fight with the borg. He was left to raise his son Jake Sisko alone. He was recently married to Kasidy Yates a frieghter Cpt. He is also the Emissary of the prophets. The prophets are beings in the wormhole and the gods of Bajor.

Constable Odo/Rene Auberjonois

Odo is a changling and cheif of Security on Deep Space Nine. Odo has been serving as CSEC since before it was DS9 and when it was Terok Nor controlled by the Cardassians. He was sent out as an infant by the founders to explore the galaxy. He was discovered by bajoran scientists in the denoris belt and taken to the Bajoran Institute of Science. He was studied by DrMora Pol.

Colnel Kira Nerys/Nana Visitor

Kira Nerys is part of the Bajoran Militia recently promoted from Major to Colnel(which makes her equal to Sisko). She is Second in command on DS9. Previously Kira was a Bajoran Terrorist. She fought in Shakaar's resistance against the Cardassian Ocupation on Bajor.

LtCmdr Jadzia Dax/Terry Ferral

Jadzia is the 8th host of the symbiont dax. She was the first trill to be taken out of the "contest" for the symbiont and then reentered. She was reentered by the previous host Curzon who had fallen in love with her. Curzon was Cpt Sisko's friend and mentor and thier relationship continued through Jadzia. Jadzia is the chief science officer on Ds9. Sadly, Jadzia's life was taken by pah possesed Dukat who didnt mean to kill her but she was in the wrong place at the wrong time. A victom of circumstance Ezri became the next host making it 9 lives for the sympbiont.

Dr Julian Bashir/Alexander Siddig

Bashir is a genetically engineered Doctor on DS9. He graduated from Starfleet Medical Academy at age26. He kept his terrible secret from Starfleet for years ,and nearly lost his position because of it.His best friend is Cheif of operations Miles O'brien who he frequently engages in an Alamo holosuite with. He also befriended an exiled Cardassian named Garak who was thought to be a spy. He recently became involved with section31 or rather a planned to destroy it.

Chief of Operations Miles O'brien/Colm Meany

Miles O'brien is Chief of operations on DS9. His best friend is Julian Bashir. He has a wife Keiko and two children Molly and Yoshi. His wife Keiko is a botanist. O'brien is an invaluble man on DS9 since he seems to be the only one who can keep it running. He's always hated the inefficient Cardassian design. He also befriended an alien who took residence in the main computer.

Lt.Cmdr Worf/Michael Dorn

LtCmdr Worf is Starfleet Security on Deep Space Nine. He previously served on the Enterprise along with O'brien. He was the first klingon in starfleet. He has a son named Alexander. He wed Jadzia Dax and hoped to have children with her. He then had to move on when she died and became good friend with Ezri Dax the next host. General Martok is a nearly a brother Worf.

Ezri Dax/Nicole Debohr

Ezri Dax is the Counselor on DS9. She is the 9th host of Dax. She became the 8th host when the Dax symbiont was in danger and she happend to be the only trill on board. Ezri is still trying to deal with all the memories and sort out the life times. This sometimes leads her to act a little eccentric. Luckily Jadzia had great friends who were more than willing to except her.

Ensign Nog/ Aron Eisenberg

Ensign Nog is an engineering officer on Deep space Nine. He was recently promoted to ensign after fighting a brave battle on the Defiant.Nog was the first Ferengi to enroll into the Starfleet Academy. He was previously working in his uncle Quark's bar. He is also Jake Sisko's best freind. He recently had a traumatic experience when he lost his leg during a fight with the Jem Hadar.

Quark/Armin Shimmerman

Quark is the ferengi barkeep.He is also the owner of the establishment and has been on DS9 since its was controlled by the Cardassians as Terok Nor. He is a greedy little ferengi who is always cooking up a scheme on DS9. He would propably always get away with them if it wasn't for that "Nosy Security Chief" Constable Odo.He is always ready to offer advice to the senior crew even when they dont want to hear it. Of course he would really prefer thier latinum

If any of this information is incorrect please let me know by emailing me. click on the adress at the bottom of the page to do so. Thanx :-)

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