I warn ya guys, this one is quite "disturbing". ^.^;; And it's , i believe the longest chapter so far. eh, just enjoy. "I am Suiko no Shin." He spoke slowly. "The creator of the vampire Touma." Shu let himself fall over this time. "God damn it i'm surrounded by them all." Before Dark Chapter 8 by SophiaChan aka TsukiChan Ryo walked slowly down the fishermans warf to the old pier. He wore his long black trench coat and sun glasses. His black hair sparkled in the sun. Beside him walked a woman not so much older than he. She wore sunglasses to, her hair pulled back into a pony tail, and her black clothing matching Ryos. Anyone on the street would have thought that this couple was out for a stroll. "It's just up ahead," Ryo said. Pointing to the old pier that stood rotting in the waves. It was right beside a small cave that came out from the cliffs a few feet away. "There." "Ooh," said his companion. "The others should be there by now." Ryo nodded. "They should be." He paused. "I love this place. So many lives came here. So many people. It was so much fun. But now it's abadoned, and people wish to tear it down due to gang violence." "Interesting." He smiled. "Yes. It sure brings back memories." Ryo slowly took his sunglasses off and his eyes caught the golden glare of the sun, as he grinned, continuing to walk to the pier. Silence. Faces frozen in shock. No one uttered a sound as Shin helped Touma up, supporting him. Suiko no Shin looked over the faces of the seeing their surprise, their fascination, and their questionable eyes. Touma looked at none of this. His head was bowed, his tears now only a few drops. Falling. The bloody tears fell to the floor, staining the peach carpet. Seiji swallowed thickly and was the first to break the deathly still silence. "How?" Was all he asked. Shin sighed deeply and stared absently, as if remembering the whole ordeal. The body in his arms shook slightly, and he lead him to a chair to sit on. Akiko moved to the side, watching them and was completely blank. Shin? The creator of the pitiful vampire before them? How? Shin was one of the most highly respected vampires in the castes, and he had given the gift of immortality to Touma Hashiba. There must be a reason for his actions. Some strange reason that would make him do what he did. Even Akiko, Princess of the Eastern Vampires, was baffled by her friends actions. Finally Shin spoke, his powerful eyes boring into Akikos. "You will recieve your answer Akiko. You will all recieve answers to the questions you hold within you." He took a deep breath. "Maybe I should start from the beginning, even before I turned Touma into a vampire." At the sound of his name and vampire in one sentence, Touma moaned a bit, slowly shaking his head trying to block out the words. "Please, no more." "Touma?" Seiji looked at him worriedly. "Do not worry, he's fine," Akiko assured. "Fine my ass!" Shu exclaimed. "He's in pain! Shin!" Shin sighed at him and continued. "Please, listen. After we, the Samurai Troopers defeated the Youja Kai, I went home for a short visit with my family. As you know my mother was ill during the time the youja kai invaded, but when I saw her again, she was new. Healthy, spontaneous and very alive. Though I was happy for her, it worried me. The night was her home it seemed to me and finally I followed her out into the darkness and into the woods. There she told me what she had become. "But even the night has ears. A Western vampire clan attacked us. They didn't bother with my mother but went after me. They said that they wanted to destroy me for what I was suppose to be and for who I was. I was ready to battle them, but took it away from my mother so she wouldn't get her. It was by the sea we fought. I was in yoroi and destroyed them all, or so I thought. I was attacked from behind and before I knew what happend I felt myself dying. They sliced through my armor like it was paper, and I saw my own blood. I had fallen, and was to weak to battle anymore. "They tried getting my Suiko yoroi, but my spirit wouldn't let them take it. I held firmly onto it, and to life. Annoyed they threw me over the cliffs and into the sea below. " He stopped and chuckled slightly. "Luckily my armor recharged quickly and allowed me to use it's strength to get me to shore. After the swim I collapsed on the sand and fell asleep. When I awoke, I saw a blurred vision of my mother smiling down at me, and what I believe was blood on her lips. She said to me, 'rest now. You will feel stronger when night comes.' It was then I knew that I was a vampire." He looked at his human friends and smiled slightly. Shu had his mouth wide open, trying to take in the words that he had said. Seiji was hard to read. His serious face was always there so no help in telling what he was thinking. "And as soon as he was a vampire," Akiko began. "He was brought to me as all new vampires are, so I won't end up slaying them when I'm on the hunt." Seiji nodded. "Okay, so Shin became a vampire and a friend of yours." He paused. "But what about Touma?" "Poor Touma." "Akiko he doesn't need your sympathy." "All I'm saying that a pathetic guy like him shouldn't be a vampire." Shu scowled. "Touma isn't pathetic Slayer. The only pathetic one i see here is you." "Me?" "Yes you." "And why do you say that?" "Because, because, because you mis judge a good guy like Touma in being pathetic but when he's actually one of the strongest Troopers here! He's one of my best friends, he helps me, I trust him.And I won't let my friends get hounded by the likes of you!" Akiko ripped the stake out of the wall and twirled it in her hands, threatening Shu. As you can see, both have bad tempers. "Oh yeah muscle man?? Let me see how good you explain friendship when I stake you where the sun don't sh-" Shin stood between them before and blood was shed. "That's enough! Akiko, Shu, be quiet. I had enough of hearing you bicker." "Ya your 'highness' you don't wanna get hurt," Shu snickered. "Ah up yours fat boy." "WHAT?!" Shu tried to shove past Shin. "Let me at her! Let me at her!" "SHUT UP!!!!" Silence. The group stared at Touma whos head was bowed, his shoulders hunched over, but his voice strong. "There will be no more bickering here." He lifted his head, eyeing the group with human eyes. "No more." "Touma," Seiji smiled. Shin let go of Shu's shirt and they smiled themselves. Akiko crossed her arms and stared at Touma menacingly. "Why should I listen to you?" He shurgged. "You don't have to, but if you wanna here my story then shut the hell up and sit down!" Akiko blinked and abruptly sat on the floor. "Finally." Touma sighed and combed his fingers through his hair. "All your yelling is giving me a head ache." "Touma," Seiji said softly. "Can you tell us, how you became, became .." He couldn't say it. "A vampire," Touma finsihed for him. "I will tell you." He looked at Shin who nodded. "Everything." "After the battle with the youja kai, I went home to my fathers apartment. As usual he wasn't home. No messages from my mother; an empty house. It made me feel small and empty. No one to talk to, no one to hear how my days were, and no one to have fun with. It was awful, and I fell downwards into a world of remorse...and that's when I met them...." Touma sighed as he walked through the streets of downtown Yokohama. The evening was cold and the crowd on "Fishermans Warf" had already left the setting sun to the sea. Toumas lonely shadow danced slowly behind him, strecthing it's arms to the sky and followed in a syncronized pace with its true form. It stared towards the purplish sky, the area where stars were beginning to appear, and it subconciously wished upon the first star it saw. Never be alone. Never to be alone again. To have a family and love them as they would love me. Samurai Troopers where are you now? Alone too? Probably not. It was answered back. Why little star do you cry? You don't have to be alone, continue to where you go and that's where destiny lies. The shadow sighed in sync with Touma and quickly ran to catch up to him. "Never be alone....." Touma whirled around at the soft voice. No one was there. He frowned and shrugged, turning back and continued to walk. "Join us Touma.... we understand you...." Alarmed and feeling a presence, Touma leaped into the air, but didn't go into his sub armor. He landed on a lamp post and stared down at a group of young men, with a single girl. They were all dressed in black, their faces slightly pale in the sunset, and they looked up at Touma grinning. "Well, you are spry," one said. "Come on down and join us." "Why? I do not know who you are." The one who seemed to be the leader spoke again. "Hey, we're teenagers just like you. Come on, we're going to the abandoned pier to- " he paused. "to have some fun. Why don't you join us?" "What kind of fun?" "Fun that happens before dark." He grinned. "And then fun after may differ." Touma frowned, thinking. They seem okay. I don't sense anything the matter with them. Should I go? The leader smiled. "Well, we're gonna go now. Catch up with us if you can." They began to walk away, as Touma watched them disappear down the warf, and leapt down from the post, contemplating on what to do. Come on, go and have fun, his mind told him. Who knows, you might actually enjoy what they have instore. Don't trust them Touma, his heart told him. Don't! Something is wrong with them. I don't know what but something is. They're cold. Heartless. Listen to me. Come on Touma, listen to me. Your mind, and quit listening to your heart. This is the time to have fun! What are you gonna do? Go to a darkn empty home? An apartment with no love? Don't be stupid. I'm not stupid. He argued. And I'm not gonna sit here and not do anything. I'm gonna go and have fun. Touma nodded and ran after the group. They made a bonfire on the old pier, abandoned wharehouses loomed over them. The sun had almost finished setting as Touma looked at the world that swirled around him. Everything was moving fast. Laughter, howling and salty sprays of water from the sea crashing on the poles under the pier, added to the party that was happening. The young men danced around the fire, holding bottles of some red liquid high, chanting words of a battle that made no sense. Touma flew down to stop his diziness. His mind was right. This was fun. "Touma?" Touma looked up and saw the young teenage girl looking down at him. He slowly sat up as she sat beside him, hugging her knees. They stared out over the ocean, ignoring the party behind them. "Touma, you shouldn't be here." The girl whispered to him. "It's dangerous." "Dangerous? Hell i'm having fun. Your friends are pretty cool." "But Touma," she glanced back at the guys and then back at him. "They are not what they seem. I am not what I seem. Your in danger here. They picked you to be a...." she paused. "We are a gang touma. A VERY dangerous gang. And tonight is a battle against our rivals. The rivals are not human. We are not human. Tenku no Touma, please." "What? How did-" "Yukari!" They looked up and saw the leader walking to them. He held a bottle in his hand. Yukari stood, but looked down at Touma. "Please Touma, go while you still can." She turned and walked past the leader, back to the party and the dancing around the flames. The leader looked down at Touma a grinned as he stood. He held out the bottle to him. "You're a pretty good guy Touma. I decided to let you join us. Here, have a drink. To celebrate the life before dark." "What is it?" Touma asked, taking the bottle. It was something like wine would be in. The stuff inside was red so it probably was wine. "Well Boi, what is it?" Boi continued to grin. "Drink." Something told him not to. Something warned him, but he did not listen. He placed the bottles rim to his cold lips and titled it into the air, the contents slowly coming towards his mouth. A single drop touched his lips when a scream cut through the air. Touma and Boi turned towards the fire and saw the "rivals" had appeared. "What's going on?" Touma asked. "Party time." Touma gasped as he saw Boi's face. It was disfigured, like that of an animal. The skin pulled back tightly, pointy cheek bones, and golden eyes that flashed angrily. But what scared Touma the most was the white fangs that catched the last ray of sun. "My game face," Boi howled as he shrieked highly, and flew into the crowd. The sun set. The blood bath began. Eastern Vampires vs. the Western Vampires. They growled liek animals, flying towards eachother with great speed; kicking, grunting, punching, biting, screaming. An eastern vampire was thrown into the fire that he had danced around and the flames exploded, licking higher into the sky. Touma dropped the bottle, it shattered at his feet. He saw the blood. He touched his lips. "Oh dear god no." He slowly backed away. Tried to pull his eyes from the massacre that was held before him, but he didn't have the strength to. He watched in horror as the vampires destroyed one another. Yukari too was battling and had grabbed a broken bottle, slashing it across her enemies face. It screamed and fell to the ground in pain. As she raised her hands to strike the final blow another vamp grabbed her from behind and pulled her away. "NOOOO!!!" Touma screamed and plunged into the group, quickly having the attention turned on him as he killed most of the western vampires. Over half the easterners were dead anyways. He quickly went into his yoroi and shot his golden arrows into the hearts of the dancing demons. Flames rolled into the sky, blood landed upon his cheeks, staining his armor red. "An armor wearer!!! Get him!!!" "RUN TOUMA! RUN!!!!" Yukari screamed, getting dragged away into the darkness."RUN!!!!" The vampires advanced and Touma found himself surrounded. His mind was in a daze, it was all to much for him. The mangled bodies, and blood everywhere. Bodies. Blood. Bodies. Blood. Bodies. Blood. Destruction. Tenku yoroi. Red. Evil. Bodies. Blood. Tenku yoroi. All because of him. Touma screamed, going on the brink of insanity. He leapt into the air, calling off his armor and tore through the vampires screaming. They chased down the old pier. Growling, hissing. Blood everywhere. Touma fell and skidded on the old wood to the edge of the pier. They closed in. They bit. He moaned, feeling his blood being taken. It felt as if he was being caressed on the inside by a thousand fingers. His eyes rolled back into his head, his soul burning with in. "CHO RYU HA!!!!!!" The vampires looked up to the dark sea and saw the wave of water come towards them. They screamed as they were blasted back. Shin quickly leapt up, and stabbed each remaining western vampire, killing them with his weapon. He then turned to Touma and cradled him in his arms. "Touma?" Shin whispered anxiously. "Touma? Can you hear me?" Touma faintly heard him. He seemed so far away. "Shin?" "Dear god. They, oh god. Touma listen to me. You got to tell me. You want to live?" "Live?" Live? Ha! And go back to the emptiness? He had to be kidding! So much blood. So much death. so much destruction. Everything was bad!! He wouldn't be able to forget the event he just witnessed and fought in. Pain was growing inside him. I wanna die, his soul whispered. Please, this is all to much. But seeing the blurred worried face of Shin, he saw what he had to live for, and slowly nodded. "Please help." "Okay, this might be painful." ........... "I nodded and closed my eyes, my body burning from within as my soul screamed. My was slipping into unconciousness, but barely remembered the words kissed into my ear: forget me Touma. i am not your master." Tears stained the peach carpeted floor. Touma wiped the bloody tears out of his eyes, and stared at the group before him. They each stared intently at him. "I died then. Technically yes i did. My soul disappeared. But Shin brought my body back to life. Nothing more." "Touma...." Seiji moved to him and embraced him. Tenku felt a tear land on his shoulder. Was Seiji actually crying? Yes. He was. He hadn't cried since the last battle when Ryo had "died." Now, Seiji cried knowing that another of his friends was "dead". Touma hugged him back. "Don't worry. I got used to it." Akiko spoke. "So that's why you don't remember who created you. The words of the creator have great influence of a new vampire. Shin wished for you not to remember that HE was the one who created you. So the memory of his birth was pushed into his subconciousness, except for the masacre that happend shortly before." Touma looked at Shin who bowed his head. "That is all I remember clearly. The screaming. The blood." "I didn't want you to die Touma. I couldn't let you. There was no time to get you to the hospital and I couldn't think of what else to do. I'm sorry." There was silence in the room. The sun outside was beginning to set. Shu sighed and decided to lighten up the mood. "So what do you have for food Touma? I mean you packed down over half the dinner last night." He smiled. "Blood. I pass from time to time, stealing whatever blood I can from the hospitals." "What no blood bank?" Touma laughed. "No blood bank." "Sooooo..... now what happens?" Akiko frowned and stood. "We have to find the leader of the Western vampires. There have been to many attacks on the people of the city and my own people." "But who is the leader?" Shu asked. "The legend said that a Japanese ninja would become traitor and have western vampire blood in him, and lead the westerners to conquer Japan." "Wow. He actually remembered the legend." Shu stuck his tongue out at Shin, who stood and looked out the window. "Akiko, tell em about the western vampires." Akiko nodded. "These vampires are ranked like us. But one thing that differs is that they mostly like the dark, so they attack in the dark. It's their best way to hunt also, as for all vampires, but these are especially skilled for the hunt." She paused. "Crap. I just figured it out. They are coming to attack me, and you guys since you have to yoroi." Seiji looked outside. "And the sun is setting." "Master?" the auburned hair woman asked the young man who sat on a tree branch, of a pine. "Master, the sun is setting. The hunt will begin." The young man nodded. "Yes. Good. We will attack shortly. Go and ready the others." She nodded and turned away. "Oh and Nasuti, please bring me something to drink. I am ever so hungry. A nice kitten will suffice." Nasuti nodded and bowed. "Yes my master." She smiled. "Ryo." To be continued.... *dies* this took me over 3 hours to do!!!! Yes. it was strange, very. oh well. Thank you minna who acknowledge that this fanfiction is worth reading! *hugs hugs* And if ya wanna post it on ur pages go ahead! eh just look it over cuz i have found MAJOR spelling mistakes!! *hugs hugs*. Sophia:.. people actually like this! yes! Seiji: u been staring at the screen to long. Touma: i think her brain warped. Shu: i actually didn't end the story this time! Sophia: I like pepsi. ~SophiaChan