Hello minna, figured i should get Chapter 3 done of my Vampire fic. Just waiting here for another vampire one to come from my friend. Miyu: sorry, i don't work good under pressure Sophia: :P hurry it up! i want Chapter 9! Miyu: :PP i'm not a writing machine like you you know!!!! So here's Chapter 3 and enjoy! oh yeah, i'm finally bringing in Shu and Shin. ^_^ ....oooh and you are going to love how this one ends.... hehehehehehehehhe.... Sophia... stay off the tea for a while..... Before Dark by SophiaChan aka Tsukichan She knew she was being watched. It kept it's distance, but not so far enough that she wouldn't sense it. She walked along the road. All alone, dressed in her usual hunting clothes. A suspiscous kidnapping or homicide had taken place at the plae she was going to. She was told to investigate. The sun was already beginning to set, and she hated being out in the woods in the darkness. It was easier for her prey to move about in. They would be able to sneak up on her in the shadows. Well some of them would. She knew all the levels of vampires. From those that were eternally ugly who drank the blood of sewer rats, to those that could pass for being human for they could stand the a certain amount of time in the sun and not burn up. And there where those in the middle, where crosses and holy water sometimes worked on some and sometime didn't work on others...... Why thank you Seiji Date. If you didn't run into me in the halls I wouldn't have missed my training session, the i wouldn't have had to stay after school and do it, and then miss my bus, and then be so late that i'm NOW WALKING IN THE DARK!!!!!!! She hoped her thoughts got to him and hurt him good, but as she continued to walk along the road, she knew that it would take more than some nasty thoughts to get to Seiji. She smirked... "He is somewhat cute... in a cold way... I wonder, if he is one of them. I heard legends, but maybe..." She slowly broke off , and stopped walking as she heard a sound coming towards her. The sound of the shadows breaking apart for a dead wind to whirl beside her. The wind blew through her hair, and she stood ready for the attack. "Alright you ugly piece pf the living dead! Come on out! I know that you are a vampire, and you know that I am going to kill you!" There was silence, though the dead wind continued to blew. She suddenly gasped and flung herself to the side as a hand flew out of the darkness. Blood flew into the air from the small cut that was put upon her cheek.... She put a hand to her bleeding cheek. "God damnit! Do you know how long it took me to put on that make up!?!" The being in black stood before her, and laughed slightly. "Vampire....." "No kidding. I know your a vampire. Now I'm going to send you to the hell you came from!" She growled and flicked her wrist to summon her stake. It didn't show up. "NANI?!?" she flicked her wrist again. No stake. "OH shit!" It must have fallen when i ran into Seiji. My stake. With out it I won't be able to kick some demon butt..... oh crap.... well, gotta make the best of this! The being moved towards her, and she flipped backwards, feeling the heels of her shoes hit the vampire in the face. It growled and moved towards her again. The girl stood in attack position and dodged the vampires punches. She leapt into the air and hurricaned kicked the demon. "Had enough?" she asked as it stumbled backwards, cradling it's head. "Or do you want some more?" It hissed at her. "You.....think... you can stop.... the Western Vampires?..... you are a fool. You kill vampires... even your own." She brushed her black bangs out of her eyes. "You are the one who is wrong. The Eastern Vampires need a chance to live. They are not as wild as you are! I only kill those who dare kill a citezin of my country. But killing you westerners is no problem for me. I will hunt everyone of you down until you realize that the Westerners will not invade our land again." The vampire laughed. "Fool..... I have a warrior .......in my clan....... Japanese by human blood, but..... Western in vampire.... he is one of us now and he is leading the attack in....... destroying your princess.......He will bring .......out the demon ........world once again...." She gasped. "You demon!!" She ran towards the vampire as it laughed and then gasped as it grabbed her arm and twisted it back, snapping it in half. She screamed..... and screamed........ and screamed....... "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" Shu screamed in terror, clutching tightly, holding onto dear life, as the car swerved around a corner of the hill. His knuckles were almost white now, as the blood drained from them from clutching the dashboard to hard. He quickly stole a glance at the driver of the vehicle. 'YOU'RE GOING TO KILL US!" "Come on," Shin sighed. "I'm not that bad." "Not that bad?!? Shin, if i wasn't wearing my seat belt i would be flying through the windshield of this car by now! You're worse at driving a car than Seiji!" As Shin drove, he turned to face Shu and give him a hard glare. "And since when do you know how to comment of driving?" "Eyes on the road! Eyes on the road!!!" Shu waved frantically to the wheel. "oh!" Shin took a steady grip on the wheel, taking the car under complete control. He was silent for a moment, a glanced carefully at shu, exmaining him. "Are you okay?" "With your driving??? Hell i'm lucky to be alive!" Shu exclaimed. "Whatever. Hey, listen, you hear from Nasuti yet?" "No, not for the past three days, but she said that today was the meeting. Didn't she?" "Yes. Though i haven't heard from her. I called her a couple of times but there wasn't an answer. Even the university doesn't know where she is." shin paused. "You see the news this morning?" Shu nodded. "Ya, i hope.... i hope that she's alright." "Ya... hey, i'm gonna speed up. The sun is setting and you know how spooky it gets when we drive downt hat road to Nasutis." "Hell ya. Geez, you could have some vampires coming out of there or something!" Shin again turned to Shu, but this time held a firm grip on the wheel. He gave him an inquisitive look. "Vampires?" Shu nodded. "You know.... dracula... I vant to vuck your vlood!" He gave a corny impression of a night of the living dead vampire with the bad Transylvanian accent. (authors note: and transylvanians don't really speak like that! i know!) The auburn haired guy chuckled slightly. "Shu you are one screwed up guy you know that?" He sighed. "When did we get so diffrent?" Shu laughed and shurged. 'I don't know. It's been almost a year since everyone last saw eachother. We sure have changed....---shin look out!!!" Shin turned to the road and gasped, quickly stepping on the brakes as he saw a girl walk infront of the car. It was too late. the girl was taken under the car and crushed beneath the wheels. The car rolled to a stop, as the two glanced at each other in shock. "You... you hit her, Shin." Shu gasped. "I didn't just hit her! I RAN her over!!!!!' Shin wailed, quickly leaping out of the car to run to see the body lying motionless on the road. He stopped midway and stared at the girl, as Shu came up behind him. "Is she?" shin shook his head. "I don't know. Look, there's no blood." They slowly stepped forwards togther, towards the body, cautiously as if she was about to pop up and yell at them. Finally they knelt beside the girl and looked her over carefully. A few bruised, and a slight scratch on her cheek that was bleeding slightly. Her chest rose up and down in shallow breaths. "Look," shu pointed out. "She's breathing." "But how? She was taken directly under the weels." "Hey, look. she's moaning. She must be alive then." "No kidding." Shin looked down at the girl and leaned closer, hearing a whisper. He understood and glanced at Shu. "Stand guard. Make sure no oe is coming." Shu nodded, and stood, his back turned toward Shin and the girl. Shin took his chance, leaning again to the girl and kissed her scrathced cheek, feeling the blood against his lips and in his thoart. He wanted more.... NO! He would hurt her then.... no more.... Finally Shin stood, as Shu turned around catching him wipe his mouth with the back of his hand. Shin looked serious."Listen, we can't leave her here. We got to take her with us. Help me carry her to the car." Shu nodded and the two carefully picked up the injured girl to the car. They climbed in the vehicle themselves and quickly sped off towards the direction of the estate. Shu glanced at Shin with curiousity. "why are we taking her to the mansion? She needs a hospital." Shin glanced back at the girl who lay on the backseat, still unconcious but breathing, hardly showing any signs of injury, and then returned his focus on the road ahead of him, flicking on the headlights. "Because no hospital can help her." The car sewerved around another corner, with the two friends and their passengers like shadows. The night slowly creeping up in the rearview mirror. If either on of them had bothered to glance back out the window they would have caught a glance of another passenger that clung to the roof of the vehicle, smiling, showing off the perfect long incissors, that disappeared with the sun set. It ran through the crowd. It was soo hungry. It hadn't eaten all day... or the previous day. It felt to sick. Something was churning inside it. It's world was upside down. Even the fluid it had earlier didn't seem to settle it's stomache. Nothing would.... only ..... only the red liquid that it was forced to survive on..... blood..... Must..... must get some blood...... i need..... It stumbled out from the hell it was in and came upon a small playground. There was only one kid there. He seemed to be about the age of nine or ten and was playing with a stick, using it as a stick. "I am Jun of the Wind! My kanji is safety!" Jun swung his"sword" to attack a trash can. "I, a Samurai Trooper, will banquish all you annoying youja back to your world! I will armor up! Buso-" He stopped sensing that he was being watched, and turned to see a teenage boy looking at him, seemingly to be in pain.... "Kobonwa ni-chan!" Jun waved to him. Seeing that he wasn't going to move, he ran over to the teenager. "I missed you!" It nodded slightly, the hunger growing inside him. Jun looked at it curiously. "What's wrong? You look hurt. You want me to go get someone to help you?" Jun turned to get help, but It grabbed his arm and he turned back to look at It. "No... i'm fine.... just hungry....." "Oh, if that's all, i can share with you my food. I got some rice cakes left." "That's not what I need, Jun." Jun looked at It. Something in his friends voice seemed to be strange. Jun hadn't seen him i over a year, and now this guy looked like her just came out of the gutter. What had happend in the time between the defeat of the youja kai and now? Whatever happend, it frightend Jun, and now he wanted to get away, but he couldn't. He seemed hypnotized by the pleading eyes... "Well, what do you need?" It slowly went towards, putting a strong hand on the kids neck. "What.... i .... need..... is...blood." Jun gasped as he felt the cold lips against his neck. He shook slightly, afraid of the truth. He couldn't escape, so he let himself be taken. Jun moaned slightly as the vampire that held him, took what it needed.... only a few drops of the innocence staining the fallen "sword", followed by the body of the warrior of the wind. To Be Continued........ YES! I got it done! bwa ha ha ha ha ha! Well what do you think? I'm very well pleased with this Chapter if i do say so myself. I like it. Yeesh it gave me a good idea for a manga! No one take it!!!! Well i gotta thank my muse... Sophia: Thank you muse... Muse: *eating some peanuts* Ur welcome... Well Chapter four is coming soon! i am in a major writing mood so watch out!!! hahahahahahahahahha! ~SophiaChan who goes to eat a noon breakfast