Below are copies of emails from customers who have tried CD ROM Census Records. I hope you enjoy researching with this new concept also.
God Bless You!
--- Mary Brooks
Letters From Customers
This is GREAT! Just like being in the library viewing the pages on the viewer only worlds better. There sure are a lot of pages on the roll. I am having a blast. Thank you Mary. I appreciate the fruits of your labor. I can imagine how tedious it must have been.
Once again thank you. I will recommend your service to anyone who wants a census CD reminding them that it will take time so they won't be as worrisome as I was. I am a very satisfied client as if you couldn't tell........Jean
Cd of Caddo county received and examined closely. Found my grandfather and great uncle. No problem viewing. Have just submitted another order. Thanks. ........Lonnie
I heard about your company from a posting on the US Gen Web Census mailing list.
There were several companies mentioned by different people. Some people had bad
experiences with some companies others had good experiences. The lady that
posted information about you was very complimentary (I understand why) and her
note was a big factor in my decision. If you don't mind I would like to post a
note about the quality of your product and service to the census list myself
because I too am certainly pleased with both........Morris
I received my CD's and want you to know they work great! I am able to work
on the census data and transcribe. I know quite a few people have questions
as to the readability of CD's. No problems here! There were some questions
on the mail list concerning your company: quality of the CD's time to
receive etc. I will certainly recommend your company to the USGenWeb
Project. Thank you........Mary
Wow! I can't believe all you have to offer! And the prices! I've just placed my first order. You are a god send to us that live out in the boonies and don't get into the city where the big libraries are. I've been looking for weeks now for a place to buy microfilm of census's but they're so expensive....I don't know how I found your place but now I don't even have to go to the library (like I would have if I had bought microfilm). I can look at the census's at home! THANK YOU!!!........Laura
I can't tell you how much we gleaned from the Alabama data you sent us. I hope that I am that lucky with the Minnesota files. I have recommended your service to others. Your personal attention and an aim to please with careful attention to the amount of results for the money spent is unusual and welcome. Others should emulate your customer service. Thanks again!........Ann
Images of the pages of the United States Census Records from 1790 through 1920 are now available on Cd Rom. These images are scanned using special equipment that scans at 400 dpi (dots per inch) which gives much better quality than the usual 300 dpi (dots per inch) used.
When you receive your Cd Rom place it in your computer and view it with "Imaging by Kodak" which has been installed on most Windows 95 and Windows 98 systems. This program will read compressed .tif images file by file. Most of these images are best viewed by at 100% by using the zoom feature in the program.
Mac users can view these images by using "Image Viewer by Kodak for the Mac". See the downloading NOTE below if you don't have this program on your system.
Irfan View" is also available for free download for Windows. This program can be used to view .tif images and advance from page to page opening only one file. You can then research these images in the comfort of your home. See downloading NOTE below.
NOTE: "Image Viewer by Kodak" for the Mac is sponsored by Eastman and is available for download at this link:
Image Viewer by Kodak.
NOTE: "Irfan View" is by Irfan Siljan and is available for download at this link:
Irfan View.
The "Census Records" link below will take you to each state. After selecting your state you will find a list of those counties in the state and the price for them. The counties that are not listed are $37. Larger cities sometimes were microfilmed separately from the county in which they existed. Therefore when ordering that county you would possibly not receive the larger city and would need to order that city separately.
The original census schedules for 1790 for some counties are missing. No schedules are known to exist for Delaware Georgia Kentucky New Jersey Tennessee and Virginia; apparently they were destroyed during the British attack on Washington during the War of 1812. Most of the 1890 population schedules were badly damaged by fire in the Commerce Department Building in January 1921.
When you are ready to place your order click on "Order Form". This is a secure site and your credit card information is protected. There is an order form for mailing your order in also.
Some of the original census pages were not maintained very well therefore when microfilmed were not legible. We can not guarantee these microfilms will produce quality images. Please be aware before you order that the microfilm will need to be ordered and scanned to the CD after your order is received under most circumstances. Shipping time is running about ten weeks unless the county has already been scanned. If the county has been scanned the CD will be shipped immediately.
Please see the "Banner" link below for down-loading Banners.
If you would like to have your Family History published on FAMILY TREE DATADEX please send your GED COM or PAF file to me by e-mail by clicking COMMENTS below.