No One Else--Xena's Scroll

“Please, Xena?”

Oh, my devious little bard! She had gotten me all stretched out on my stomach on the bed, and straddled my ass. Even through the layers of clothing separating us…my shift and both of our underwear, I could still feel her damp heat soaking through. She used her fingertips to work the flesh of my back in deep circles. Occasionally, she would run into a knot and linger there, dissolving it with her knowing fingers. I should have realized when she had offered me a backrub, she had ulterior motives.

Her fingers stroked over my shoulders now, and I stifled a groan when I felt her lean in closer to me, the tips of her breasts barely touching my back.

“It’s not that far out of the way, is it?” she asked, her voice suddenly very close to my right ear.

It was hard to maintain my stoicism when she was working this hard on me. I kept my face burrowed in the fur, and muttered something non-committal.

“What was that, Darling?” she husked, and this time she punctuated her statement by giving a long slow lick over the outer rim of my ear.

I couldn’t suppress the goosebumps that her tongue brought about. I pulled back from the fur just enough so my voice would be clearer. “It’ll take us at least a day out of our way.”

“Where were we headed?”

I grinned outright then, and felt her hands give my shoulders a squeeze. “Uh huh…that’s what I thought. You were just giving me a hard time, weren’t you?”

“No,” I shook my head vehemently. “I wasn’t ‘just’ giving you a hard time. I was also hoping to get a sexual favor or two out of it.”

She laughed them, and I suddenly felt her nipples pressing more firmly into my back. “If you want my sexual favors, all you have to do is ask,” she told me.

I turned my head so I could see her features glowing in the firelight. “I know that,” I said with a beatific smile. “But it’s so much more fun teasing you to get them.”

She giggled and swatted at me, making me turn my head so I was looking face down again. Her voice whispered so low to me, that I had to strain my ears to hear her. “I think it’s more fun too.” Her tongue swabbed my ear again, and I felt her nails digging into my shoulders a little firmer. She seemed to be done talking for now, at least with her mouth.

We left the next morning for Amazon country. A young pregnant widow named Seneca had joined the tribe a few months back, and had recently given birth to triplets. We had found that out from a messenger headed north to spread the news, and there was to be a huge celebration on the full moon.

Gabrielle looked for any excuse to visit her tribe, and I couldn’t blame her. I didn’t mind nearly as much as I let on. I had made some real friends among the Amazons, and always had plenty of volunteers to spar with. Besides that, the Amazons made the finest ale I had ever had.

Gabrielle was full of talk as we traveled along. It was an exceptionally warm day, and I had been working Argo hard lately, so I walked along with my bard, responding to her questions and listening to her talk.

One of the main topics of conversations was the last time we had visited with Ephiny, the curly haired regent of Gabrielle’s tribe who ruled in Gabrielle’s absence. It had only been a couple of months back when Ephiny had been on her way to the centaur village to retrieve her son Xenan, and we had made camp with her to catch up on old times.

It had turned out to be more than that though, as Ephiny had inadvertently brought up a subject I had tried to avoid. But she had, and that led to a cleansing talk with Gabrielle, where we both admitted to some of our past secrets. Mine were worse than hers (Weren’t they always?), but we both felt the relief from guilt when it was all over with. Besides that, it led to a night of some of the wildest sex we’d ever had. I must admit, that’s one of the standouts in my thoughts when I remembered our last visit with Ephiny.

We arrived at the Amazon camp just before sundown, and found a blur of activities around us. We had passed two of the hunting parties on the way in, and knew there were several others out and about searching for specific game.

Everyone else seemed to be doing their own tasks at the camp, but they all stopped long enough to greet us warmly. I suspected most of them accepted me only because I had been Gabrielle’s champion, but I could deal with that. There were many places I wouldn’t be welcomed if it weren’t for Gabrielle’s presence.

“Hello, Gabrielle, Xena.” Ephiny approached us then, smiling brightly. At least I think it was Ephiny. She was covered from head to toe in a fine sheen of dust.

“Ephiny?” Gabrielle laughed, as she stepped back, her hands in the air to forgo the offered hug. “What in Tartarus have you been doing?’

There was another flash of white as Ephiny grinned at us. “I’ve been training Xenan to scout, and this is camouflage.”

“It certainly is,” Gabrielle continued to laugh. “But aren’t you getting ready for the ceremony?”

“Nope,” Ephiny replied with a shrug. “That’s what the members of the tribe are for. Since I’m in charge…”

“You get to sit back and take orders,” I supplied.

“Well, sort of.” Ephiny held out her hands to indicate she hadn’t exactly been sitting back.

“Yeah, but that’s fun,” I said, as we turned to walk with her.


“Where’s Xenan now?” Gabrielle asked.

“Eponin took him for tree climbing practice,” Ephiny replied. I glanced at Gabrielle, wondering how it was possible for a centaur to climb trees, but she just grinned “They’ll be back in an hour our so.” She had walked us to the doorway of the hut we usually stayed in, but hesitated. “I’m going to take a bath before I do anything else,” she said. “Do you two want to join me?”

We had been on the road for a while, and although I didn’t look as bad as Ephiny, I know I could have done with a good washing. I’m sure Gabrielle felt the same way, and was surprised when she shook her head “no”.

“I’ll be along in a little while,” she said, with a smile. “But first, I’ve got to get a peek at those triplets.”

“I should have known. I’ll go with you, Ephiny,” I said, handing Gabrielle her saddlebag. She took it, but I wouldn’t let it go, until I could bend down and collect a brief kiss. Then I picked up my own saddlebag and walked with Ephiny to the river.

Actually, I was kind of glad to get this time alone with Ephiny. I needed her advice on something when Gabrielle wasn’t around, and as always, Ephiny was most helpful. She gave me the information I needed, and as soon as my bath was finished, I took her up on her advice.

I was stretched out by the river, still waiting for Gabrielle, when I heard unfamiliar footsteps. I was on my feet in an instant, my chakram ready.

“It’s me…Ephiny!” I heard, and relaxed as Ephiny appeared out of the trees.

“Sorry, Ephiny, it’s a habit,” I said sitting back down. “I was expecting Gabrielle.”

She nodded as she approached. “There…uh…seems to be a little problem,” she told me.

Ephiny wasn’t one to beat around the bush, under normal circumstances, but she was looking very uncomfortable. “What is it?” I finally asked.

“Gabrielle’s upset about something,” she answered. “She’s in the communal hut, and…uh…”

“What?” I snapped, suddenly a bit alarmed and definitely not in the mood for games.

“Well, Xena…she seems to be snockered on Amazon ale.”

My eyes widened. “Gabrielle?” I had to ask.

Ephiny nodded. “She’s been at it for quite a while, since this afternoon. And she’s not very happy. She won’t talk to anyone.”

I was on my feet again in an instant. This didn’t sound like Gabrielle at all. “Are you sure she’s not sick?” I asked.

Ephiny was shaking her head. “I saw it myself. She’s quite drunk.”

“All right, I’ll go check it out. Thanks, Ephiny.” With a sigh, I put my scabbard back on, and made the trek back to the Amazon village quickly.

On the trek back, I thought back to the few times Gabrielle had drunk alcohol before. Just a glass or two of port had been enough to put her in an extremely good mood. An extremely friendly mood. She had never drunk more than enough to have more than a mild headache the next morning. In fact, I always felt the effects of her drinking more than she did, as she had the tendency to make love to me voraciously. The way Ephiny was talking though, she had already flown past the “mild headache” stage, though. I gave an involuntary shudder when I thought about what that more than likely would mean for me.

Gabrielle knew she was supposed to meet me by the river that evening, and the very fact that she chose to drink instead of meeting with me that she had to be upset with me for something.

Now, I just had to figure out what it was.

We had been getting along very well lately, and I couldn’t remember the last time we had shared a cross word. I teased her a lot, but she had always claimed she liked that.

But then, I gave an inner groan when I thought of our visit to Rastrus, about a month ago. There was a little barmaid there, who had taken an instant liking to me. She was a cute little thing to be sure, and I had seen my little bard live up to her eye color the moment she saw the girl sidle up to me. I had teased Gabrielle just a bit by returning some of the barmaid’s teasing, but only for a few minutes. Then I had taken Gabrielle up to our room and convinced her over and over again she was the only one for me.

No, that couldn’t be it. It had happened too long ago for her to just now get angry over it. No, it had to be more recent than that…

The amazing thing was, lately, with the single exception of the barmaid which had been spontaneous, I had been making a conscious effort not to make Gabrielle jealous. I knew jealousy could be a healthy emotion, but I didn’t like Gabrielle to suffer from it too much. The gods know my past was jaded enough with lovers that Gabrielle would always have plenty to feel she was competing with.

In my mind, there was no competition. Since Gabrielle and I had been together, she fulfilled every need and desire I had to perfection. But still, everyone has a flicker of insecurity.

Then I began to think that maybe she wasn’t drinking out of jealousy. Perhaps I had simply done something to rile her temper. The gods know I had all sorts of little habits that could tick her off. It seemed as if the first few months we traveled together, every day one of us would point out a habit in the other that bothered us. Some of them, like her chewing on her hair when she wrote, were easily controlled with a little concentration. Others, like my mumbling in my sleep were much harder to conquer. But those we couldn’t control, we had learned to live with. No, that wasn’t that…Gabrielle would never seek the solace of the bottle over something as trivial as that. It had to be a much more strong emotion…one like jealousy.

So I was right back where I had started from.

I was almost to the communal hut, still walking a few steps behind Ephiny, when the obvious hit me. Gabrielle’s anger had just developed today. It had to be over Ephiny!

My mind raced back to when we had first seen her that day, and how quickly I had jumped at the chance to share a bath with Ephiny. I did have ulterior motives, of course, but they might not be what Gabrielle had figured. It was unusual for Gabrielle to pass up a bath, and when I had returned from mine, she DID seem a little distant. Perhaps, the anger was already festering in her then, and since I was distracted, I didn’t take enough note of it. Yes, that had to be it. And when Ephiny had come to the hut and asked to talk to me, I had asked Gabrielle to join me by the river later. She had said she would, but apparently, she changed her mind. Was it possible she had approached the river, and saw Ephiny and I with our heads close to each other, whispering? We had done that, just in case someone might overhear us. Our talk was totally innocent of course, but if Gabrielle had jumped to conclusions…

Yep, that had to be it. She thought I was flirting with Ephiny for some unknown reason. Surely to the gods, she didn’t think I was trying to get even with her for what had happened when we had first met Ephiny! It had been before Gabrielle and I had admitted our love, and Gabrielle had been upset with me then. Ephiny had seen the opening, and tried to make a move on Gabrielle. I was angered when I had first learned about that, but had long ago let that anger go. I suppose it was possible Gabrielle didn’t believe that, and thought I was trying to get even.

Tired of guessing and second guessing, I pulled open the door to the hut, and stepped inside.

Gabrielle wasn’t hard to spot. The hut was full of Amazons, but they seemed to be cutting one corner of the hut a wide berth. Several of them looked at me nervously as I passed by them. Others, I noticed, looked grateful. But I ignored them all as I made my way to my love.

She was hunched over a table in the far corner, her eyes not straying any further than the cup and bottle in front of her. I sat down in the chair next to her.

“Look,” she said suddenly, in a low even voice. “I know you want to help, but this is the last time I’m going to tell any of you. Get away from me, or you’ll regret it.”

I had to grin at that. I couldn’t help it. She could probably take on anyone else in this village and beat them soundly. Anyone else but me. I quit smiling quickly though when she looked up at me with blurry eyes.

“Oh, it’s you.”

Apparently, I didn’t impress her much. “Yeah, it’s me,” I answered, leaning forward to look right at her. “What in Tartarus is going on, Gabrielle?”

She blinked at me a couple of times, and I could see she was having trouble processing the question. Finally, she responded, “Not a thing, Xena. I just came her to spend some time with my Amazons.”

I snorted. “Then how come you’re chasing them away?”

She lifted her heavy head and looked to either side of her. “They’re all around me, Xena.”

I knew better than to argue with a drunk, so I didn’t even bother. She wasn’t acting as if she was angry with me necessarily, but she wasn’t being overly-friendly either. “Why don’t we go back to our hut?” I asked, slipping an arm around her. I gave her shoulder a little squeeze, as I tried to urge her to stand up.

She didn’t budge. “Go on without me,” she told me. “I wanna finish the bottle, and then I’ll come to the hut.”

I shook my head stubbornly. “I don’t wanna go without you,” I told her. I gave her what I thought was my most charming smile. “I’ll get lonely.”

She pretty well answered my questions about the jealousy issue then. “Lonely? You? Who do you think you’re kidding? You’ve always got plenty of women to keep you company.”

I tried to give her the same winning smile. “But I want YOU to keep me company.”

“I wouldn’t be much company right now,” I heard her mutter. I do believe I heard a note of self-pity in her voice.

“Come on,” I said, urging her to get up again. “Let’s get out of here…please.”

She got to her feet finally, and lurched a little, but I had an arm around her, holding her upright. Still, several of the Amazons around us reacted with exclamations.

This fired Gabrielle up, and she jerked herself away from me suddenly. “Get away from me, Xena,” she snarled.

“Huh?” I’d never expected to hear that tone of voice directed at me.

She gave me a look full of irritation. “I said get away from me. You’re the reason I’m in this shape to begin with.”

“Can’t we go outside and talk about this?” I asked, not entirely comfortable with all the curious eyes around us.

She glanced around, and then blessedly nodded. I moved to take her arm again, but she pointedly jerked away yet again. With a sigh, I followed her out of the hut.

She whirled on me, the moment the door was shut, a finger hovering just below my nose. “You got me out of there, like you wanted. Now leave me alone!” She walked toward our hut with a slight stagger.

I watched her go for a minute, still a little taken aback by this. I had never seen Gabrielle so belligerent toward me.

“Uh, Gabrielle?” I asked as she pulled open the door to the hut. Her head slowly swung to face me.


I swallowed my pride, and did my best to look meek. “Please, can I come in? I’m awfully tired.”

“I’m sure Little Miss Fuckme has room for you in her bed. “ She scowled at me, and entered the hut anyway, pulling the door shut behind her.

I stood there for a second, letting that sink in, and trying to decide the best course of action.

A few seconds later, the door to the hut opened again. “Come on,” she said, like I was a stranded puppy. I fought back a grin as I followed her in.

Once inside, she sat down at the small table. “I shoulda brought the bottle,” she mumbled, propping her head up on bent elbows.

I was afraid she was going to ask me to retrieve it, but she didn’t. Instead, she turned in her chair and eventually focused her gaze directly at me.

“Look at you,” she sneered.

I sat down on the bed, opposite her. “Come on, “ I gestured. I steeled myself for whatever hurtful things she wanted to tell me. “Please go ahead and tell me what you’re thinking of me.”

She blinked slowly. “Huh?”

I leaned back on my outstretched arms with a sigh. “I know you’re mad at me. So why don’t you go ahead and yell at me and get it out of your system?”

She stood up abruptly, the chair making a loud scraping noise on the floor. “What makes you think I’m mad at you, Xena?” she asked.

I looked up at her. She had her arms crossed over her chest, and the look on her face was as feral as I have ever seen. It should have alarmed me, but instead, I felt a surge of wetness between my thighs. Mixed in with the fierocity was definitely a heapful helping of lust.

I allowed a slight smile to creep over my features. “Uh, maybe the fact that you’re looking at me like you want to chop me into little bitty pieces and feed me to a pack of wolves.”

I saw her features relax slightly. “Is that what you think?” she asked.

“The thought did cross my mind.”

She raised her eyebrows at me, thoughtfully. “I’m not mad at you,” she said finally. “I could no more be mad at the wind for blowing one of my scrolls away. It’s just doing what comes naturally to it.”

I tried to make sense of what that exactly meant, and wondered if it was just drunk talk or something more. She suddenly pressed even closer, straddling one of my knees.

“I know you do what comes naturally,” she purred, pushing her face even closer to mine. “But can’t you try to control yourself…for me?”

Her face kept changing expressions, and I was finding it hard to keep up with her. “Control myself?” I echoed.

“Oh come now, Xena,” she tsked. “You’re not going to play dumb now, are you?”

“No, I’m not playing dumb.” I was telling the truth. I still didn’t have a clue what she was talking about.

She continued to sit on my knee, slowly rubbing up and down it while studying my features. “Do you love me?” she asked, suddenly.

“With all that I am,” I answered immediately.

She slowly nodded. “I want you to do something,” she told me.

Now, I raised MY eyebrows. “Oh yeah?”

“Yeah.” She slowly stroked her hands up my lower arms and all the way up over my shoulders and collarbone, until she was cradling my face in her hands. “I want you to do something that won’t come naturally for you. Will you?”

I shrugged. “You gotta give me a clue here,” I replied. “You know I’m all for some unnatural acts, but you gotta give me a clue.”

Her hands left my face to reverse their slow path down my body, ending up holding me around my wrists. “I don’t want you running off on me,” she told me. “I know you have…old friends here, but wanna know you’re going to love only me.”

There was real sincerity in her voice, and a twinge of hurt. I couldn’t comprehend how she had gotten this worked up because I had taken a bath with Ephiny. I decided it was time to come clean.”

“Gabrielle…my love…I want to tell y-“ She shut me up by pressing two fingers to my lips.

“Hush now, Xena,” she said huskily. “I don’t want that slick tongue of yours doing anything but dancing in my cunt tonight. Do you think you can manage that?”

Her fingers hadn’t left my lips, so I just let my tongue poked out and lick over her fingertips. She grinned, and then slid her fingers into my mouth. “I’ll take that as a ‘yes’”, she said happily, and her fingers came away long enough so she could give me a quick kiss.

She pulled herself off my lap then, and once again, looked down at me. “Take off your clothes, Xena,” she said quietly. “I want to see you strip for me.”

I reached for my armbands, and removed them, and then my breastplate. I unfastened my leathers and stood to pull them off my body. When I sat back on the bed to pull my boots off, Gabrielle wandered off to the corner of the room. I looked over, and saw she was digging in MY saddlebag, which was lying on a small table. With a grin I couldn’t quite control, I finally pulled my shift over my head. I figured she was getting out the phallus.

“Are you naked?” she asked me over her shoulder.

“Mmm…yeah,” I answered.

“Good.” She still didn’t face me, as she said. “Lie down on the bed now.” I moved to do her bidding, and was surprised when she added, “Face down.”

I was very curious now, but also very willing to see what she was cooking up. “All right,” I replied, and did as she bid. I folded my hands under my chin, and on a whim, bent my knees and stuck my feet up in the air as I waited.

She turned finally, and took in my pose. “Gods, Xena, are you trying to kill me?”

I waved my feet a little bit for emphasis. “Nope, just waiting patiently.”

“Uh huh,” she said, enigmatically. I was laying with my head at the foot of the bed, and she stood right in front of me. She reached for the ties on her shirt, and began to get undressed in front of me.

I lifted my head slightly from the bed. “Would you like me to help you?” I asked.

“No,” she answered. “You just get to watch.”

And watch I did, as she seductively bared her body, inch by inch, taking an eternity it seemed, until she was naked as I was. For a moment, she just stood in front of me again Her arousal reached me in waves, and I felt my pussy contracting in tune with it. Gods, I was suddenly even more on fire for her.

Then she turned toward the saddlebag again. My eyes were trained on the luscious twin globes of her ass as she walked the short distance to the table. When she turned around, she was holding up some leather straps, but not the straps of the phallus harness that I expected.

“You know what I want?” she asked, holding the leather bindings before my face.

“Yes,” I answered finally. There was no mistaking the gleam in her eye.

Her eyes bore into mine. “And do you accept?”

I know the ale was making her more daring…more aggressive. At the same time, it her actions were sending vibrations of excitement directly into my cunt, which was continuously tingling with even more sensation. Tonight promised to be filled with surprises and ecstasy.

“I accept,” I answered her solemnly.

“Show me your acceptance,” she said immediately, and the leather was brushing lightly against my cheek.

I knew what she wanted. Would I be willing to give it to her? Without hesitance, I turned my head and kissed the bindings, letting my tongue sneak out to linger on them. She jerked them away.

“Put your hands behind your back, you dirty whore,” she said then, her voice even.

I glanced upward at her, and was surprised to see no malice in her expression. If anything, she was looking at me with nothing but wistful love. I felt the jolt in my cunt from her words, and dutifully put my hands behind my back.

“Very good,” she murmured, and then I felt her tying the leather straps around my wrists. I’m sure she was using a knot I had taught her, and the moment her hands released me, I tugged at the bonds, testing both the strength of the leather and the knot. They were very strong.

“Close your eyes, Xena.”

Once again, I had to look into her eyes. And once again, I saw only her desire for me. A desire I shared, and I knew my own eyes were reflecting back to her.

“Close them, my beautiful slut.” Something in the quiet commanding tone she used told me I wouldn’t regret obeying, and I closed my eyes.

I smiled when she softly kissed my eyelids. It tickled. Then I felt a vague sense of alarm when I felt a cool cloth being pressed against my eyes. My head bucked involuntarily, but she clucked her tongue. “You said you accepted,” she reminded me.

I held still and let her finish, and when I felt her hands release me, I tried to open my yes. I was able to barely crack them. As I expected, I couldn’t see a thing.

I could feel the closeness as she leaned toward me. “How do you feel, Xena?” she asked me.

I appraised my situation. “I feel helpless,” I answered.

“Mmm…and are you aroused at all?” Goosebumps broke out over my skin when I felt her hand stroking over the upper part of my back.

I gritted my teeth. “You know I am,” I answered.

“Good. So am I.”

I found with my sense of sight gone, that my other senses had kicked in even more strongly. I concentrated on my sense of smell, and became aware of a number of scents around me. There were subtle odors of such things as the candles burning around the room, our shampoo, and the bedclothes. But there were three fragrances dominating all the others. Namely, the juices of two women with drenched pussies, and the taint of alcohol that seemed to cling to Gabrielle.

I could smell that very scent beside me now, and then felt the slight give of the bed, as she climbed on it beside me.

I lifted my head and strained to listen for a clue, but without the rustle of her clothing, I couldn’t hear a thing. I was holding my body perfectly rigid, and my breathing even stopped when I sensed her hand was hovering just above the dip on my lower back, just above my buttocks. She wasn’t touching my skin, but her hand was close enough to brush over the fine hairs there. “Oh gods!” I couldn’t keep my damned mouth from moaning out my pleasure.

I heard her chuckle. “You can feel that?” she asked, amazed.

“Yes,” I whispered.

She continued for a few more seconds, until I was shivering with sensation. Then her hand was barely touching me.

It was one of the most sensitive and ticklish spots on my body, as she well knew. My bound hands came down to try to cover the spot, but she easily shoved them away. When I felt her tongue touching me there, my hands came down again, this time to stroke over the crown of her head, encouraging her.

She stopped far too soon for me, but it was okay, because her hands were moving lower, to my butt. At first, she used that light stroke she had used on my back, which just made me squirm beneath her. Her fingers pressed more firmly into my flesh, as she splayed them and stroked over the length of my buttocks. Each caress seemed to be a little more direct, and eventually, I was feeling the exquisite scraping of her fingernails over me. I loved the sensation of her nails stroking me.

Her voice, so near my ear, startled me a little. “Spread your legs, Xena.”

I did so, with no hesitation.

Then Gabrielle said something that confused me even more. With one statement, I knew without a doubt that it WAS jealousy that had driven her to this, but realized, I had thought she was jealous over the wrong person.

“You spread them so quickly for me, My Pet. Did you spread them that quickly for your little whore, Fauna?”

Fauna! She was upset over something that had happened years ago, at the same time she was having struggles with her emotions over Ephiny’s advances. I thought we had worked out the situation, and Gabrielle had promised me she bore no ill will toward me or the blonde Amazon in regards to what had happened. She had actually said she felt a little sorry for Fauna, knowing that the whole time I was fucking her, I was imagining it was Gabrielle.

I HAD to ask her. “Gabrielle, did you have a run in with Fauna today?”

“No, Xena…I didn’t have to. And it was probably a good thing too.”

I had just opened my mouth to tell her again, that Fauna meant nothing to me, when I felt one of her fingers trace a path through the cleft of my ass cheeks, and then penetrate my cunt hole to the first knuckle. She wiggled the finger just a bit, allowing me to feel her presence. My mouth snapped shut. Later, much later, I would talk to her again, assuring her I had no lingering feelings for Fauna. For the present time, I was just going to enjoy the proprietary emotions her jealousy had brought out in her.

“You ARE aroused,” she was musing, as she slid the finger in further. “ Your pussy is soaked. What brought all this about, Xena? Are you going to pretend I’m not the one with you tonight?”

“Never,” I managed to gasp, trying desperately to reassure you. “It’s only you I want, Gabrielle…only you can do this to one else.”

“Do this to you?” she repeated, and I felt another finger plunge in to join the first. I jerked forward on the bed with the force of her thrust, but it was good.


She began to fuck me hard, in strong demanding thrusts, her tongue licking over my ass as she continued. I would have loved to see the look on her face, as I felt anger in her movements, but at the same time, I felt the throbbing in my cunt with the pleasure of it all. She wasn’t thrusting into me to hurt me…she was thrusting into me to prove that I did belong to her. I liked this side of my bard.

I felt her other hand slap across my ass. “Up on your knees, Xena,” she told me, and she helped me to do as she bid. It was difficult with my arms bound above me, and I turned my head, so I wouldn’t smother in the quilt covering the bed.

“Perfect.” I felt her move, so she had her right arm wrapped around my waist. I braced myself for her.

“How many fingers, Xena?”

“As many as you think I deserve.”

She chuckled approvingly, and I opened my mouth to hers when she pressed her lips to mine. Her tongue began to move in my mouth rhythmically, as I felt a third and then a fourth finger slip in.

I gasped against her with the intensity. She had great leverage to move her hand, and was twisting with each inward stroke, making sure every inch of my vaginal walls felt her fingers touch against it. She wasn’t touching my clit, but it felt like it was going to explode at any time, regardless. She must have sensed it.

“You’ve taken my whole hand before,” I heard her whisper questioningly.

I couldn’t answer, instead just groaned against her mouth, as I felt the tip of her thumb insinuating itself in my wetness. Yes, I had taken her fist on that night after we discussed our encounters with Fauna and Ephiny, and she had been so hesitant to do it, but seemed thrilled by the intimacy when I finally convinced her I needed her to be inside me completely.

Slowly, I felt her thumb make it’s way inside me. The last time, she had tucked it in against her palm as she made her first entrance, but this time, she was making no efforts to minimize the effect. It was a tight fit, but my lubrications slickened her hand and aided her. The second she was inside, my body expressed its profound relief and I was climaxing frenetically.

“Gods, yes!” I cried out, and would have collapsed on the bed if it weren’t for her arm around me, holding me up. She gave me a second to regain my breath, and then her hand was moving.

“Oh Xena, that is so sexy,” I heard her whisper, and after another stroke of her tongue over mine, she was straightening up. I knew she was watching her hand disappear inside my body.

I grunted again, and began to rock back and forth on the bed, aiding the rhythm of her thrusts. My clit pounded when I felt her tongue lick around my bulging lips.

“So soon, Xena?” she marveled, as she read the signs in my body. I was losing the smoothness of my movements, and the erratic lurches of my body told her I was about to come again.

“I can’t help it, Gabrielle. This is sooo good,” and I was there again, this time my legs giving way beneath me, despite her grip. She easily followed the movement, and what could have been a dangerous situation with my sudden movement became another intense wave of orgasm for me.

For a moment, she stayed inside me, stroking my ass, and making little whimpering sounds of want. I know this complete submergence inside me made her own cunt pulsate with desire. And then she slowly pulled out of me, using a gentle twisting motion as she left my depths. It didn’t hurt, and the second she was out of me, my core cried out its loss.

I lay there on my stomach, fulfilled, and yet still hungry, and I heard the unmistakable sound of her licking her hand, in order to clean it of my secretions. I was grateful she saved some for me though, and immediately sucked in the two fingers she pressed at my mouth.

“How do you feel, Xena?” I heard her ask me.

“I want you,” I answered honestly. My voice sounded strangled.

“Want me how?”

“I want to suck your pussy,” I said, knowing it sounded crude, but hoping it would tell her exactly how hot I was for her.

“I want that too,” she was saying. “Roll over, on your back.”

The softness of the bed kept it from hurting too much when I laid on my bound hands, and by propping my feet on the bed, I was able to take some of the weight off them. I waited for her next move.

She didn’t make me wait long, and I loved the feeling of her thighs straddling either side of my face. It didn’t take long for me to realize she was facing my feet, as she lowered her sopping cunt onto my lips.

“That’s it,” I told her, and then I was licking up the length of her, drinking up some of her copious moisture. She rubbed her crotch along my face, then settled in so my nose was resting against her opening and my lower lip was touching her clit. It had hardened into a slippery little nub, and I worked my mouth hard, trying to hang onto it.

“That’s good, Xena,” I heard her moan, and her weight shifted slightly as she leaned forward a bit to grasp my nipples. She twisted them in unison with the slight movements of her cunt above my face, making sure my own arousal didn’t have a chance to subside.

“Suck my clit, you dirty whore,” she gasped above me, but her juices were making her so slippery it was hard for me to do it. Finally, I opened my mouth and the whole of her cunt settled in and I created a suction that I know she could feel to her toes.

“Gods!” I heard her scream it out in surprise, as I inundated her with sensations. She wiggled against me, riding out all she was feeling, spurting juices into my mouth. I gulped them down greedily, savoring the rich sweetness of her, and when her movements began to slow, I released her womanhood, only to dive back in and lick up and down the length of her slit. I could feel the goosebumps rise on her thighs on either side of my face as she trembled in pleasure.

I wanted to continue, and when she started to lift herself from me, my teeth gently grasped a labia, and she yelped in surprise. I was careful not to hurt her, and hummed gratefully, when I felt her sink back down on my face again. This time, my lips closed around her clit, and I was able to nurse hungrily at her, rubbing my nose into the wetness of her entrance.

“You’re going to make me come again, Xena,” she whispered, and I hummed out a response. That was certainly the plan, and I sucked harder, using my teeth to hold her in place as I worked my tongue repeatedly over the head of her clit. I felt her right hand leave my breast and slide down over my body, until she was cupping the heat of my own pussy as I brought her over again. Her fingers played repeatedly with my clit as she rubbed herself over my chin and mouth, milking her orgasm for all it was worth. Gods, if only I could see her! Not being able to watch my bard come was one of the worst punishments she could have inflicted on me!

This time I allowed her to crawl off me, and she did so slowly. I made a beseeching sound in my throat when her hand left my center, but I knew she wasn’t done with me. She laid the length of her body over mine, and her nipples were rock hard against the top of my breasts as I felt her mouth press to mine once again. My arms were totally numb now, and the stress on them caused my shoulders to ache, but I ignored the pain. She totally distracted me when she licked her lips over the lower half of my face, licking up her own taste.

Eventually, she raised her head. I know she was watching my face, and my eyes strained to see hers. The blindfold was even more frustrating than having my arms bound. “Please…” I finally heard myself say, in that same strangled tone.

“Please what?” she asked.

“Please, untie me. I’ll behave, I promise.”

The delightful little laugh she gave me raised the hairs on the back of my neck. “You’ll behave, huh?” She seemed to consider it, then said, “All right.” I obliged when she half rolled me onto my side, and I felt her fingers trying to undo the knot. I had tugged at it so fiercely, though, it had tightened too much, and her warmth left me as she left the bed to retrieve something to cut it with.

She did so quickly, and I pulled my arms from behind my back, and immediately began to rub some feeling back into them. When her own hands took over, rubbing over my biceps, I reached for the blindfold.

“No!” she surprised me by slapping my hand away. “I didn’t say you could take the blindfold off, and you promised you’d behave!”

I used my most sincere voice. “I want to see you,” I told her.

“No!” she repeated. “Not yet…don’t think I’m not still in control.”

There was NO doubt about that, but I decided to obey, not really in the mood for a punishment right now. Overriding that was a curiosity as to what she had planned next. I heard a sound, but wasn’t sure what she was doing. I became aware that she was standing in front of me now.

“On your hands and knees, Slut,” she ordered.

Once again, I obeyed without question, and I allowed her to guide my head. When my lips touched the wooden object, I knew she had finally strapped the phallus into place. I sucked her in immediately.

“Mmm…” I could tell from her voice she had thrown her head back, and her fingers didn’t release me as I gave her head. One of my favorite activities in the past was using my oral skills on a man’s dick, and I threw myself into pleasuring my bard’s dick with the same gusto. I made sure my movements were strong enough that she could feel the pressure against her clit as I slurped her in, making wet, erotic noises with the suction. She was gently thrusting her hips into my mouth, making sure not to choke me, and eventually, I felt my lips touching her pubic hair. I could taste fresh liquid there, as her cunt continued to pour out juices.

“Okay, that’s enough,” I heard the shake in her voice as she wound her fingers through my hair more tightly, and pulled my head back. I licked over my lips, my eyes used to the darkness now, but feeling denied so much by not being able to see her. Her fingers relaxed in my hair, and then one pulled free to stroke over my lips.

“Your mouth is the best, Xena,” she was whispering. “Did Fauna think so too?”

Her words brought me back to the present time, and the reason I was in this position. How was I to answer a question like that? I swallowed hard, and finally said, “I don’t know.”

“I’m sure she did,” she told me, but my response didn’t seem to have angered her any. The bed shifted as she knelt behind me again, and wrapped her hands around my waist.

“What do you want me to do, Xena?” I heard her ask.

I lowered my head to the bed. “I want you to fuck me, Gabrielle. I NEED you to fuck me.”

She stroked over my entire cunt. “I believe you,” she whispered, “but I have to taste you first.”

My mind reeled with the thought of what she must look like. From the pressure of her mouth, and the feeling of her nose pressing into my hardon, I could tell she was on her hands and knees behind me, her face pressed into my gaping center. Her tongue slipped inside me, and then licked its way out in a long single stroke, stretching the bottom of my opening before releasing me. I know she found that very exciting when I did that to her, and now I realized why. It was incredible!

She only did it a few times though, and then I felt her thighs against the back of mine. I felt the phallus prodding my entrance, and then she was entering me. Her fingers dug into my hips, as she began to fuck me from behind.

My cunt had shown its resiliency by tightening back to its original size, despite the reaming her fist had given me earlier, and she fit me perfectly as she slid through my tunnel repeatedly. She slapped her own crotch hard against me over and over again, and I could hear her gasp as the pressure of the nub at the base of the phallus pressed into her clit. We began to moan in synchronization with each other when her fingers left my hips to grasp my swaying breasts, pinching and tweaking my pointed nipples in yet the same rhythm.

Her breath was hot in my ear, as I heard her whisper, “Can you feel that, Warrior Princess? Can you feel my cock deep inside you? I’ve filled you to the brim, haven’t I? It’s as if I was perfectly made to satisfy your every need. No one else can do this, can they?”

“No one else,” I gasped, as her other hand left me to toy with my clitoris. It throbbed and pulsed harder, trying to fill her hand.

“No one else,” she repeated, somehow lengthening her strokes even more. “I was made for you, Xena, just as you were made for me. There is no one else you should ever desire.”

My brain was muddled by what she was saying. She knew when I was with Fauna, it was because I thought I could never have Gabrielle the way I desired. Surely to gods, she didn’t think I had any sexual interest in Fauna now?

The thoughts fled my brain as I felt something else, the pressure of another phallus being rubbed against my clit. It was the more slender leather-covered one, designed to fit the thigh harness, but she was holding it in her hand. She was lubricating it in the juices that were dripping from us both.

“Do you want it, Xena?” she asked, and I felt the tip of it, pressing against my anus. “You have to tell me you want it.”

“I want it!” I gasped out, and growled deep inside my chest when she penetrated me there as well, in slow incremental movements. She had never done this before, and I had never asked for it, but somehow, she knew I would be willing and it was time.

“Gods, Xena!” She had both phalli moving in an identical rhythm inside me, filling me to the utmost. It had been a long time since I had felt a cock in my ass, and it was something I often didn’t like, but now…it was perfect. The phallus in my ass was moving easier now, and she changed the rhythm, so she was thrusting inside my pussy when she was pulling out of my ass. Much more of this, and I was going to be finished.

“Xena!” Her voice screamed out my name as she suddenly yanked my ass against her mound and her movements stopped. She was coming against me, and I felt her mouth muffle into my back as her hips moved spastically against me.

“Gabrielle,” I managed to grunt as the pressure of the phalli drove me over the edge of as well, and my clit pounded out its satisfaction. I remained with my face buried in the bed, my whole body tingling with the aftermath, and offered a slight moan as the phallus was pulled from my nether entrance. Then, slowly, she removed the other phallus as well. I made a small noise at the loss, but my keen ears told me she was pulling the harness free of her body

“I want you to hold me,” she said then, her voice sounding almost sad as I felt her lie down beside me. Immediately, I rolled to my side, and took her in my embrace, once again, cursing the black silk that shielded my eyes from her radiance.

She untied the blindfold finally, and my eyes sought hers out immediately, gratefully. It was dark in the hut, and the candlelight was so muted it didn’t take any time at all to get used to the darkness.

There were tears in her eyes, as she allowed me to cradle her, and responded to my lips reaching for her own. I pulled my head back from the kiss, furrowing my brows. “Why are you crying, my love?” I had to ask.

“I love you so much…” came her answer. “You are so beautiful and I love you so much. I can’t bear to think of you with someone else.”

“There is no one else,” I assured her, and I made sure she could see the truth in my eyes. “There is no one else I want to be with, no one else who makes me feel the way you do. I love you and no one else.”

She gave a shuddering sob, and then pressed her head to my shoulder. I could feel her shaking her head. “I believe you,” she whispered. “I don’t know what happened today, but how can I not believe you when you hold me and talk to me this way?”

What happened today? It suddenly dawned on me what might have happened, but I could already hear her breath deepening in sleep. This was not the time to bring it up, but I now realized my bard may have jumped to a few conclusions which led her to all this. I smiled warmly when I realized her tears were of happiness, and pulled her closer. I would explain it all tomorrow.

It took me a while to get to sleep, and I awoke long before Gabrielle the next morning, but continued to hold her as she slept off the effects of the alcohol. I knew she was awake when I heard her give a moan that wasn’t of pleasure.

“Good morning,” I beamed at her, when she slowly lifted her head to squint at me. She gave another groan, and tried to move off me.

“Xena, I’m going to be sick.”

I could have predicted that, and reached for the chamber pot immediately. Gabrielle hung her head over the edge of the bed for quite some time, as she emptied her stomach repeatedly. When no more would come up, I gave her the waterskin to rinse her mouth out, and then a piece of mint to chew on. Then she rolled over on her back, an arm flung over her eyes. “Oh gods,” she moaned.

I smiled to myself at her distress. “Ephiny dropped off some tea earlier,” I told her, as I gently pulled her head into my lap. “It should help settle your stomach.”

I helped her take a few sips, and then she relaxed in my lap again, her eyes closed. I gently stroked her sweaty forehead, just taking in her golden beauty. She dozed a while longer, then awoke, looking a bit more comfortable.

“I need a bath,” she told me, but she didn’t budge an inch from where she was.

“Do you want me to carry you to the river?” I asked her, with a smile.

“The river…” she repeated that, and then looked up at me, her eyes looking red and sore. “Wasn’t I supposed to meet you at the river last night?”

“Uh huh…but you never made it…you went to the communal hut instead and got…as Ephiny put it…snockered.”

“Oh yeah, I remember now,” she mused, a slight smile playing at her lips. “I was so angry…I knew if I joined you that you’d have some sort of smooth explanation, and I wasn’t in the mood for it.”

“Do you remember what happened when I found you in the hut? And what happened after we came back here?”

The flaming red in her cheeks told me the answer. “I think so,” she squeaked.

I leaned in and purred in her ear, “Remind me to get you drunk more often.”

She accepted my kiss, then her head lolled against my thigh again.

“What brought it on?” I asked finally. I couldn’t put it off anymore. “You said last night that you hadn’t talked to Fauna, but something had to set you off. What was it?”

She stared blankly at me. “Xena…I heard you…in her hut. I heard what she was saying to you, and what you said in return. Don’t think you’re off the hook after last night, and the fact that I feel too sick to do anything about it this morning. I just love you too much to argue with you right now.”

Her voice trailed off, and her eyes closed again, as if that long a speech had hurt her. I gently rubbed her temples as I put together all the clues, and realized what had happened. Gabrielle had obviously misconstrued my conversation with Fauna yesterday, and as I thought back over it, I could see it was possible. Given the circumstances, I might have jumped to the same conclusions.

I watched my hot tempered little bard rest a while longer, formulating how to let her know what was really going on. Obviously, waiting until the surprise was finished was out of the question, I think she had already done enough steaming over the situation as it was.

That night, there was huge gala in honor of the three little girls that were the newest members of the tribe. Gabrielle, much recovered, sat on her throne, with me at her right side. She beamed as she watched over the festivities as her Amazons danced and sang praises to Artemis and Demeter around her.

At the appointed time, Ephiny gave the signal, and she and Fauna stepped forward. I saw the fire sparking in Gabrielle’s eyes when she caught sight of Fauna, but I gave her hand a reassuring squeeze. Ephiny’s own eyes were dancing with merriment, as she waited for the tribe to quiet, then knelt down at Gabrielle’s feet. “My queen, our tribe is ever growing, and your contributions to it have been a big reason for that. Your consort Xena recently approached me with a way of making your presence here constant, even when you and she aren’t here. I followed on the suggestion, and have asked the most-suited tribal member, Fauna, to begin the plans. Fauna?”

I have to give the young blonde credit. She managed to avoid both Gabrielle and my gaze as she too, knelt at Gabrielle’s feet, and held a scroll out before her. Gabrielle took the scroll, and unrolled it.

She stared at it for a moment, and then looked up at me. “Xena…is this what I think it is?”

“Possibly,” I answered gently. “What does it look like to you?”

“It looks like the plans for an underground library.” Her eyes grew huge. “Is that what-- when I overheard you—that’s what you were talking about?”

I nodded. “I wasn’t aware of what made you so angry at first, and when I figured it out…well…” I shrugged and I’m sure Gabrielle understood my motives.

For a long moment, all that existed in the world was our eyes speaking to each other. Gabrielle was silently apologizing to me over and over again, but I was doing my best in telling her I wasn’t angry or hurt by what had happened. It wasn’t until I heard Ephiny clear her throat, that I remembered we were surrounded by a whole lot of Amazons.

Gabrielle blinked out of my stare, and she smiled warmly at the two Amazons at her feet. She raised her head slightly, and her smile took in all the Amazons waiting for her response.

“It’s a good thing for my scrolls, for I am nearly speechless,” she finally said. “But I will be most proud and pleased to have my scrolls housed here at the village. There is no other place where I know they would be as safe and secure. I want you all to feel free to visit the library as often as you desire.”

She stood then, and reached a hand down to touch both Ephiny’s curly dark blonde hair and Fauna’s straight light blonde hair, so much like her own. “Rise, my sneaky Amazons,” she grinned, and the crowd giggled as the pair slowly did as they were bid.

“Come up here,” I heard Gabrielle whisper, and Fauna and Ephiny did as they were told. I know Fauna’s first instinct would be to bolt out of the tribe’s eye , as she was extremely shy, but Gabrielle held fast to her hand. Gabrielle faced the crowd, and lifted both Ephiny and Fauna’s hands. “I can think of no two people I would trust more to this project,” she said, and her voice was full of sincerity. “Both Ephiny and Fauna deserve your full cooperation, and my eternal thanks for undertaking this task.” The tribe cheered, as Gabrielle placed a kiss on the cheek of Ephiny, and then Fauna. “And for my love, Xena…” She released their hands, and as they stepped back down, she was standing in front of me, reaching for my hands.

I was more than a little uncomfortable standing in front of the vocal tribe, but I would do anything for Gabrielle. I heard the wolf whistles and lewd comments from the laughing tribe, as Gabrielle reached up and wrapped her hands around my neck. I bent down and allowed her to kiss me for as long as she wanted.

The music started up again, and the Amazons began to dance out the joy of the evening, but we didn’t care about that anymore. I didn’t release Gabrielle’s hand, as I whispered in her ear,” Are you ready to leave your own party?”

“The party’s not for me, Xena,” she answered. “It’s for the birth of the triplets.”

“Then I want to invite you to a party that is only for you,” I told her, and remembering our words from last night, added, “And no one else.” She didn’t let my hand go as we walked down to the river.

COMING NEXT WEEK:After Xena is injured in a fight, Gabrielle doesn't get to give her the loving she wants to. A week later, there is still a problem threatening to keep the two of them apart, but Gabrielle isn't going to let anything stop her.

Gabrielle's Scroll
The Xena and Gabrielle XXX Scrolls Page 2