Hands On Experience--Gabrielle's Scroll

Pumping the majority of my hand into Xena’s sex had her writhing on our bedroll. Gods, she was so exciting to watch. My own body responding to the visual aspects of our lovemaking was making me never want to withdraw myself from her. I loved to watch her come over and over. The way she could roll and thrust her hips all at the same time, a movement and motion I could stand to ride throughout the night.

I loved touching her everywhere…licking her skin, painting her lips with my tongue and then feeling her mouth give way…but inside her, that was the true essence of Xena. It was touching the soul, to be within the body, and certainly within the heart. Her smell rose like a vapor, one filled with desire, lust, and asking to be inhaled and absorbed within my own body. We really did become One when we made love. Our appetites never filled, we often had been sore the next day from touching one another so much. We wouldn’t have it any other way. No pain, no gain.

As I watched her upper body rise to an almost sitting position while arching her back, I could feel her tightening on my fingers. I could not resist sucking her while she came. I watched as long as I could, but I had to make her drain the orgasm of every ounce of pleasure. “I love you, Xena. I’m a part of you. I have to taste, to suck you and make you shoot into my mouth.” She loved it when I talk about her clit like it was her penis. I had to be careful and save it for the end, because it always brought her closer in an instant.

I had my knees folded under me, and bowed down to worship the god I really served. She was the only reason I cared about existing. I licked my tongue flatly against her lips, tracing them even with most of my hand inside her. “Are you ready to come for me, Baby?” At that question, she started her climb; her sweat-soaked bangs stuck to her forehead, gasping, “Yes. I’m almost there.” I moaned against her, not really meaning to, but not being able to resist. How was it possible to contain? She was my drug. My addiction. My fix. My need. My Xena.

She came with such force, not trying to control her hips, just letting go and giving herself to me completely. If I thought I loved her yesterday, I was wrong. Today I really loved her. And tomorrow I would love her even more.

Hanging on to every lingering shake of her body, I ran my hands up her stomach, and licked my tongue all the way to her breasts. I indulged myself in lingering kisses, gathering each breast in my hand and softly sucking; making sure my teeth lightly stroked the surface. I left quite a nice mark on her left breast.

“Did you get that one?” I asked while she rolled her eyes and acted like she had died. “You’re trying to kill me, I think, my precious Gabrielle. And you say yours isn’t the Way of the Warrior?” I lay down beside her, while she turned over and grabbed me in a big arm hug, holding me as close as her own skin.

“Xena, why did you leave me?” I had to ask her again. I had never been so frightened as when she was sentenced to Life in prison on Shark Island. It wasn’t even an option. I would either get her off the island or die trying. She had paid for her mistakes. She couldn’t sacrifice herself for something that happened in the past. It ended up working out, but it was much too close for my comfort. “How could you leave me?”

“Gabrielle, I’m sorry. My conscious was weighing too heavily on me, I guess. I told you that she was an innocent person, just like you.”

I decided to not kill the moment, so I quickly straddled her and changed the tone. It was time to move on to another subject. We let the incident go, and started a new chapter in our lives. I leaned down for a kiss, but her lips felt so good I decided to stay a bit longer. My center is controlled by Xena’s mouth it seems. Whenever her mouth is connected to my body, or even my skin, for any length of time I can always feel my center respond. I started grinding against her and felt myself start streaming wetter than before. Tonight I didn’t feel at all inhibited, and I just wanted to be as close to her as I possibly could. “Tired?”

We tried a new position, and our more than ample supply of juices helped us move against each other, really feeling each other’s excitement better than ever. No hands involved, only letting our bodies guide us on how to move. I faced her with our bodies connecting between our legs, and the sensation sent us on a new high.

Exhausted, she pulled me into her arms and we quickly went to the land of happy dreams, where rainbows are beautiful and your lover is your heaven.

The light of morning came too quickly for me. I am never ready to get up. There is a big difference in getting up and waking up. I love waking up, whatever time it may be, because that lets me sleepily start touching my lover, and most of the time it is a wake-up call that lasts for an hour or so. Then it’s back to peaceful sleep.

This particular morning, I was starved! Considering the workout we had last night, I could eat like a man this morning. Xena pulled me on top of her, giving me a big kiss, and telling me she was going out for breakfast and would be back. I took advantage of another half-hour snooze and finally got up and took a bath.

I had some wonderful tea ready when Xena returned, thanks to Thalassa, and I was very happy to see my lover. She came in for a kiss and it was wonderful to reunite. I had to ask her if she was okay with last night. I like to know exactly if she likes our lovemaking or not. She said it was perfect, and that was precisely my opinion. Making love with Xena was only getting better and better.

“What do you think about staying another day right here?” she asked, her eyes bright and her smile even brighter. It really was a perfect little place for us. Beautifully draped by trees and a lake at our back door, I didn’t want to leave, and besides, Xena loved her fishing. I liked to allow her time for herself. I could write in my scrolls or just enjoy nature. Watching Xena was my favorite pastime.

Xena had been quiet for some time, silently making repairs to her gauntlet. “What are you thinking?” I asked. She looked at me with a look of complete love and contentment. It was the most beautiful I had ever seen her appear. She wasn’t carrying a load of worry and guilt with her…just happy to be where she was, and with me. I couldn’t ask for more. How could life be any better than this? I had everything I needed right here, right now.

“Just enjoying the scenery”, she said, and I knew exactly that she was ready to make love again. There was something in her voice, something in the way she fixed her eyes on me…it always excited me to know that she wanted me. She could have anybody that she chose, but she was with me. I wanted to be perfect in every aspect. Disappointment was something I never wanted her to feel when it came to me.

“I need something else to occupy me…you know what happens when I get bored.”

Oh my gods. I wanted to be perfect for her, but she still caught me off guard sometimes with the things she would say. Trying to be really smooth, I said, “Go take care of your horse. I’m almost done with my scroll, then we can take care of your boredom together.”

I felt like jelly inside from her commanding presence, but couldn’t wait to make love with her again.

I tried to write in my scroll while Xena was with Argo, but my concentration was not on the parchment—only Xena. I would never regret leaving everything I had ever known to follow this woman. It was our destiny to be together, in love forever.

I decided to lie on one of the fallen trees as a bed and take a nap until Xena got back. I couldn’t wait for her to touch me, to fill me completely. I was looking at the beautiful sky, and thought of Xena’s eyes. Her eyes were certainly seductive. They were one of her greatest weapons, and nobody ever contemplated being on guard for the deployment a look from Xena could gain. Thoughts of her eyes led me to thoughts of other things, and before I knew it, I was captivated by visions of her. She wasn’t even here and I was already a prisoner. A prisoner of her Love; gladly serving a Life Sentence.

Just imagining her hands all over me and how she could take me over the edge caused my body to react…I was craving her again. I kept my eyes closed and touched myself lightly, anticipating Xena’s return so that she could finish what I had started. The longer she took, the more I wanted her. Touching myself was in no way going to substitute for her absence, but I also knew she should be returning any minute, and she would most likely enjoy the scenery if she saw what I was doing. It was harder to concentrate the longer I went, my need growing by the minute. I felt something hit the ground near me, and it was Xena’s gauntlets.

“I’ve been thinking about you,” I said, as she sat down near me on the log. “So I see.” I stretched out my arms for her, ready for her to pick me up in her arms and then carry me to our bedroll and make passionate love to me. “Come here…”

“No,” she casually said while taking off her boots. “I like what you’re doing. Why don’t you continue?”

I was completely embarrassed. Nighttime would be bad enough, but I could not touch myself in broad open daylight with her watching. Xena was not shy in the least when it came to her body or anyone else’s. She was a very open-minded lover and didn’t lack in self-confidence. Why would she? I could tell by the way she was looking at me that she had an idea.

“Would it help if I did it, too?” I thought I knew what she meant, but I just had to ask. “If you did what?” I gritted my teeth, not knowing for sure what was going to come out of her mouth. “Touched myself.” Oh boy. She caught me off guard so many times, and this was really one of those times. I could feel my face burning with a bright shade of red, and she enjoyed every minute of making me squirm.

Without delay, she quickly spread out the blanket I had been sitting on, and then removed her armor and started rubbing over her own body, even with her leathers still on. She was such a sexy creature…and I think being in her natural habitat made her even more driven to completely let go. This idea really had her going, and I could tell that before it was all over, my rapidly growing education would be even further advanced. She was a perfect instructor.

Totally enticing me to not take my eyes off her, she began her performance for me. I must say I had never been more interested in any production than what I was about to see.

Rubbing her chest with one hand, and letting her other hand slither up her skirt, I could only imagine how wet she was getting. I knew how it was affecting me, and I wasn’t on the receiving end. “Mmmmm, this IS nice.” She was making my mouth water.

“Xena, uhhh, you could take off your leathers, you know, just so you could be more comfortable and all.” I was thinking to myself the whole time, “Please say yes, please say yes!” She stripped down to her shift, and just the sight of her hardened nipples made me swallow hard and I wanted my mouth to be everywhere her hands were. Her right hand was still hidden beneath her shift. She was driving me crazy with desire.

Still not convincing me to do the same, she said, “Maybe you’ll change your mind.” I should have known with that statement that she would make it impossible to resist her. She stripped off her shift and underwear, completely naked, ready to resume her tasks. I moved from sitting on the log to sitting on the blanket with Xena. “I want to touch you, Xena.” With her head thrown back and her eyes closed, she continued touching herself, now exposing everything for me to see. She shook her head and said, “No, I want to touch me first.” This was torture, plain and simple.

“Xena…..” She could hear the pleading in my voice. “Do you want to watch me, Gabrielle?” “Yes…” I could hear my heart beating in my ears, and I’m sure my breathing was just as rapid as hers.

Watching her would be torment in itself, but I decided to use it for a learning experience. I would observe what made her respond more, even though she was the one benevolently giving herself the pleasure. The next time I did get to rest my hands on her, I would know how to make her body respond to me better than before. I tuned everything out and only Xena in. She was my world and complete surroundings for the next while.

She stroked her left hand over her breasts, all the while touching herself below with the other hand. “Do you wish it were you?” Of course she knew I did. But it was part of the hunt, and she was luring me closer to her trap the entire time. Not letting me touch her was going to change.

“What would you do to me if I let you touch me?” A blunt answer would be, “Fuck your brains out”, but I wouldn’t ruin the moment for anything. An itemized list would be nice, descriptive and to the point. That’s when I was able to join her, if only through my words.

“I’d squeeze your breasts, rubbing my hands against your nipples and then take one in my mouth and suckle it.” She did just that…with the most sensuous movement I could never imagine, she closed her own lips over her own nipple and let her mouth have free course. What a sight. I didn’t know how long I could keep going without straddling her right then and there.

“What would you do next?” I began describing my actions; how I would touch her breasts, then move down her stomach. With my words, she seemed even more lost in her movements; her long, luscious legs gave way and opened—inviting me to tell her more. Completely exposing herself to me, I was aching with want and desire. Refraining from touching her took more strength than I ever imagined. Self control. She continued to ask me what I would do at each important body part, and I explained in great detail exactly how I would touch her and what I would do. I was wet with want.

She did to herself exactly as I said I would do, if given the opportunity. She rubbed her fingers through her sex, and then sucked the sweet secretions from each finger. She entered her own vagina with four fingers, exactly as I said. Asking me what I would do with her clit, I turned the tables and told her, “I would ignore it.” I got on my hands and knees, to be as close as possible to her and to be able to whisper and it be heard. The time was drawing near that she would let me touch her. I could feel her sensations. My own core was throbbing and gushing to have her inside me. At this point, I wasn’t focusing on myself. Touching her was my mission. She was all I wanted.

I told her that if inside her, I would move very soft and slow. She frowned at this, needing much more. However, she did only as I said if it were I touching her. I loved this game, actually, but it was so difficult to refrain myself. That’s the very factor that would make it so rewarding in the end. I couldn’t remember any soreness from last night. She had successfully drawn me to her, and even herself, into a web of desire that could not be quenched. There was no turning back at this point.

Knowing she could be so close to climaxing, and seeing her look into my eyes with pure lust, I felt it was time to take the lead. “Stay here,” I whispered, and crawled to her saddlebag. I hurriedly rumbled through her bag, looking for just the weapon to defeat her. As soon as I found it, I started stripping off my clothes as quickly as possible, not wanting to lose one bit of moisture that may have dripped from her beautiful sex. I looked over at her, and her eyes were closed, and her hands still on the places that I would soon dominate.

I stood in front of her, holding the phallus. “Remember this, Xena? Our little friend?” I knew right then and there was the time to impose my attack, and I was sure I had earned this through the suffering she inflicted by making me wait.

“Do you want it, Xena?” Standing before her completely naked, the desire to be with her had overtaken my earlier apprehensions. I had definitely opened up, in every sense of the word. Of course, this meant she had won, but I didn’t care. I just wanted to make love to my Warrior Princess.

“Wet it”, she panted. I started to suck it entirely into my mouth, but quickly decided how much more effective it would be to get the moisture from elsewhere. Of course, this “elsewhere” kept reminding me it was present, and in extreme need of attention. I pushed the phallus inside me, with no restraint from my body. I was so wet and open, and knowing that my actions were going to turn her on so much more, I thrust it inside me several times, teasing my own hunger and knowing it only made hers increase. That was what I wanted…more than gratifying my own pleasure, I wanted to see that she found absolute release from what my body could give her. She had a look of complete surprise, and that was what I wanted.

I got on my hands and knees, and crawled toward her. She withdrew from touching herself inside, and her lips were literally drenched, parted and full, in a state of need. “I want to do it to you, Xena. I want to fuck you until you scream.” Much to my delight, she said, “Do it to me. Please Gabrielle, I need you.”

Not knowing who was conquering whom, I lost interest in the count. My focus and desire was to bring Xena’s body to complete elation, and it had to be me that performed the task. Making love to her was just as important, if not more, than being made love to by her.

I toyed with her, barely letting the tip press into her opening. She wanted it desperately, and I found myself wishing that I had gotten the harness so I could really feel that I was making love with her. But this wasn’t for me. It was for her, and she mattered the most to me in all the world. I continued to tease her only a little more, but could see that she was ready for me to take control and bring her to the heights she had worked both us towards.

She stretched out her body for me as I took her, as I claimed what was mine and was taking care of what was mine. I didn’t want her to come just yet, but would give her a taste of how good this would be. I descended on her clit with my mouth as I plunged the phallus into her, in long, slow thrusts. It was agonizing on us both, but the payoff would be well worth it. I sucked her in; moaning with the passion and yearning that had built inside me. Her body responded by the movements of her hips. She moved against the thrusts I put behind my movements of the phallus, and I sucked her hard as she was quickly approaching her pinnacle. I just had to have a little more time before she came, and drew back from sucking her. She darted her eyes at me with a frown, and I knew it was time.

I looked at her cunt, filled with the phallus inside her, her clit erect and hard, her body beautiful and long…my entire purpose for existence lay right before me. I was so completely overcome with love that tears came to my eyes, but it was time to give my Warrior Princess what she needed--love from her bard.

I leaned in and licked her lower lips slowly, intimately, and freely. I began moving the phallus in steady, solid movements, and collected her clit in between my lips by sucking in, capturing her with my tongue. Holding securely with my tongue, I could suck her hard. Combining these movements, she began to come for me, and the experience was breathtaking, yet completely humbling. I pulled against her clitoris, begging her to come in my mouth. She followed everything I did to her body, and came with such vigorous force. I held onto her tightly, never missing a beat, never missing a drop.

She stilled from her movements, and I couldn’t contain my needs any longer. I gave her what she wanted from the beginning, touching myself, imagining it was her touching me just the way she knew I needed. I leaned into her shoulder and came, but letting Xena suck my juices from my fingers.

“I love you, Xena.” She drew me in for a long kiss, capturing my mouth into hers, letting me know this had been a very good session. She spoke into my mouth, “I’m going to keep on loving you until we’re both sore.”

And she did. We were in our own private paradise, needing nothing from anyone else, giving everything we needed to each other. We had found perfection in every sense of the word.

Xena's Scroll
The Xena and Gabrielle XXX Scrolls