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Middleverse Transcript

Jean: Not you.

Kitty: Check his temperature. Mr. Military's going soft.

Jean: Kitty: *giggling*

Kurt: Yeah... And I could probably dial down the goofing a little.

Scott: Aw, welcome back. Okay, so now what do you say we head home, gear up, and run a level three training sim in the Danger Room?

Kitty: Aww...

Jean: Give us a break.

Kurt: Oh, man. See? That's what I'm talking about. Always serious.

Scott: Psych! ((Now what have we said about puns?))

Kitty: Jean: Kurt: *laughing*

Jean: You got us!

Kurt: Ah, very nice. There's hope for you yet.

Scott: Yeah, well... Tell me about it on the way to Duncan Matthew's party.

Kitty: Ohhh, I can't go, remember? I'm, like, a freshman.

Scott: Hey, you're also one of the X-Men.

Jean: Don't worry. We'll make it happen.

Kurt: Let's roll!

Scott: Jean: Kurt: Kitty: *wild cheering and yelling commences at they drive away*

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