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You know you're obsessed if/when...

-You relate the words "Led Zeppelin" to Dave & Lisa

-"Bitchcakes" is a common household word

-Retaking your SATs doesn't sound that bad

-You have at least half of the episodes on tape

-You begin to believe that sandwiches get better with age

-You downloaded/went to an arcade and played/purchased "Stargate Defender" just to see what all the hype was about - and got hooked on it [bonus points if it was the night before your SATs]

-You put your gum in the freezer for future use

-"Good times" comes out of your mouth at least twice a day

-You are addicted to computer solitare

-You know/yearn to know "The Secret of Management"

-You got your friends hooked on the show

-You say "gazizza", "crezappy" and "dilznoofus"

-You now want to work in the radio business

-You really want to do it in Dave's office

....and number one is:

-You can describe an episode by just hearing the title

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