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In June 2001, a call was made for contestants for The Mole Online: Series IV.  23 Applicants signed up, hoping to be one of the contestants for the game.  To apply, they were simply asked to give a brief description of themself:

But before they can even play the game, each contestant has to be able to prove that they will be an active player.  To show this, the contestants receive an email describing three tests they have to face:

Being able to check your email regularly is a must when playing the game.  It does sound stupid but you'd be amazed how many people sign up and don't even check their email at least once a week.  So this is your chance to prove you are not one of these people. Send your response to these two questions as quickly as possible to the host.

1. Do you want to be the mole? If yes, why?
2. What will be your password for the game?

The quicker you send your responses in, the better your chance to stay in the game.

Do you have enough skill to play the game?  Have a search through the site to answer the following questions:

1. What is Rule 9 for the Mole Online?
2. What are the three categories the moles will be marked in, in the mole vs mole competition?
3. How many people applied but did not make it as one of the eighteen players in series II?
4. Name one of the ways Steve, the Series II winner, knew that Justin was the Mole for Alpha.
5. In which Series II episode did a player score a perfect 10 out of 10 in a questionnaire?

The more answers you get correct, the better your chance to qualify!

Communication, getting along with and trusting your fellow team mates is obviously an important part of the game.  Which brings us to the final test.  You must get as many fellow players who have signed up for the Mole Online Series IV to send the host an email saying "Keep (your name) in the game!".  The more you get, the better your chance of staying in the game. Only emails from current applicants will be accepted. I'd suggest you start communicating with each other straight away *cough* club message board *cough*.

The games begin:

Dave is the first one off the mark.  He responds the email first and scores a perfect 5 out of 5 on his exam.  He also comes up with a clever technique to ensure people are voting for him.  He posts on the message board for everyone to send the host a vote for him, emailing him a copy of the message.  In return, he will vote for anyone who has already voted for him.

Sharna is the second person to respond to the speed test but doesn't send in her exam.  Third in response is her partner in crime, Billy.  He does send his exam but only scores a 3 out of 5.

Cedric makes the first vote of the game; voting for Dave.  Dave returns the favour.

Jon is the fourth to respond to the email and hands in an incomplete exam, scoring only 2 out of 5 correct answers.

Sharna puts in a vote for Cedric.

Fifth to respond to the message is Brian.  He scores a perfect score on his exam and places another vote for Cedric.

Nick votes for Dave, Damon, Sharna, Brian, Katanna and Cedric to stay in the game.  Sharna and Dave return the favour.

Damon responds to the speed email and scores a perfect score on his exam.  Katanna is seventh to respond but decides that he will submit his exam seperately.  Nikki is eighth and just like Damon scores a perfect score on the exam.  Gil votes her in to stay in the game and vice versa.

Katanna submits his exam scoring 4 out of 5.  Troy is the ninth to respond to the message and submits his exam with his response.  He doesn't look into the Mole Files for the answers and scores a 2 out of 5.  Cedric does and scores a perfect, but handing it at this stage means he was tenth.

Troy votes for Dave to stay in the game and the vote is returned.  Cedric votes for Katanna and Sharna.  Nick votes for Nikki while Billy votes for Cedric.  Nick then votes for Billy.

Bill is completely confused by the voting process so Dave tries to clarify.  Damon does a mass vote, voting for Nick, Lisa, Billy, Dave and Jon.  Billy votes for Nick and Damon.  Brian also does a mass vote for Bill, Dave and Billy.  Troy votes for Sharna and Nikki.

Bill still confused by the voting places votes for Dave, Billy, Katanna, Cedric, John, Nick, Damon and Brian.  He then responds to the speed email and scores a perfect score on his exam.

Damon votes for Cedric and Bill.  Troy votes for John.  Cedric votes for Nick, Damon, Nikki, John and Bill.

Tom is the next person to respond to the speed email and gets one question wrong in the exam.  Thirteenth to submit is Gil scoring a perfect on his exam.

Nikki votes to keep Cedric, Nick and Troy in the game.

Lisa is fourteenth to submit her quiz, only scoring a 4 out of 5.

Cedric votes for Gil and the favour is returned.

Nick after doing a lot in the voting process nearly forgets to complete the first two parts.  He finally responds to the email and scores a 4 out of 5 in the exam.  He then votes for Gil.

The final votes are placed before the deadline.  Dave votes for Damon.  Gil votes for Nick.

The deadline arrives and the fate of the players depends on their performance in the three qualifying challenges.  Out of the 23 players, who responded to the email quick enough?  Who passed their exam?  And who got sufficient votes from the other players?

Seven players are told they get the boot and sixteen players make it in the game.  But they aren't told who is even on their team.  Maybe it will be there job to work it out in their first challenge...

Click the logo to go to episode one...