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Hello, My name is Fred Schneider, I live in Comstock Park, Michigan... I live with my mom and my dad. I am 17 years old and I have 3 cats. I have a Girlfriend her name is Kalie, and things are going really good.. I have made alot of new friends and hope to keep them all. In my free time, I love to hang out with friends, and sit on my computer lol...or just cruise around in my 1993 Eagle Vision "lol" I also love to listen to music, I like pretty much any type of music out there. Some of my nick names are, MrWh00pEe, Err Freshener,Freddle, Efferal.

Things I hate

People who drive slow in the fast lane, people who pull out in front of you then go slow,stupid people, stupid people with stupid friends, stupid people with stupid friend that have stupid friends, bitches,assholes,gay guys that try to hit on me, school....and drugs.

Things I Like

Girls,Computers, Cars, More girls, My homies, soft things ^.^,Sex,Being with that special someone and holding them close to you, Driving, eating, cool people, people who give me money, money, food, being with my girlfriend (special someone), my shoes, tacos, pizza, cuddling, Kissing, Hugging, having fun.

My Screen Names

Mrwh00pEe, daicecreammanyo, fred1295404, farekie, MrWh00pEehehe