A Republican's West Wing Homepage
My Favorite Things About The West Wing
- Great in showing some of the current political issues in a one hour time slot.
- The crafty dialogue between several of the characters on the show is very entertaining.
- Proves to me that maybe, and I stress maybe, not all Democrats are bad. (^_^)
Hello, and Welcome to my Homepage.
As you can see I am a Republican as well as a fan of the West Wing. Sounds like an oxymoron doesn't it? In fact, the strong Democratic views almost kept me from watching the show, but after sitting and forcing myself to ignore the "Left Wing" jabber, I discovered one of the most interesting and enjoyable shows on TV.
Update: Over 2000 Hits! Thank You for making my little site a part of your day!
Please visit the links below to see some of my interests, including The West Wing. At the moment they all seem to be in working order. Thank you so much for stopping by, and do come back to see what is new.
All Images and References I place on my site are tribute to NBC and its award winning show, The West Wing, (Wednesdays 9 pm ET, 8 pm Central) and of course to Aaron Sorkin,the man who writes all that witty dialogue.
As you all know on the show President Bartlet has Multiple Sclerosis. Over 725,000 people in the United States have been diagnosed with MS, and in my area alone there are 2,600 people and families that have been touched by this disease. Although there have been advancements in treatments, no cure has been found. Want to help in finding a cure for MS?
Link to the National Multiple Sclerosis Society Below to help support the fight against MS, or visit my local chapter to donate as well. Thank You, and God Bless.
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My Favorite Web sites
West Wing Continuity Guide
The West Wing -EpGuides
Welcome to the West Wing
The Virginia Republican Party
The Edgar Allen Poe Museum
The Lord Of the Rings
The Sherlock Holmes Museum
Sherlock Society of London
Email: fushiginora@juno.com