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Valdosta's own VIXEN


Would you stop for just a moment and look at me? Can you tell me what you see? Are you able to look past my outer coverings and see my heart? Or do you judge my character by the cloths I wear? Do you judge my heart by my physical appearance?

 Can you see the love that is within me? Or, are you filled with disgust because I’m not like you? Tell me, can you see me with your heart and not your eyes?  Can you break the chains that society has placed about you and feel the freedom to love me for whom I am? Is this possible?

We are all different and this is as God intended us to be. Does this make any one of us better than the other? Would you please just stop for a moment and look at me? Can you tell me what you see?

copy right June 2003 Linda (my mom))

 This is an Adult page. No Adult pictures  These pages contain material relating to Crossdressing

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