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by Gypsy Gray


"I'm not sure this is the smartest thing I've ever done."

"Wes, you need a job. You can't just set around the house all the time. And what better place then an occult store? You know everything about herbs and books and all the weird stuff we magic type people need. And with you running the shop I don't have to worry about running out of something I need for a spell in an emergency."

"I see. So it's only your own needs that your thinking of. It has nothing to do with the fact that you and Spike are worried I'm going to hang myself from the ceiling light in your guestroom."

"It's not our guestroom, it's your bedroom. You live there too, Wes. And you are not going to kill yourself. You're stronger then that. People like us always are."

"People like us?"

"Yeah. The ones who've had shitty lives from the beginning. We know how to cope with how fucked up the world can be. It's the ones who've always had things easy that croke. They're so use to everything going their way that they can't deal when it all turns to shit."

"It's nice to know Spike's been expanding your vocabulary. Well, how are we going to convince the owner to hire me?"

"Easy. I'm buying it."


"Let's just say I'm not lacking for funds. The truth is with the money I make doing the magic gig and the money I save using magic to run everything around here, my job is pretty much just for extras. And, I use to make alot more then I do now."

"When you were stripping?"

"How do you know about that?"

"Well, I saw an old poster of you down town. I..that is to say, you must have been very good. People still talk about how beautiful you are."


"I'm not trying to make a pass at you Xander. You're very attractive but you're not my type. Besides, I don't relish the idea of Spike using my intestines for window dressings. What I'm trying to say is, he's very lucky. And...Giles is a bigger fool then I am."

"You know about that too?"

"The visions. I think it's because, well I wasn't going to come here. I didn't see the point. I think they told me about you so that I'd know at least one person in the world understood. I can't imagine what Giles thought he was doing, but he made a terrible mistake when he let you go. We never got along in Sunnydale, but I always admired you. You are one of the most remarkable men I've ever met. And while I'm not interested in a romantic liaison with you now, then...Well, let's just say that if I'd thought I had a chance Giles wouldn't have gotten within fifty feet of you."

"Thank you. I never thought about guys before Giles. But...I don't think I would've turned you down. Let's face it Wes, you're pretty much easy on the eyes. And you can be kinda charming in an English sorta way. But you and me wouldn't worked. We're too much alike. I'd rather have you as a friend."


"Yeah, friend. That's what we are right? You, me, and Spike."

"I'm not sure. I've never had any before."

"You do now."

Wesley had been in New Orleans for a month now. The ex-watcher had settled in to helping the vampire and the warlock fight the bad guys, and the visions had been extremely useful. With Xander's help Wesley was learning to control his ability. Soon he would be able to intentionally zero in on a person or place. Being useful was a new experience for the English man and he was slowly beginning to blossom. Spike and Xander considered him an equal and treated him like a friend. While Xander worked with his prophetic abilities Spike was teaching him how to be a better fighter. They were the same lessons Xander had received, and the vampire insisted that they all practice together. They were becoming a team. For the first time in his life Wesley had a place with people who wanted him there. He wasn't tolerated, he wasn't a substitute for someone else. It was a wonderful feeling.

And now, he had friends. A vampire and a warlock. A vampire who made sure he knew how to defend himself because he didn't want him to get hurt. A warlock who was willing to buy him a store so that he could use at least some of the training he'd been forced into his whole life. Nothing had turned out the way he'd expected it would when he was sent to America. He'd failed with Faith, been fired by the council, and been used like a whore by the first person he had ever allowed himself to love. And now he was in New Orleans with a boy he'd thought of as cute in an annoying way. The same boy who'd grown into a remarkable young man with amazing abilities. He'd been welcomed by this man and his lover without hesitation. And now, he had friends. For the first time in his life Wesley Windham Pryce wasn't afraid of what life had in store for him. Whatever it was, Xander and Spike would help him. They were his friends.
