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Sunnydale Nights by Claire
Scene 1: Spike is sitting in Caritas, nursing the whiskey he’s holding. In front of him Ethan Rayne leaves the stage, having just completed the most fantastic version of ‘I Am What I Am’ the karaoke bar has ever heard. Sitting next to Spike, he pours himself a drink out of the bottle on the table and looks around at the other people sitting there. Darla and Dru and discussing how to get Angelus back, and Harmony is batting her eyelashes at Spike. Rolling his eyes, Ethan asks Spike what he’s been up to recently. Turning to look at him, Spike grins... Scene 2: The Scooby Gang are in the Magic Shop. Giles and Anya are sorting out the new stock, Dawn is doing her homework and everyone else is researching. At least, Buffy, Willow and Tara are researching. Xander is staring into space with a faraway look in his eyes, the same faraway look he’s had since Spike left Sunnydale. Putting down her book Buffy asks him what’s wrong. Looking at her, he smiles softly... Spike: Sunnydale lovin', had me a blast Xander: Sunnydale lovin', happened so fast Spike: I met a mortal crazy for me Xander: I met a vamp, cute as can be Xander and Spike: Sunnydale days driftin' away, to uh-oh those Sunnydale nights Caritas gang: Tell me more, tell me more. Harmony: Did you get a quick bite? Scoobies: Tell me more, tell me more. Willow: (Smiling at Tara) Was it love at first sight? Spike: He ran by me, being chased by a vamp Xander: He made off, with my hi-fi and lamp Spike: I saved his life, he was about to get turned Xander: He torched the vamp, nearly got burned Xander and Spike: Sunnydale sun, something's begun, but uh-oh those Sunnydale nights Scoobies: Tell me more, tell me more. Dawn: Did he want to drink your O neg? Caritas gang: Tell me more, tell me more. Darla: (Grinning lasciviously) Did you make him sit up and beg? Spike: He ignored the Slayer, stayed out after dark Xander: We went strollin' in Sunnydale Park Spike: We fucked like rabbits under the moon Xander: We made out next to a tomb Xander and Spike: Sunnydale fling don't mean a thing, but uh-oh those Sunnydale nights Caritas gang: Tell me more, tell me more. Dru: Did the stars sing his name? Scoobies: Tell me more, tell me more. Anya: (who can’t believe she’s been dumped for a vampire) ‘Cause he sounds rather lame Xander: He met me from work, after my shift Spike: Well he got friendly, back at the crypt Xander: He was sweet, wrote me a poem Spike: Well he could suck, but I had to show ’im Xander and Spike: Sunnydale heat, vamp and mortal meet, but uh-oh those Sunnydale nights Scoobies: Tell me more, tell me more. Buffy: (who still hasn’t got Xander to tell her the full story of his time in Oxnard) Does he know you were a stripper? Caritas gang: Tell me more, tell me more. Ethan: Could he get me close to Ripper? Xander: Then his Sire came down from LA Spike: And Angel collared me, dragged me away Xander: He’ll be back when he gets rid of the chip Spike: Then me and my childe will be joined at the hip Xander and Spike: Sunnydale dreams ripped at the seams, but oh, those Sunnydale nights End.