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Tom and Jom Kelly

Name: Tom Kelly

Origin: Tom was born in sunny Buffalo in the year 1985 to his loving parents, Mom and Tom Sr. He grew up there and gained a reputation as a "candy selling jork" as Nino Rizzo would once put it. How he came into the Matress world is unknown, but his amazing talent for get rich quick schemes and stupid things like that have made him a fine addition to the ranks of Mr. Toad Eats A Burrito.

Skits Appeared In:Christmas Red, Elliott Club, Tom Kelly in the Land Before Time, Ghoststoppers, College, The Zany Adventures of 11th Grade, Tom Kelly Pepsi Products, Mitchell Comes to BAVPA, Elliott and Mike Get Sued, The First Mr. Toad Skit, Halloween Party, Nino's Party, In Movies, Series Finale, Greatest Moments Episode, First Annual Gold/Silver Version Matress Awards, Earth Jam

Horrid "Fun Fact": Creams his Jeans to Hogan.

Name:Jom Kelly

Origin: Tom's younger brother Jom, was born after the great boom of Matress had happened. He grew up in Buffalo, like Tom, and moved to the Matress world to expand his horizons. He became an expert in the field of Matress language and is said to have some secret destiny...

Skits Appeared in:Matress Language, First Annual Gold/Silver Version Matress Awards

Horrid "Fun Fact": Has 2 other brothers named Rom and awful can this family be?