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The pictures and captions on this page were provided by Bob Villard.
The secret l3-year-old Chris, when he didn't know I was looking, and wasn't being so damned hip and cool. Chris and Da Nooch, both needing shaves and totally ignoring their manager's pleas to not wear black to interviews, bumped into each other in Hollywood one day when Chris was between Driver's Licenses and I was drafted to be the designated driver.
Chris-the-Frog-Prince and Tobey went to Hawaii with me, and fought each other every day over who got to decide what do what and when! Chris, Tobey and Leo as kids, about 14/15 years old,
when Chris was "The Big TV Star," Leo's greatest moment was the direct-to-video "Critters IV," and Tobey wished anyone would hire him for anything.
Christopher Pettiet in the role most familiar to The Young Riders fans -- Jesse James. Chris played the role of the young, would-be outlaw in the third season of the series. His character had always been a great part of many debates -- was the role given too much attention at the expense of the other characters/rders? Did he play the young Jesse James too bratty?  Whatever the response to these questions, the sure thing is Chris made his mark in our hearts.This photo is from the RIDERS COMING! collection
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