A Knight's Quest

A Ficlet…

by Catlee





Disclaimer: The characters and situations of the TV program "Big Valley" are the creations of Four Star/Republic Pictures and have been used without permission.  No copyright infringement is intended by the author.  The ideas expressed in this story are copyrighted to the author.





“I hear ya boy, I’m coming ya hold on ya hear?”


Nick couldn’t explain it.  He was sure he heard a voice calling for help.  He was sure he had heard his little brother’s voice calling for help.  Nick looked around the empty range and shook his head.  Maybe the sun was playing funny games with his mind.  He took off his hat and wiped his sweaty brow.  A flash of movement off to the left caught his eye.  He let out a low growl and his stomach turned over as the flash took substance.


“Damn fool boy, why had he ridden that loco horse.”


“Heath hang on ya hear, I’m on ya trail.”


Nick watched as the loco mare streaked across the range in a blind panic.  What the hell had happened?  If he knew his little brother it would be nothing good. His little brother had a nose for trouble.  Nick kicked Coco into a ground-covering gallop and headed in the direction the mare had come.  His heart was racing and not from the thrill of the ride.  His heart was racing from fear.  What could be wrong? His mind reeled at the scenarios.


“I’m nearly there Heath, not much longer.”


Shot, fallen, rattler, cat, trampled, kidnapped, girl.  With that boy it could be almost anything.  “But I swear Heath if I find ya walking you’ll walk all the way home.  That’ll teach ya for aging me ten years.”  Nick slowed as he eyed the tree in the distance and the figure slumped against it. He covered the remaining distance in the twinkle of an eye.


“Right here little brother.”


Nick Barkley squinted in the glare and smiled down at his little brother.


His knight’s quest was over.