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Roxy's section
Male Celebs
Female Celebs
Other stuff


Welcome to Taste in Fame! A fansite dedicated for the celebs we like best!
Our names are Roxy and Spike, and we have very different taste but yet we are best friends. This fansite has a page on most of the celebs we like and offers pictures and facts on them! We are always adding new pages on our fav celebs, so we hope you enjoy the site! Thanks for visiting and check back soon!


23rd Augest 2003: Finally we have opened! But still our site is far from done. We have loads more wallpapers and aim icons to add on your fav stars and many pages dedicated to our and your fav celebs! Check back soon!

Roxy & Spike @ 8.34am

Spike's section
Male Celebs
Female Celebs
Other stuff

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