TYR Fandom came together again in Tucson, Arizona on the weekend of September
20-22, 2002... to celebrate The Young Riders and the fandom that
brought us all together, as fans and now friends! Join us in this
little scrapbook journal of our weekend! Just click on the links
to view the

After a horrendous flight from Canada (the
word of the day is "turbulence", boys and girls), I arrived at the airport
and was greeted by the smiling faces of Raye, Sally Jo, and Lisa.
Nothing like hearing someone sing-song-ing "Vicki's here! Vicki's here!"
to make a body feel welcome. What did we do that pre-Reunion day?
Laughed, ate, laughed, talked, laughed... and did I mention laughed?
both Nell and Raven's planes were delayed, so they missed the first day
fun. Grrr!
Well... technically my plane wasn't DELAYED,
it was overbooked. So they asked for volunteers to give up their
seats. No one volunteered for a quite a while, and I thought, "Hummm,
free ticket to use in the future, and only arriving 2 1/2 hours later than
scheduled.... umm, YUP! NELL Volunteers!!! :)
And what's
this FIRST DAY stuff??? FRIDAY was technically the first day!
Thursday was arrive time, and talk night--no DAY was ever mentioned on
the website. ;)
I crashed early since I'd been up for 39 straight
hours (Note to self: NEVER DO THAT AGAIN) Luckily, I heard Nell arrive
at midnight (well, after she scared the bejeebers outta me!) and we stayed
up talking till the wee hours!
We did indeed talk....after I scared the bejeebers
out of her--funny she never mentioned that I scared her.
Geesh, I figured the scream of terror and
the white-knuckled clutching of the bed-covers sort of gave me away!
I'm starting to get a complex though.
I'm always scaring my co-workers too. It's not like I purposely walk
into their classrooms quietly and then speak and see them jump into the

Friday Sept
Yay! Raven's here!
After breakfast,
we piled in the cars and headed to Mescal,
which as you know is the western set used as both "Sweetwater" and "Rock
Creek". Our tour was even better than last year, thanks to Frank The Incredible
Tour Guide. The TYR Reunion Girls took over, baybee! First
up was Rachel's house, where we were
allowed to go inside for a group photo.
Before we left, Miss Raye struck a pose.
We visited the prop room for "The Quick and The Dead", then the sets made
for "Buffalo Soldiers". We
were allowed inside sooo many buildings... here's the saloon,
and a shot of us on the stairs.
Don't you think we look almost TOO happy? ;)
Is there such a thing as TOO happy when it
comes to Mescal? Plus you HAVE to remember how Frank got us to smile
in the first place. *wicked grin*
Finally, we posed at Emma's
house and the bunkhouse before
heading back to town, passing one of the buildings that had been
by lightning! Last but not least, we saw the check-in
desk used in numerous episodes. Most of the girls went up to
the roof to see the spectacular view, but not me. (cluck cluck!)
ALERT, BUCK! Big lizards,
You have to be more definitive than THAT!!
Coz I don't remember seeing any BIG lizards. hee hee. Just
giving you a bad time Vicki.
Hmph. They were big to THIS
city girl! ;) Besides, Nell didn't see the HUGE
one that came out when she was on the roof! There were also little
Don't you mean "LEAPIN' LIZARDS" oh
wait...that's ANNIE, not TYR
TOADS! There were toads, and Giant Flying
Evil Red Bugs that tried to divebomb me to oblivion. We saw 'em all,
including at least a dozen beautiful eagles throughout the weekend.
While some of the girls got old-time photos
taken, Raven and I wandered the town,
spending (entirely too much) money, though I couldn't convince her to buy
that corset! We all gathered together for the Six
Gun Stunt Show.
Which btw, was "entirely too much money" if
you ask me. lol
Yup! The woman with the frying pan is
officially the Worst Actress Ever... but we still had fun!
I love this place! After eating at Pinnacle
Peak, we had some time to stroll the buildings, spend more money, and take
in the stunt show. The Dragoon Street Players show was again the
best we saw all weekend.
And that show was FREE!! (but donations
were accepted) :)

We left for OTS bright and early and stopped
at the lookout point, but thankfully nobody risked their lives this year.
No one risked their lives LAST year either.
But you didn't see Raye talk me out of climbing on top of the roof at the
lookout point up on the hill. It would have been soooo easy too.
Lori also advised against it. I only wanted to do it to scare you.
I'm glad Nell listened to some sensible
people. My vacation would have been ruined by a pesky little
heart attack!
I got photos
of the gang posing in front of the
breathtaking scenery. In fact,
most everybody was happy to pose... here's
Raye, and Lisa... Wendy and Beth...
Raven... and me
and Nell. Aren't we all purty? ;)
Tucson Studios was just as gorgeous and fun as last year. We
took in a stunt show, then I wandered the
town while Nell, Raven, Raye, and Sally Jo went horseback riding.
Which was a BLAST!! I've never been
and now I'm in love with it. I never wanted to marry a cowboy (I
know...weird since TYR is a western), but after riding a horse, if a cute
cowboy has a horse and wants to marry me...then, I may just HAVE to agree.
We all met up later (Wild Bill burgers, anyone?)
and, yes, it was at that time that The Urinators were born!
Well okay, they were born a little earlier on the car ride, but we only
became official at lunch! LOL (Vicki contemplates getting a
bumper sticker with the phrase "I'm a Urinator and proud of it!"
Vicki then remembers that she doesn't own a car.)
You don't HAVE to own a car to get a bumper
sticker Vicki! Your purse would do just fine too...or stick it in
your apartment window....or make it a plaque to put up at work...many things
you can do with a bumper sticker... :)
Anyhoo... the Hollywood Stunt Demo was absolutely
hilarious -- Beth was a lovely volunteer
and Ace certainly agreed!
This year
we also panned for "gold", and Nell was really getting the hang of it too!
Alas, she wasn't allowed to keep the fruits... er, the gold dust... of
her labours! Instead, we found Raven and took in a wagon
ride before heading back to the hotel and...
What a blast! I can't remember laughing so
hard -- well, we actually spent the entire weekend laughing! There
were some wonderful stories this year, some of which are posted in the
Fanfic Section right here at Sweetwater
Station. And hey, if you find one you love, why not nominate it for
a TYRF Fanfic Award?
(Gotta love cross-promoting. hehe)
We finally
toddled off to bed at who-knows-when, and lost our first two Urinators.
Lori headed back home to the hubby and kiddies (sniffle!) and Raven had
to leave early Sunday morning (sob!) But first we HAD to pose for
the Secret Urinator Handshake... or
should that be "bodyshake"?!?
That was no secret "bodyshake" I really
had to PEE!!! ;)

Sunday Sept
22 -- TOMBSTONE.. yes, again!
We HAD to go back -- there's so much to see.
My favourite was the wagon ride
tour; our guide Mike was fabulous and gave us some fascinating history
of the town. Afterwards, we were able to cuddle up to his horses,
Ted and Roy. I think they took a
shine to me. ;)
The Birdcage
Theatre was also very interesting, as it contains the original relics that
were locked inside the saloon/brothel when it closed for business in 1889.
You can see the actual faro table at which Doc Holliday dealt, the original
poker tables, even the liquor bottles! Rumour has it that the Birdcage
is haunted, and that photos taken there will emerge with a ghostly hue.
I wouldn't know -- only one of my photos turned out. Hmmm... is THAT
a sign??
After dropping
Nell off at the airport (Waaaah!) we visited Boothill Cemetery before heading
back to the hotel.
I'm just glad they didn't drop me off at Boothill
Cemetery. :) But I had an easy ride home and looking forward
to next year!

Monday Sept
Having lost SJ, Cindy and Cathy early in the
morning, we were down to only five Urinators... ummm, I mean, "Reunion
attendees". We spent the morning chatting and laughing until finally
Beth and Wendy headed off to Phoenix while Raye and Lisa dropped me off
at the airport.
I had a
brilliant time! Thanks sooo much to the Divine Miss Raye for putting
together an absolutely wonderful event. And a big thanks to ALL the
ladies who attended and who made the weekend so enjoyable!
Now as I
stumble off to bed, the Reunion battle-cry still echoes in my ears... "Urinators,
Let's PEE!" ;)