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†Shipper Fan Fiction†

Welcome to the Shipper Section of Our Web Page, this is one of the main reasons that I started this page. There are so many web sites with just one shipper or a few shippers, this web page is for every shipper. If you dont see a ship listed below, write a story for them and send it to me and I'll add it to the shipper list! See below and read your favorite ships!

And Here We Go!...

Buffy Ships - Explore the various Ships and Pairings with your favorite Buffy the Vampire Slayer Characters. Every ship is Welcome!
Buffy Slash - Explore the various Slash Pairings with your favorite Buffy the Vampire Slayer Slayer Characters. Every Ship is Welcome! *Warning* The items inside this section may explore gay materials, if this is not your thing, I suggest you dont enter.
Angel Ships Explore the various Ships and Pairings with your favorite Angel Characters. Every Ship is Welcome!
Angel Slash Explore the various slash Ships and Pairings of your favorite Angel Characters. Every Ship is welcome! *Warning* The items inside this section may explore gay materials, if this is not your thing, I suggest you dont enter.
Crossover Ships Explore the various Ships and Pairings of Crossover characters from Angel and Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Every Ship is Welcome!
Crossover Slash Explore the various slash Ships and Pairings of Crossover characters from Angel and Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Every Ship is Welcome! *Warning* The items inside this section may explore gay materials, if this is not your thing, I suggest you dont enter.

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