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†Buffy Fan Fiction†

Welcome to the Buffy the Vampire Slayer Section of Our Web Page. Inside here are the untold stories of Buffy the Vampire slayer, please find a story that you would like to read. After the site has been open for a while and I feel that I have enough stories, I will begin an archiving process to organize these stories better, but until then Enjoy! If you would like to send me a fan fiction story and you are a Buffy Cross and Stake Member, send me your story and I'll post it!

Onto the Fan Fiction!...

Heaven Can Wait - Written by Kitty Montague. Story of the aftermath of "As You Were", story contains slight shippiness, but there are many characters involved. Excellent Story.
Faiths Revelations - Written by Faithsguy. Story takes place between season six and seven. Alternate return of Faith and Willow, and the emergance of a big bad the gang has never faced before that will lead Faith on a journey of self discovery of her past, present and future.

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