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To become an SPD Fanlisting Cadet, you must follow the following five regulations:

1. You should be a fan of SPD, or at least Power Rangers. After all this is the Power Rangers SPD Fanlisting.

2. You must fill all of the required fields in the registration form below.

3. You must have a valid email address. *NEW - As of February 2008, only those who use a real email address will be added to the list. Although we haven't had an issue so far, I have removed all email addresses from the actual cadet's page to help fight against spam through email collection.*

4. Your country is also required.

5. You do not need a website to register. But if you submit a link to your site, I ask that you please post a link back to SPD CC on your site. Suggested link codes are available on codes page.

To join, fill out this form:

Name (Your name will not be posted on the site unless it's your user name):
What user name would you like to be posted on the site?
Email Address:
What Country are you from?
Do you have a website?
Who is your favourite SPD Ranger? Jack Landers, Red Ranger
Elizabeth "Z" Delgado, Yellow Ranger
Bridge Carson, Green Ranger
Schuyler "Sky" Tate, Blue Ranger
Sydney "Syd" Drew, Pink Ranger
Sam, Omega Ranger
Doggie Cruger, Shadow Ranger
Kat Manx, Kat Ranger
Boom, Orange Ranger
Nova, Nova Ranger

Get an html form for your site.

Once you've submitted your information, click on the page that appears next, and you will be returned to this page. No worries, your info has been sent. In a few days, you will receive an email saying that we've received your info, and you will be added to our cadets list.

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The Power Rangers Topsites