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New fic Paying Penance Disharmony Spike comes back after the big apocalpyse scare of season six and all that and runs into a few people he knows. This is getting away from some of my angst and back towards funny. I don't want to spoil so please just read and review. New fic Break Me Soft Repose African Girl In Tune The Call Post 'Two to Go' so Spoilers till the end of season six. S P O I L E R. Spike has his soul and he and Buffy begin having dreams. It's also kind of a songfic as i was inspired to write it tonight as I was watching the Jewel "Break Me" video. Magical Toothpaste A simple spell goes awry with lusty consequences. S/B but everybody else gets mixed up a little too. There are some really hilarious and interesting pairings, or so I've been told. Tingles and Mint Perfect Fit Devil's Playground Midnight in the Graveyard Those Old Tingles Again Remind Me To Thank Willow Madly, Deeply, Darkly Who Wants To Go First? Cake or Scrabble Forever Dusty Cake Dinner for Eight One of the Scoobies Shadows I Kissed A Girl Apples and Oranges Precipice Confession Stand alone fics... Buffy Takes A Break Buffy's break from work making love with Spike in the alley. My take on the look on her face and I didn't consider it bored. very B/S. kinda WIP. PLEASE PLEASE give me your input. Christmas and Chrome Polish Spike stops by Buffy's house late Christmas night to give her her present and discovers she got him something too. Bad Bad Spike at the Bowling Alley Buffy is taking out her frustrations through bowling when Spike comes along and shows her what other things she could be doing. Short and sweet smuttiness with a little sillyness and a dash of angst. Love's Bitch (aka Choose to Love)AfterOMWF. This was my 1st B/S fic, but probably my most detailed, too. Dawn trapped in dream world, B/S must save her as they struggle with their new passionate+violent relationship. Buffy feels close to spike in a way she can't to others but can't yet deal. X/Any action, soon A/C The Kiss The Wish Aftermath Feelin Frisky at the Magic Box Spells and Visions Spare Magic Parts Past Meets Present Spike and Peaches Another Vision, Another Spell, Just Another Day in Sunnydale... Choose to Love His Girls A Different Girl, A Different Guy Worth The Risk My Guy Confusion and Happy Moments They're At The Mansion Living In The Darkness The Question Missing Moments This is my first series... The Night the Walls Came Tumbling Down My answer to Nautibitz challenge to fill in the blanks between Smashed and Wrecked. NC-17 Ship Wrecked Picks up at the end of Wrecked. Kinda tear-jerky and fluffy. PG |