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The Real World online; 2001 - 2005
» Posted on February 12th, 2005 @ 6:40 PM EST by Mike

Alumni and fans;
There once was a famous quote that I heard on television that went a little something like this, "In true art, the end is only the beginning." And so on this day, February 12th, 2005, I'm here to announce the end of a little project known as "The Real World." Almost four years ago, in November 2001, I rounded up a group of seven strangers and put them in a house for twenty-five days, recording their every word, and their every interaction. Since that fateful first season way back when, the series has continued to grow and redefine itself with each passing season and year, far exceeding my expectations as a host and producer, as well as completely outgrowing it's role as a simple means of entertainment and into a complete cultural phenomenon.

For me to try to put into words how much fun I've had over these last four years getting to know each of you, the fifty-one alumni, as well as the great time I've had in both sharing those stories with the audience and running this site would be impossible. So, for now at least, I won't try to. Just know that I am thankful to everyone out there, both alumni as well as fans, that gave this project a chance, and for making it what it has become. I will never forget a single one of you for as long as I live, and even though we will inevitably drift apart over the coming years, I want you all to know that I could not have done this without you, ever.

To each member of the seven casts of The Real World; keep your heads high, for each of you are truly unique people in your own right. I have nothing but good things to say about each of you, and I am more than confident that all fifty-one of you will go on to do amazing things with your lives in the future. This project has captured, at least for a moment, a generation that some people feel will never make it. I stand alongside you in challenging what everyone else out there thinks; we are the future, and we will succeed.

To the audience and all the loyal fans of The Real World; I am forever grateful you for interest both in what each of these former strangers had to say, and for your dedicated to the series as a whole. None of us, neither myself or the alumni, would be here today if it weren't for you. If you didn't keep watching after the first season, there would have been nothing else to watch, it's as simple as that.

Well, here we are, at the end of something great, but the beginning of the rest of our lives. Rest assured that even though this series may be coming to an end, the memories will live in both in your hearts, minds, and physically on this very site. This site will forever stand as a monument in dedication to all that came and went, and to everyone that "stopped being polite, and started getting real" at one point or anothher. I only wish that I could have done more with each of you, but as they say, there is a beginning as well as and end to everything under the sun, and this is the very end.

So, for one last and final time; this has been the true story, of fifty-one former strangers, picked to meet in chats, discuss hot topics, and have their lives recorded, to find out what happens when people stop being polite, and start getting real. The Real World; 2001 - 2005.

See you in the real world, my friends!
-- Mike, series creator

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ryan "Everyone seems to like Amanda, but someone said I overreacted about the whole 'age' thing. I'd say something to you, but I'm trying to be nice." - recent post by Ryan
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meagan travis
This is the true story, of seven classic seasons of The Real World! It's time to get back to basics with the fifty-one strangers we've met over the last three years. So sit back, find your inner stranger, and stop being polite!

» High-Rated Seasons;
   Season One (2001)
   Season Three (2002)
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