Welcome to the Rebuild_America.com homepage


    This site will be run a little differently that my other website so I would like to take a few moments to explain. Because the story Rebuild_America.com is an original story of mine there are no spoiler warnings, no disclaimers except that I am using pictures of David Boreanaz, Eliza Dushku, James Marsters and Alyson Hannigan (all most notably known from Angel the Series and Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Mutant Enemy Productions)  to represent the characters of Brady, Amber, Gavin and Lynn respectively.  I mean no disrespect to these wonderful actors and human beings I just felt it would be easier to envision these characters that I am writing about, the people I used in the pictures have the general physical  characteristics of the people in my story.


    How the site will work : well the original plan was to update it regularly.
That's not working so well, RL is getting in the way but I shall return to it, so if you're reading this drop me an email at

and let me know your interested in it and I'll put you on a mailing list.


    The other difference to this story than my other ones that I've posted is this one will not be NC 17 - at least that's my goal.  I'm going to try my best to keep this a family read - possibly R for language.  My point with this story is to have a place to vent at things that I see in the world that make no sense to me.  How I'm going to do that is through Brady.  He's a journalist - and a realist. Brady has developed a web page too that will quickly catch on nation wide and allow him to start to Rebuild America. What will happen is at the end of his *week* he will sit down with Gavin, his male best friend that's blind and read him his journal entry.  Once into the story the pages with the story on will actually be my site - but the pages that begin with  

~:~ Journal Date xx/xx/xx ~:~

are to be read like they are from Brady - so they are going to be what he "posts" to his site in the story.  I hope that makes sense - again not trying to confuse things but I want to keep this story interesting for me as well. 

    Again this is not a fic, this is not based on any characters I've seen on TV and the only reason its linked to my site is for people who like the way I think and the way I write to allow them to read more.  If you have any questions at all about the story or think you need more clarification let me know.



Now on to the story >>>