Reality Check Episode #02

Posted: 08/17/00


On the last episode: All of the cast met for the first time except Jas. Beginning bonds were seen between James and Dawn while Helena's 'Sex Sunday' rocked the house.


{{Well James and I seem the closest out of the group because we are the most alike...he is himself open honest and we enjoy each others company...not too mention we have sorta some respects it seems like we are on the same wave length alot of the time.-Dawn}}
Dawn: well in some respects i prefer interracial relationships
James: in most respects, i prefer them, except in my current relationship.... Ed happens to be white
Dawn: I do too
James: I just happened to be extremely attracted to black men....especially..... also latino men, hispanic.... cubano..... puertorriquenos....... greek...... i guess any man with dark skin :-) but I'm very attracted to alot of white guys too hence Ed :-)
Dawn: I like foreign men
James: foreign men in general...... or dark skinned or is it a certain feature, or is it just foreign?
Dawn: I like the accents :-)
James: Ahhhhhhhh okay :-)
Dawn: hey you want to see a picture of my current fling hahaha
Dawn: well he is not really a fling but he is soo sweet
Dawn: and we have a lot in common
((Dawn sends the picture))
Dawn: that is him
James: OMG............(passes out)
Dawn: haha. I know right
James: but damn girl. fling?
James: marriage!
Dawn: LOL
Dawn: I know he is fine
James: damn !!!! is he foreign?
Dawn: He is a Marine
Dawn: He is Italian from Boston
James: Italiano....... yes :-)
Dawn: He has the cutest accent
James: damn damn damn damn.... okay..... focus......
James: shew
Dawn: oh yeah right
Dawn: I think he is a keeper though he is 26
James: Yup..... oh yeah...... keeper :-). FOR REAL!
Dawn: HAHA
Dawn: you will never guess how I met him
Dawn: Online dating service
Dawn: can you believe it haha
James: NU UH...... how was the first date?
Dawn: oh God too much too fast
James: but was it good tho?
Dawn: oh yeah
Dawn: Still too fast though
James: but are you comfortable with where you are now?
Dawn: This happened Sunday and I have not really talked to him since cept through email
James: is he still in Boston?
Dawn: No he is in Maryland
Dawn: he drives and i think he likes me
Dawn: I can get kinda funny when it comes to guys haha
James: well damn.... i'd be funny too :-)
Dawn: haha
Dawn: and he is soo fine
James: (faints)
Dawn: he has an ass you could bounce a quarter off of
James: mmmm hmmmmm
Dawn: man i just get all weird when relationships start ya know
James: i know the feeling..... i've already told myself if this shit with ed ever falls thru.... the single life is mine for the taking for along while
Dawn: but what do I do about this guy
Dawn: I mean I like him but at the same time he scares me and thrills me I just don't know enough about him
James: well who said you had to get married..... date for a LONG time :-)
Dawn: haha
Dawn: but he wants a relationship that will go somewhere
Dawn: he is ready to settle down or at least get serious and in some ways I am too but I still have alot to learn about relationships and dating and sex and a whole mess of stuff
James: Hell that's half of getting it together :-)
Dawn: haha i guess you are right
James: Sex is not EVERYTHING, but it's alot :-)
Dawn: hell I know that is right
Julie: Do you have a sumemr job?
Dawn: nah i quit the job i have to get in shape for boot camp
Julie: do you know yet when you have to leave?
Dawn: not for sure yet...but it does not look too good right now
Julie: next week?
Dawn: yeah...
Julie: how long will you be gone?
Dawn: ...6 weeks
Julie: wow!
{{It would be sad if Dawn would have had to leave. It would be like losing a member of the family. I may not know everyone well, but I know who we are, and this really feels like an elite little group of eight. Going down to seven would have been a sad thing.-Julie}}
Dawn: i know
{{ If I did have to go though it would have an affect on me, I would miss James' even disposition, Helena's frankness, Julie's never ending quest to find the career of her dreams, Tina's trials and joys of motherhood.-Dawn}}
Julie: it will be sad to lose a cast memeber this early
Dawn: it will be sad to go ya know
Dawn: i have been having some fun
((James, Helena, Dawn in a chat exchanging pictures))
James: Helena.... just as I pictured you :-)
Helena: james, well, i'm glad you didn't think i was something else -i'm aight! i get by!
James: And who is the guy on the left?
Helena: the guy on the left? his name is james!
James: Really??
James: What's his story?
Dawn: That is too funny James
Helena: his name is james... i love him dearly, although we haven't been good about keeping in touch!
James: Shame shame on you.... ;-)
Helena: james hasn't been good either! but when we see each other, it's as though nothing was!
Dawn: well that there is a good friend
James: If I was his friend, I definitely would have kept in touch! ;-)
Dawn: LOL
James: LOL
Dawn: Now I want to see what he looks like
James: He's not awesome.... like what you showed me Dawn.... but very nice though :-)
Dawn: hahaha
Helena: dawn, you should have em now
Dawn: Ok
Helena: dawn, got it?
Dawn: yeah i did opening it now
Helena: when do i get yours?
Dawn: I will send it right back to the addy
Helena: you are pretty, dawn... i assumed you had a weave though - can't remember the last time i saw a black girl in this city without a weave!
Helena: ottawa is a mecca for weaving black hair
Dawn: I don't wear weaves at all. I can not stand them
Dawn: or track
Dawn: maybe braids though, not weaves
Dawn: weaves are another stereotype about Black women
Dawn: up there with baby daddies hoochie mama clothes and welfare
Helena: not in ottawa, it isn't! if it ain't braided, it's a weave...
Helena: hey! latina girls too! all we're good at is fucking and dancing... and rolling cigars!
{{ We talk about not stereotyping but we all do it all the time. You don't mean it to be hurtful or anything but the truth is, people DO fit in categories... we're like campbell's soup!-Helena}}
Dawn: Well it is like me and Helena
Dawn: She speaks her mind which is fine but she can get a little out there like when she stereotyped me with the whole weave thing
Dawn: she made assumptions
Dawn: I do not like that
James: Well I wasn't touching that one either :-)
Dawn: honesty is fine but assumptions just make an ass out of you and me
James: I was wonderin where she was going with that.....
Dawn: I was wondering where she was going with alot of stuff...
Helena: i just want to say i love the cosby show
Dawn: haha ok
Dawn: why do you love the cosby show?
Helena: because i always have - even when i was little... i was always Rudy's age...
Helena: i love the cosby show - favorite show of all time!
Dawn: haha well that is good
Helena: yes... i love the cosbys... my aunt said that when i was really little, i used to lick black people - i thuoght they were made of chocolate. :-)
Dawn: HAHA!
Dawn: well you were a silly kid
Helena: i WAS a silly kid
((End of Flashback))
James: Hey chick, what's going on?
Dawn: whats up James
James: nada mucho..... anything interesting going on today?
Dawn: I went to the emergency room
Dawn: that is about it
James: why??
Dawn: the doctor told me that she thinks I have strep
James: Well it's curable, you shouldn't be out of commission too long?
Dawn: She gave me some meds and told me they would do a culture and I would know for sure by tomorrow
Dawn: no but they have me on qurantine for 2 days
James: wow..... that's kind of drastic
Dawn: yeah but it has been going around alot here
Dawn: it is an epidemic as it were
Dawn: I have been kinda sleepy but that is mainly because of the heat
Dawn: it is really hot here
James: wow..... sorta like when flu starts going around here in KY.... it gets so bad schools close cuz of so many kids being out.... bsinesses close and everything
Dawn: yeah kinda
James: So I know I keep runnin this in the ground..... but boot camp?? any word?
{{I really feel good with Dawn... I wouldn't be happy if she left :)-James}}
Dawn: oh I told them I was not going to leave
{{About boot camp, I am in the midst of changing my job classification for my military service, I should be able to get my stay so that I will not have to leave.-Dawn}}
James: YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-) :-) :-)
Dawn: haha
Dawn: I am changing my job classification and I will get the final word from my recruiter in a couple of days
James: I'm so glad!!
Dawn: I am glad too
Dawn: I am still in the dark about this new guy
Dawn: I do not know how he feels about me
James: oooooohhhhhh
James: You're special friend?? I thought you knew .... well sort of
Dawn: Yeah well you know how that can go
Dawn: I do not jump to conclusions I prefer absolute without a question of doubt proof
Dawn: is just hard to ask for that ya know
James: I'm sure he wants to be with you.... I mean ya know.... Men don't stick around for just nothing :-)
Dawn: Or it could be loneliness...or he likes something about me...or anything...
James: And I mean obviously it's not a sex thing right? Men don't just date women because they're lonely.
Dawn: Well no it is not a sex thing we have not had sex.....
Dawn: damn close to it...but no
James: I know :-)
James: Well I hate to leave.... but it's time :-(
James: You're the greatest.... I hope we get to talk more tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-)
Dawn: ok have a good night James
James: Take care..... and don't be so concerned over tha hottie :-) He'll come around... and u'll know all!
Dawn: I hope so...
James: I know so!
{{I have not lost respect for Helena because of her "weave" comments...her openess and honesty are much appreciated by me, she made an assumption today...I do not like assumptions or for people who jump to them because assumptions lead to stereotypes which so a lack of individuality in my the end assumptions make an ass out of you and me...-Dawn}}

NEXT WEEK: Jas finds out from Julie that James is gay and wonders why James didn't mention it. When it comes up in a chat, Jas has some interesting questions to ask.