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These are all the original airdates.

    "The Man in the Cell"

    "Judas on a Pole"
    4.11: Zack is having his dissertation review, and Booth crashes it to pull Bones out of it.  "Why do I always feel like you're abducting me?" she demands while playfully smacking his arm.  Hee.  He says that Russ is coming because their father called and said they're in danger.  A body is discovered on a rooftop, burned and gutted in a specific way to send a message.  They find lots of pictures of Russ in the dead guy's apartment.  He was ex-FBI, and he's clearly hunting Russ.  Another main issue is that decades before, a civil rights leader named Marvin Beckett was framed by the FBI for a crime he didn't commit, and an FBI agent named Gus wouldn't go along with the lie, so the FBI killed Gus and framed Beckett for his murder, too.  So Beckett is in prison for crimes he didn't commit, and they have Gus' diaries to prove all this.  Booth speaks to Gus' widow and tells her Gus was a good man and they won't let his murder stand.  Bones eyes Booth admiringly while he's saying this.  :)  They discover that Bones' bank robber parents robbed the bank with the safety deposit box with the evidence of this FBI frame-up and murder, so this ex-FBI guy must have been hunting Russ because he thought Russ might know the truth or have the evidence.  When they find a Columbus coin on Delaney, the ex-FBI guy's body, they realize that Russ and Bones' father killed him.  Their father went by the name Columbus when he and his wife were with the bank robbing team, and he's the only bank robber left alive.  Booth is determined to clear Beckett of Gus' murder.  They talk to a priest (played by guest star Ryan O'Neal!) who knew Bones' father, and he says that Dad says to back off.  He also says, "Your father loves you."  They exhume Gus' body and perform an autopsy to try to prove that Beckett didn't kill him.  Russ gets shot at!  And then they prove that Beckett didn't kill Gus, so he goes free!  Yay.  However, Booth gets yelled at by Kirby, his boss' boss' boss, and suspended for breaking some rules and ruffling the wrong feathers for Beckett.  Bones and Cam and the Squints are worried about Booth, and he doesn't want them risking their necks for him.  Bones says, "Anyone who wants to help Booth, raise their hand."  And everybody raises his or her hand.  HEE.  Zack is worried because even though he passed his Ph.D. review, Cam says that she might not hire him as a doctor because his appearance and demeanor would cause a jury to not take him seriously as a professional scientist.  Zack wants a makeover, and Angela volunteers to help.  So funny!  Bones wants her father to give up the rest of the evidence in the FBI coverup.  There was a particularly heavy scene in which Brennan and Booth have a disagreement about what kind of man her father is.  Booth is actually the one kind of defending her father, saying his motivation is to protect his family, and Bones is the one ready to condemn him.  I always love when Booth provides emotional support for Brennan.  Makes me happy.  They figure out that Kirby, Booth's boss' boss' boss, was actually a sniper when Gus was killed, and he killed Gus.  He's also the one that shot at Russ.  They go to find Russ and find a lot of blood instead, and Brennan starts to lose it because that kind of blood volume only means someone is dead, and it might be Russ, who is missing.  She kind of throws herself into Booth, and he holds her comfortingly.  SQUEE.  In the car afterward, she says, "I wish you wouldn't keep letting me hug you when I get scared."  He replies, "Hey, when I get scared, I'll hug you.  We'll call it even."  WEEEEEE!  The squee is too great.  Ryan O'Neal the priest tells them that Russ is with Bones' and his father, but they figure out right after that that Father Coulter isn't who he says he is.  He's actually Bones and Russ' father with a lot of facial reconstruction and plastic surgery!!  HOLY COW.  And Russ knew all along!  Brennan meets her father in a cemetery, and he gives her the rest of the evidence against the FBI.  He's gonna take off with Russ, but she pulls him into a hug, and it's very emotional.  Then she tries to cuff him because she can't in good conscience let him get away with murder and lots of other things.  Booth gets there right then, and her father tells Booth to take care of Temperance.  Then he drives off with Russ, and they have no way to follow him because Russ wrecks Booth's borrowed car.  Booth puts his hand on Brennan's shoulder.  Awwww.  So sad.  They find Kirby's body on the same rooftop, burned and gutted like Delaney.  And a Columbus coin.  Dad is sending the message for everyone to leave his children alone.  Zack gets his doctorate and a major makeover!  He has a new short haircut that I LOVE, and he wears a suit and says he can learn how to speak to a jury as a professional.  Cam says she'll hire him!  Bones hugs Zack.  Booth is reinstated to his job, and they're all out celebrating at the diner.  Booth and Brennan have a touching conversation outside about family, and Booth says that the team is his family.  Temperance is sad, near tears, and looking at the ground, and Booth touches her chin to lift her face so he can look at her and reassure her she's not alone.  And honestly folks, they start to kind of lean, and it looks very much like the tiniest near kiss to me.  The air was certainly crackling, that's for sure.  What an intense episode.  And so much Booth/Brennan UST and chemistry and hugging and things, I was going to explode.  I don't know how much longer they can be this emotionally close and physically close without something happening.  I just don't know. :D  And the whole thing with Ryan O'Neal turning out to be her father!  Yikes!  

    "The Headless Witch in the Woods"
    4.10: Oooh, scary ghost story.  Booth and Brennan get called out to these scary woods where a suspected witch was supposedly beheaded two hundred years ago or something and now her ghost roams the woods cutting off people's heads with the same axe that killed her.  Bones of course thinks it's all total nonsense, but Booth still thinks it's creepy.  They check out a headless body found in the woods, and there was a funny cute moment where Bones gets distracted in the woods and falls behind a little bit, and when Booth turns around and doesn't see her, he gets worried and starts looking for her because he doesn't want her to get lost in the scary woods after nightfall.  Aww, so cute.  She's fine and not far behind and puzzled at how alarmed Booth was getting.  Amusing.  They determine that the headless remains in the woods were those of a missing film student from a few years back.  They also find his camera with him, complete with grainy but watchable scary footage of college kids screaming and running in the woods because of the witch or whatever.  While viewing the tapes in the darkened lab, Cam (who believes in ghosts) fearfully reaches for Booth's hand, and Bones notices.  They talk to the older brother (guest star Kristoffer Polaha, I love him!!) of the dead film student.  He and Brennan get all moment-y because his parents both died when he and his brother were young and he had to raise his younger brother, just like Brennan's parents disappeared when she and her brother were young.  Booth definitely notices them being...moment-y.  Bones muses later about how her life might have been if her older brother had stayed to raise her instead of running off and letting her be put into the system.  Booth assures her with a smile that she turned out okay (squee!).  Bones blurts out that she's having coffe with Will, the brother.  Booth is surprised, and Bones says that she needs to connect with someone like Booth has a connection with Cam.  Booth is uncomfortable and taken aback, and Bones just keeps talking.  She also points out that she knows how uncomfortable he is with talking about sex.  I love squirmy Booth!  HEE.  Later, Booth expresses subtle skepticism about Bones and Will, and she ribs him a little about Cam.  At coffee with Will, it seems to go well, and there is definite mention of a "next time."  She has to run out on him because of a break in the case, though.  Thank heaven.  Poor Angela has to spend the entire episode watching the scary video footage for clues, and she gets Hodgins to come and just sit with her while she does it because the video of the screaming and the blood and stuff really freaks her out.  Whatev.  They find the dead kid's skull in the woods, along with another skull and an old axe, both of which date back to the time the witch was supposed to have been beheaded.  OOoooooh.  Booth is kinda touchy; he and Brennan are in the car, and he says he doesn't know why he didn't tell her about him and Cam.  He says he's never had a relationship like this before, like they're two guys, but...Bones is not a guy. "No, I'm not," agrees Bones, perplexed.  So hilarious.  Bones says that, following Booth's reasoning, "to me, you are essentially a woman."  That really throws Booth for a loop.  HIlarious.  Bones and Will go on their second date together, and they're still clicking away, and they kiss.  Ellen gags and prays for some suitable interruption to arrive.  And it does!  The Squints and Booth figure out that Will killed his brother!  Booth arrests Will in the middle of his date with Brennan, and he raves about how the witch made him do it, made him cut off his brother's head.  Bones is sickened and sad, and it's obvious that Booth is sad for her.  At the end, Bones is in her office lamenting to Booth that she "sure can pick 'em."  She says something about being alone, and Booth very seriously tells her she's not alone.  She's emotional, and Booth steps closer to her like he's going to embrace her.  She seems reluctant, and he grins at her and says, "You're my partner.  It's a guy hug."  And he hugs her tight, and she hugs back.  It's a GOOD hug.  Especially because Bones tries to let go after a little while, but Booth still holds on and gently rubs her back a little bit.  EEEEEEEE!  Certainly a squee-worthy episode.  Huggies!

    "Aliens in a Spaceship"
    4.09: First just let me say that this was a really, really good episode.  Excellent writing and acting.  Great.  It starts out with Bones waking up in a car and discovering (after trying to roll down the window) that she is buried underground inside this car, and she is also horrified to discover a very injured Hodgins in the back seat.  She tells Hodgins that they're buried alive, that the Grave Digger has them.  Then we rewind a couple days, and Booth and Brennan are investigating a find out in the woods.  The bodies of two adolescent boys are found inside a beer vat that was buried underground for about five years.  The boys were some of the victims of a kidnapper called the Grave Digger who kidnaps, buries, demands ransom, and when the ransom is paid, gives instructions on how to dig up the kidnapped person.  The boys' parents didn't pay the ransom, so they died.  A kidnapping expert wonders how Brennan can learn anything from two dead victims that they didn't already learn from the other kidnap victims whose ransom was paid and lived.  Booth says, "Dr. Brennan, she's, uh, pretty good at making dead people tell her things."  I love when he brags about her.  Booth and Brennan sort of work with this kidnapping expert and a journalist who know everything about the Grave Digger, and Booth doesn't like them at all.  "You were kind of mean to them," scolds Brennan.  I love when she scolds him.  They have an interesting discussion in the car about God and faith, and Booth is a Catholic, but Brennan doesn't believe in God and doesn't understand religion.  She asks if she can come to church with Booth because it might help her understand better, but he flat out says she can't.  He won't help her disrespect God in His own house.  She's slightly disappointed.  Hodgins, Zack, and Angela are working on the case, and Hodgins claims to be "King of the Lab" because he found something big.  He starts acting weird when he sees Angela, and she is annoyed at his being weird.  Hodgins runs off to catch Brennan before she leaves so he can tell her the big thing he learned, and Zack says that Angela should give Hodgins a chance.  *eyeroll* Booth and Cam discuss their "relationship" and why they're keeping it a secret.  I didn't know they were in a relationship now!  I thought they were just sleeping together occasionally.  Now they have a relationship?  Ugh.  So, Hodgins arrives in the parking garage just as the Grave Digger is driving off with Brennan in the car.  He runs Hodgins down and heavily drugs him to screw up his short term memory.  So now we're back to where the episode started.  I gotta say, if you have to be kidnapped and buried alive in a car, you better be a scientist.  Or better yet, two scientists.  While stuck in there, Brennan does emergency surgery on Hodgins' leg, they science their way into thinning out the air supply so it will last longer, Hodgins uses the dirt they're buried under to determine their location, and they use the car horn to give a battery-less cell phone just enough power to send Booth a text message of their location.  Friggin' awesome.  I should probably mention that while buried, Hodgins admits that he loves Angela.  Whatev.  Bones keeps saying that Booth will find them, and Hodgins says that she has a lot of faith in Booth.  Bones objects and says it's not faith, faith is not reasonable, blah blah.  Hodgins kinda laughs at her.  "What you have is faith, baby."  Booth starts out very calm and in charge, doing everything he can to find Bones and Hodgins.  But as time and their air supply start running out, Booth starts to lose it.  He gets violent with the kidnap expert guy and threatens to kill him if Bones isn't found, and when he gets the text message, he starts yelling at the Squints to decipher it.  Zack starts to despair, and Booth insists that they can't give up because Bones and Hodgins wouldn't give up.  He seriously was starting to come apart at the seams.  Zack has a brainwave and solves the message, and they all go racing off to the spot.  Brennan and Hodgins are about to use the airbag explosives to try and blow their way out.  If they aren't buried very deep, they might be able to get out, but if they are, they will probably die.  It's a very emotional scene as Hodgins writes down his goodbyes on a piece of paper and asks Brennan if there's anyone she wants to say goodbye to.  She tearfully takes the paper and writes something on it.  I am dying to know what she wrote and to whom.  Dying!  Then Hodgins says it's been an honor to work with her, and they hug, and they're both crying.  Booth and everyone are standing over this huge quarry where they're buried, and it looks like an impossible task trying to find them.  Just them, Hodgins crosses the wires and there is a small explosion of dirt on the surface that Booth sees.  Booth literally RUNS down into the quarry, gets down on his hands and knees, and starts to dig with his bare hands!  EEEEEEE!  Angela, Zack, and Cam are close behind, also digging with their hands.  Booth uncovers Brennan's hand and pulls her out, and the others pull Hodgins out.  Angela cries and kisses Hodgins.  Booth and Brennan GRIN at each other, like they're so happy to see each other again, safe and sound, but they just don't have the words.  Too much squee.  Poor Hodgins is scared because they didn't catch the Grave Digger, and he can't sleep.  Angela says that he should come home with her.  I still don't like Angela/Hodgins that much, but it was very sweet.  Finally, we see Booth and Brennan (!) in church.  I guess he let her come with him after all.  He finishes praying and sits next to her on the pew.  Booth says he thanked God for saving all of them, the whole team, because without even one of them, they might not have found Bones and Hodgins.  And there is this most adorable moment where they look at each other, and Bones has tears in her eyes, and she says, "I knew you wouldn't give up."  He looks right back at her and says, "I knew you wouldn't give up."  AWWWWW.  No new Bones for two weeks! :(

    "The Woman in the Sand"
    4.08: Booth and Brennan go on a field trip of sorts to Las Vegas where two bodies, one a federal prosecutor and the other a female boxer who fought in illegal underground fights, are discovered buried in the desert.  This was a great episode, y'all.  There was lots of good banter between Booth and Brennan, and as they're investigating in Vegas, it involves being in casinos.  There was a very funny moment when Bones remembers that Booth had a gambling problem, and she blurts out, "You can't be in here!  You're a degenerate gambler!"  So funny.  Then she accidentally cheats at blackjack because she doesn't see why counting cards is cheating.  Hee!  To find who murdered the prosecutor and the woman boxer, they need to infiltrate the fighting ring, so they go in undercover as a couple!  Squee!  Bones mentions that she doesn't believe in marriage, so they pretend to be an "engaged to be engaged" couple.  Brennan trying to dress herself like a normal person was hilarious.  She comes out wearing this hideous, frumpy thing, and Booth makes her wear the dress he picked.  It's a damn good dress, too.  He's almost speechless at the sight of Brennan in a hot dress.  They're video chatting with the Squints about case evidence, and Booth zips up the back of Brennan's dress and says, "That's hot." And one of the Squints is all, what's hot?  Bones scrambles to cover.  So awesome.  Later, when they're in character and trying to get on the inside of the fight ring, they're hanging all over each other, and he even smacks her on the butt!  Booth mentions he used to box, and Brennan helps out by saying "my man's in great shape" in front of the guy they suspect is part of the ring.  Then Brennan smacks Booth's butt!  So much touching!!  Booth and Brennan get invited to one of the fights, and Booth runs into another agent undercover there.  They work it out so Booth and the agent will fight to try and suss out the killer, but plans get changed and Booth has to fight this enormous brute instead!  Bones bet on Booth to win, apparently.  Bones is worried, but during the fight while Booth is getting his ass kicked, she tells him where to hit so they guy will go down.  Booth wins!  And Bones hugs him even though he's all bloody with his own blood!  EEEEE!  They solve the murders, and Booth asks Brennan why she bet on him, and she gives him this big explanation about his odds and stuff.  She also says that she was on this winning streak (because of the all the gambling she got sucked into), and she figured that if she bet on him, he couldn't lose.  It was a very cute moment.  The episode was really funny, and all the touching!  The butt smacking and hugging and zipping of dresses...awesome.

    "The Girl With the Curl"
    4.07: The decomposed body of a young girl is found, and Bones and Booth investigate her murder.  She was only nine years old, but she was heavily involved in beauty pageants, and even wore a corset to bed and had capped her teeth.  They dig into her pageant history and the people she competed against and the parents and so on, and it comes out in the end that one of the other little girls killed her by accident and hid her body.  Brennan does a lot of commentary about how the pageants put the girls under a kind of "Darwinian" pressure that they are far too young to bear, and it's really sad, actually.  The girl who killed the other little girl didn't mean to kill her, but the pressure was so much that she wanted to win badly enough to hide something like that.  But there were a lot of cute moments in this episode.  At one point, Booth and Brennan go to a dance class to question some parents and the girls who competed against the dead girl.  They're sitting next to each other, waiting for the class to end so they can get some information, and one of the mothers leans over and says, "Which one is yours?"  Bones is all, "which, what, huh?"  They totally didn't know what the woman meant at first, hehe.  But when they realized she meant which child was theirs, they both kinda freak out and are like, "no, we don't, she's not, we're not--"  Booth actually gets up and sits farther away from Brennan.  So funny.  God forbid anyone should think that they would have a child together.  Too cute. :D  Later, at the end and after the case has been solved, they're alone and talking over the case.  Brennan doesn't understand why women would go to such lengths to alter their appearance, and she is dismayed to see this extreme desire for external beauty manifested in girls so young.  Booth says, "no, of course someone who looks likes you wouldn't understand."  And Bones is like, huh?  What do you mean?  "Well, you're..."  And it's obvious that Booth is trying to say that she's pretty.  But he just ends up saying, "you're...structured...very well."  And she replies that he is too.  SO CUTE.  Cam is watching from downstairs, and Booth originally told Brennan that he had something to do and he was going to go, but then he decides to stay and help her with paperwork.  And they order Thai food.  And Cam walks off, not necessarily upset.  Oh, and by the way, Hodgins and Angela go on a date, and they kiss, and it's a good date, blah blah blah, but Angela tells Hodgins she can't because she doesn't want it to end badly and ruin their friendship and the office dynamic.  Ellen isn't a fan of Angela/Hodgins, so that's fine with me.  But it was really funny when Angela asked Brennan for advice about whether to go out with Hodgins or not, and Cam accidentally gets involved in the conversation.  Very amusing.  Overall, a good episode, and some very cute moments for Booth/Brennan.

    "The Girl in Suite 2103"
    4.06: I stupidly didn't get this one on tape, so here is a full episode recap from :)

    "The Truth in the Lye"
    4.05: One word pretty much describes this episode for me: gross.  The victim's condition when Bones and Booth got to him was...icky.  I usually don't get really squeamish about stuff like this on TV, but this was pretty damn nauseating.  Anyhoo, Booth sleeps with his ex, Rebecca, the mother of his kid.  Okay, whatev.  Apparently, they accidentally sleep together sometimes.  However, Brennan calls Booth's phone while he's in the bathroom, so Rebecca answers it.  Brennan immediately knows what has happened, and she tells Booth so later at work.  He's all defensive and embarrassed, and Brennan is all "sex is biological, it's natural, nothing to be ashamed of, animal needs, blah blah blah" in her typical clinical scientist way.  They act all weird about it the entire episode.  Angela totally noticed that something was up between them.  Eventually, Booth explains more about his complicated relationship with Rebecca, and there is this kind of awkward exchange between Brennan and Rebecca about why she didn't marry him when he asked her a long time ago.  Brennan thinks that Booth is a good candidate for marriage ("Alpha male, strong, good protective instincts")!  HEE.  Too funny.  Booth and Rebecca finally end it for real.  The best scene in the whole thing is toward the end when Booth explains to Bones that sex isn't just sex with some people.  Like there's some people he can't "just" have sex with.  And they're looking right at each other while they're talking about this.  As in, there are certain people, that if Booth were to have sex with one of them, it would mean more than just a physical, biological release.  I wonder who he might be subconsciously referring to...?  And right on the heels of that little squee was the biggest gag moment: Booth and Cam sleep together.  Yeah, I totally knew it was coming.  Doesn't mean I have to like it.  Ick.  And I actually like Cam.  I suppose I just hoped that she and Booth wouldn't get this personal until later.  Too bad for me.

    "The Blonde in the Game"
    4.04: Well, nothing Earth-shattering, but there were some very nice moments.  Bones and Booth are trying to solve murders that a serial killer on death row knows about and may be involved with.  He is really creepy, and he totally has a thing for Bones.  They end up searching for his accomplice on the outside, and Booth has to sort of support Brennan because she's a little emotional about the whole thing.  He also laughs at her wanting a pet pig named Jasper.  That's one thing that I really love about this show and the characters, especially Booth and Brennan.  They have such excellent banter.  Bones reaches over to turn on the siren in Booth's car, and he smacks her hand and tells her not to touch!  HA.  Anyway, in the end, Bones has to shoot the bad guy so he doesn't smash Booth's head in.  She's pretty unsettled about having killed a fellow human being, and there is this really nice scene in which Booth talks to her about the cost that inevitably comes with killing someone, even when it's the right thing to do.  To cheer her up, he produces a small model of a pig that he has named Jasper!  So cute.  And while he's holding this little pig out to her, their heads are pretty close and the eye contact shall I say this?  Squee-worthy. :D  All in all, a good episode with good interaction.  I enjoyed it. :)

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