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Where Roses grow free
Where the grass is the softest
Where the wind blows gently over your skin
Where the sun carresses you in a loving way
Where the birds sing what's in your heart
Where the meandering brook softly babbles
to you a love yet to be
That's where we will go my love....

written by my husband to me:)
I'm so blessed.

Please visit his website

September 11th, 2001.."The Eagle"

When I was young.....

Hello Mom

My own Art Studio

My daughters Art Studio

Sisters of the Golden Moon


Please visit this page my youngest
daughter made for me

Please see this page, "In the Eyes of a Child"
Exceptional Poetry by

Francine Pucillo and beautiful graphics......


Our recent trip to Alaska

Please visit this amazing friend of mine
She has a very informative site, and tells her story of her
life after Retinitus Pigmentosa....

You   must visit my Dog page. ;)
We have two Yorkies & one Blue Healer....they are
now "our kids" or "Our girls"...


Sisters of the Golden Moon


My Star of the Month Pages
I was very honored to be chosen Star of the Month
for August............Wisdom Constellation
Sisters of the Golden Moon

My Star of the Month Page
I was also chosen Star of the Month for July
Sisters of the Golden Moon. A big honor for me

This SGM site
is owned by Patches

Powered by RingSurf

Read my thoughts on Racism & Prejudice

A page for my friend Sheila who
passed away from Cancer


Two families together
  All about Kids

My Great Aunt Fannie
Worlds Champion Bucking Horse Rider

Friends Gifts

A  tribute to the
Native American Indian


If you have a family member or friend with Fibromyalgia
Please visit this page, my personal story and links

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above is to the second page Site Map


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