Nip/Tuck Episode Observations


(Additions to previous episodes since last update appear in ‘red’)




“Antonia Ramos  (Episode #12)


Alright – sing along with me……”lets do the time warp again!”  By the looks of Gina’s tummy, six months have passed since last week’s ep.  Now, that would be believable, but it screws up the storyline of Henry on the verge of telling Cara that he and Matt ran her over last week.  Maybe Matt was able to shut Henry up for 6 months.  Also, have Julia and Sean living like this for 6 months without any counseling?  Wouldn’t Matt’s prom have come and gone by now?.  And….wouldn’t Suzanne have lost a little bit of weight doing 6 months worth of pilates?  Moreso, wouldn’t Liz have lost more weight on her Atkins diet?  And….it took Christian 6 months to finally find out where Gina lived AND her last name? I think the writers made a big timeline boo-boo.  Other than Gina’s expanded girth, the only other thing that made sense about the time gap was Sophia Lopez’ longer hairstyle.  That, and Julia and Sean grew spines! Oh man, I could go on with this one, but I’ll stop!


Speaking of Liz, Christian told Escobar that she was throwing up her McGriddle.  Tsk, tsk, Liz.  Those carbs are a no-no on Atkins!  Okay…nitpicking a bit!


I’m amazed at how easy it was for Sean to storm into Escobar’s house undeterred.  I would think that a merciless drug lord would have a barbed wire gate and big burly security guys with AK-47’s to shoot anyone intruders on site.  I guess Escobar is more concerned about someone poisoning his food than he is about someone walking in on him when he’s screwing his girlfriend.


Julia....shame on you for not locking YOUR front door!  You never know when a bald, tattooed heroine dealer will be strolling the neighborhood!


The scene where Christian comes up behind Gina and rips a cigarette out of her hand, Gina says that he should have put her on Wellbutrin.  I don’t know how many of you noticed this, but that was a shameless plug, since Wellbutrin was one of the sponsors last night.


What was that that Escobar was eating in the diner?  A Fruity-Tooty?  Ice cream?  If that’s the case, what was he doing using a knife?


Annie looked a little too calm after having a big, bad, bald, tattooed man sneak into her house.  Shouldn’t she have been wimpering or something?  I know I would’ve!   I mean, she’s only eight!


Don’t you think that Gina’s pushing Christian around a little too much with all her demands?  That man needs to put his foot down.  Four G’s for a Burberry stroller?  Bite me!


Oh, and the pilates instructor who refused to teach the class because of a bogus ‘class limit’?  Sophia – I see a discrimination lawsuit on your horizon honeybun.






“Montana/Sassy/Justice” (Episode #11)



Did I miss something here?  Last week, Sean walked out in his recertification test.  How is it that he can operate on Montana?


Okay – a woman that Christian slept with once who’s a recovering Sex-A-Holic informs him that she’s pregnant with his child and he doesn’t so much as demand a paternity test???


If Christian was able to get a copy of the parking lot security video showing his and Gina’s confrontation, then why didn’t he get a copy of the tape to show who vandalized his car?


Sean did a bang-up job turning Cara from a plain Jane to a pretty girl.  However, I had no idea that restructuring broken facial bones cleared up acne.



“Adelle Coffin  (Episode #10)


We open up to find Christian reattaching the fingers of a plumber who’s hand was caught in a garbage disposal.  Is it me or were those fingers severed too cleanly?  I would think that a garbage disposal would’ve mangled them like a food processer.


Also….I thought it a little careless of Liz to leave the sterile environment of the operating room to go outside and get Sean then come back inside.  Should she have changed scrubs or something?


I don’t know about other police blotters around the country, but in my state, the height and weight of unidentified victims are never printed in the newspapers.


I know that Megan took a lot of pills, but I didn’t think they kicked in that quick before she was almost out if it enough before putting the bag over her head.


Mrs. Grubman certainly has had a lot of plastic surgery done since the series began (eye lift, tummy tuck, neck lift, bottom lipo and not her ‘rejuvention’ down under.  Now, I’m not in the medical field, and I know her surgeries are free, but isn’t there a limit as to the number of times a person should be allowed to go under anesthesia per year?


Okay…..we never found out if Sean went back and finished the test or not.


When Sean confesses his affair with Megan to Julia, Julia walks over to him and sits across from him – very closesly.  When he goes to reach for her, she tells him not to touch her.  If she were so disgusted by her cheating hubby, she should’ve stayed on the other side of the room.





“Sophia Lopez, II  (Episode #9)




This is the first episode where the show’s catchphrase, “tell me what you don’t like about yourselfwas not asked.


Before Kimber opens her robe to show Christian his initials waxed into her pubic area, she turns around twice to see if there’s anyone behind her to make sure no one would see.  Now, I really know she’s dumb.  People behind her wouldn’t see her front now, would they?  She should’ve been looking past Christian to see if anyone was behind him who would’ve gotten a view of her.


Merrill says that his and Kimber’s DNA would assure a blonde Jewish baby.  I think he should take another look at her dark roots.  She’s not a natural blonde.


I’m really surprised to see Julia and Suzanne speaking to each other, especially after Suzanne blabbed to all the mothers in Annie’s carpool about Julia flushing the gerbil and getting her ostracized.  Did they kiss and makeup at some point?


At dinner with Merrill, Kimber has on a black dress with very skinny straps, making it impossible to conceal a bra – even a black one.  The following morning, we see her waking up in Merrill’s bed dressed in cotton candy pink bra and panties and, when she puts the dress back on, its obvious that it doesn’t cover up the bra.  I don’t think she had that bra on – or any bra on for that matter – during dinner or the pink would’ve been exposed.


How come Jude didn’t drop the fake accent as soon as Julia told him that she found him out?  He kept up with it until she told him to tell her what he really was.


Jude tried to make a logical point, but he failed.  He tried to jusify faking his accent as a harmless way for people to perceive him differently.  He backed it up by accusing Julia of doing the same thing – going to medical school so people can perceive her differently.  However, Julia isn’t pretending to go to medical school.  If she weren’t, and told people she was to impress them, then that would be the  same as Jude faking an accent.


Does Christian own any other color skivvies?  I think those black briefs are the same ones he had on in the pilot when Escobar was injecting him with botox and in Nanette Babcock when he stripped for Mrs. Grubman.


Now, Christian was going to assist Sean in Sophia’s surgery before Sophia changed her mind.  When Sophia finally does get the surgery, its shown as being the day after Kimber left Christian chained to his bed.  Wasn’t Sean wondering where Christian was by then?


Okay, I’m going out on a limb here.  In the preview for this episode, towards the end, we see a woman (who looks to be Julia’s teacher, Iris) getting it from behind over a desk.  That scene was not included in the episode, but I’m wondering if its from a future one.  Now, they didn’t show the guy, but what makes me think that its Jude diddling the teacher??  After all, didn’t he need a year long internship as a prerequisite for his residency, which is why he asked Julia to ask Sean to hire him?  Now that he’s fired, I’m wondering if he’s trying to get credit the old fashioned way!



“Cara Fitzgerald” (Episode #8)


Okay, so smoking pot may not be considered one of the laborous activities that Jews must abstain from on the Shabbat, but I’m sure the Torah has to say something about ‘the body being a temple’, since Henry is so steadfast about following the rules.


Regarding abstaining from laborous activities, Matt questions Henry if he’s allowed to have sex during Shabbat.  Since Matt’s been so sexually experienced lately, he should know by now that the man doesn’t have to do the ‘plowing’.  Ahem – woman on top!


I’m surprised that the force of Cara hitting the car didn’t even crack the windshield, nor put a dent in the front of the car.


Sean tells Cara’s mother that Cara will go blind in 48 hours if she doesn’t have the surgery.  When Cara’s mom says no, Sean threats to petition the court for medical custody.  I’m not sure how fast the courts work in situations such as these, but those courts sure gave him custody quickly!


When Christian finds out about Father Shannon’s molestation charge, he says to Sean “we shaved incriminating evidence off a child molestor’s penis”.  Actually, the birth mark was removed from his scrotum.


Okay, so Matt thought he hit a bird instead of a person.  However, he later says to Henry, “We didn’t know!  We thought it was a manatee  According to the dictionary, a manatee is a large, plant eating, aquatic mammal who lives in tropical waters.  Doesn’t sound like a bird to me.  How would Matt have been able to hit one of those….on land?


Wasn’t Matt just a little concerned that Cara’s mom might say something about him being in the prayer group in front of Sean?  That would’ve blown his cover for sure!


I guess Rosa, the maid from the pilot, who’s job was to cook and clean is now gone for good, else Julia would’t be demeaning herself to make French toast.


Now, I don’t know how close Father Shannon’s parish is to Sean and Christian’s practice, but man, I would think that if he wanted some incriminating evidence removed from his body, that he would’ve went to another state to have the procedure done, instead of having it done by two local guys who would’ve chanced seeing him on television, like Christian did.


Was it really any of Grace’s business that Sean might be having an affair with Megan?  Her job is to screen patients, not the doctors themselves.  And, I can’t believe that she went to Christian about it so easily, considering what had transpired between them.




“Cliff Mantegna” (Episode #7)



For someone that works out six times a week, jogs, swims and follows The Zone, I would’ve thought that Cliff would’ve been more buff than he was.


Did anyone catch the significance of using food to get what you want?  Jude fed Julia a tasty little entrée before asking her to ask Sean about hiring him as an intern.  In turn, Julia used the same tactic on Sean, bringing him his favorite rueben sandwich before asking him to hire Jude.


Was anyone else reminded of when Christian called Sean ‘uptight’ in “Sophia Lopez” when Jude called Julia the same thing??


Now, this ‘scene’ requires a full length picture ahead of time before being granted membership.  So, how could Julia have ‘just stopped by’ as Jude asked her to?


When Matt asks Sean if Julia’s coming home for dinner, Sean replies that she’s studying with Jude.  However, Julia’s school books are on the counter (where Sean just found Jude’s half naked picture stuck inside). 


Also, if Julia was studying with Jude and Sean wanted Matt to go out to dinner with him, where the heck was Annie or who was going to watch her with no one home?  Even if she isn’t written into the episode, her presence should be implied.


Significance Moment #2 – Sean says to Megan, “who says you can’t have me”, however, Julia says to Christian, “you can’t have me”.  Hmmm.




“Megan O’Hara” (Episode #6)



Christian and Grace has unexpected sex in the breakroom.  Does Christian carry a built-in condom dispenser with him for moments like this?


Julia and Sean are about to have sex when Sean asks her if her ‘thing’ is in (I’m guessing he’s referring to her diaphram).  She doesn’t, but she insists that she’s fine because she just finished her period.  How could she have had her period when she just suffered a miscarriage the week before?


Christian meets up with Kimber, whom we first met in the pilot episode.  However, Kimber now looks very tanned, even though in the pilot Christian knew she was lying about her age (Kimber said she was 21, Christian told her she was 26) and told her that she should’ve used sunscreen.  I hope that’s a Mystique tan she has!


We find out that Ridley’s allergic to latex, yet no mention is made of the condoms that Matt bought being latex-free.


At the start of the threesome, Ridley and Vanessa are in their cheerleader uniforms.  Its obviously afternoon, after school.  When I was a cheerleader in high school, we wore our uniforms to school on the day of a game.  If there’s a game, why are they at Matt’s house for the threesome?


Okay, it took me long enough, but I’m sure everyone else noticed the can of spray paint that Kimber took out of her drawer before Christian showed up at her place with flowers.



“Kurt Dempsey  (Episode #5)


In the opening, we see Christian with his friends Victor and Serge.  Where did these guys come from?  Who’s this Suzanne that Victor is engaged to?  It can’t be the Suzanne whom Julia was making gift baskets with in “Mandi/Randy” for she just got divorced. 


Was I the only one who wanted a better closeup view of Kurt’s post-op eye job?


When the show the flashback of David breaking Ellie’s nose with a hammer, I would’ve thought that the force he used would’ve completely pulverized her nose instead of merely breaking it. 


In ‘Mandi/Randy’, we discover that Christian doesn’t drink coffee (as he reminds Julia when he went to visit her)  In this episode, he snips at Grace for finishing the coffee and not making more.




“Sophia Lopez” (Episode #4)


When Sophia comes to Sean to have the scar on his (her) throat repaired, we’re never really told what the scar resulted from – we’re only told that it was a “trachael shave”.   I’m assuming that it was remove his (her) adams apple, in order to make his (her) neck more feminine looking.


Who thinks that the picture of Sophia Lopez’ son, Raymond, was actually a picture of the actor who portrayed him (her) when he was a boy?  The resemblance was absolutely uncanny!


At the porn party, which was a 25th anniversation celebration, everyone was either dressed in silver or white or a combination of both (even Matt!)  However, Christian was the only one dressed in all black.


Matt’s sitting on his bed reading his mother’s medical book when Julia appears out of nowhere and snatches it away from him.  I would think that Matt would’ve had his door closed, so how is it that Julia appeared without so much as a sound?


How come, during Matt’s blood test, everyone was talking as if Matt had sex (intercourse) with that fluffer when, judging from her expertise, it was pretty safe to assume that she gave him oral sex?



“Nanette Babcock  (Episode #3)



After inspecting Matt’s botched self-circumcision, Sean tells him that he’ll take him to the office to give him a proper one, on the condition that, from now on, Matt start communicating with him first about changes that he wants in his body before trying self-mutilation..  Uh…I believe the poor kid already did that when he practically begged his father on hands and knees to give him a circumcision in the pilot!


Before performing Matt’s circumcision, Christian’s mad at Sean for not telling him about firing Dr. Pendleton, the former psychologist.  Christian starts off by saying “kiss my tanned, waxed ass, Sean!”, however, in “Mandi/Rand”, Christian advises Matt that girls don’t’ care if you have a hairy ass.  Guess Christian cares!


At the end, we find out that Julia went to just about every pet store in Miami to replace Frisky, her daughter Annie’s gerbil that Julia flushed down the toilet in the Pilot episode.  However, Sean tells Julia that Annie is wondering “Why Frisky #1 is dry humping Frisky #2”.  I thought she just replaced Frisky.  It wasn’t mentioned that she actually bought two gerbils.



“Mandi/Randi” (Episode #2)



In the opening episode, Christian comes into the OR while Sean’s repairing damaged breast implants to remind him that he has to sit in with him on consults who are ‘returning patients’, who turn out to be Mandi & Randi. Now…I’ve since taped over this episode, but I believe that’s what he said.  Nothing is ever mentioned about them previously coming to see the doctors.


After Vanessa takes a peek at Matt’s uncircumcised penis, she asks him if he’s part Arab.  According to tradition, just about all Muslim men are circumcised, so this was just ignorance on the part of the writer.


While scrubbing up with Christian, Sean tells him about moving out and saying “I never thought I’d turn into my asshole father  However, nothing was ever expounded upon Sean’s relationship with his father in the remainder of the episode so it remained an open door.


When the plumber pulls a dead, wet Frisky from the toilet, Julia tries to justify that the animal climbed up and fell in.  However, the plumber said that was impossible, since the porcelain offers no traction for their claws.  If that’s so, then how did the gerbil climb up and get into a cereal box in the pilot episode?


Also, the plumber thinks that Matt flushed Frisky, remind Julia “that’s how Ted Bundy got started.  Torturing small animals”.   I believe it was Jeffrey Dahmer who used to torture animals.  I watched a documentary on Ted Bundy and no mention was made of this behavior when he was a child.


Am I the only one who wondered how Christian got a 16 year old into a strip club?  I don’t care how much pull you have, no club would’ve let him in.


This episode takes place six weeks after the pilot, as stated in the opening. In the pilot, Christian gives Julia an impromptu breast exam to see if she needs implants.  In this episode,  Christian visits Julia and apologizes for the inappropriateness of the exam he gave her “the other day”.  I think that six weeks ago is a lot longer than ‘the other day’.


For his self-circumcision, Matt asks Julia if they have any cuticle scissors, but he certainly seemed to know where the sharpener was.



“Pilot  (Episode #1)


Julia enters the bathroom while Sean is shaving and looking very lovey/dovey, considering that she had ‘bored out of my mind’ sex with him the night before. 


Julia freaks out on Matt when he complains about having to clean the pool (after Sean fired the pool man).  She screams “Do I have to do everything around here?”  I’m wondering what she means by everything, considering that she has a maid and a landscaper and, according to her husband, she spends her days shopping, lunching with friends and getting pampered at the spa.  Seems like she doesn’t do that much around the house.